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Pisces Ascendants

Pisces Rising Aries
Pisces Rising Taurus
Pisces Gemini Ascendant
Pisces Cancer Ascendant
Pisces Leo Ascendant
Pisces Virgo Rising
Pisces Libra Ascendant
Pisces Scorpio Ascendant
Pisces Sagittarius Rising
Pisces Capricorn Rising
Pisces Aquarius Rising
Pisces Pisces Ascendant

Pisces Rising Aries

It seems that you are a much more lively, determined, ambitious and self-confident person than the ordinary Pisces. Nevertheless, your sunny sign favors the manifestation in you of such a property as secrecy. So while you may be capable of success, your activities are unlikely to take place in public.

You have a shyness that doesn't allow you to have fun when too much attention is on you. But this doesn't apply to your personal life, where you bask in the limelight and are rarely completely satisfied with the love you receive from those close to you. But you do not forget that in love you must not only receive, but also give, and therefore you are able to show a lot of love and attention.

It is very difficult for you to hold back when you are nervous, and although you change your mind often, you hold firmly to them during the period when they dominate your mind. Disordered feelings lead to emotional outbursts, which, however, pass quickly without a trace.

Probably, you are the only child in the family. In your turbulent youth, you experienced major problems related to your parents. You were able to leave home and be left without money. Parents do not favor you, and family ties are somewhat strained.

The dark side of the sign

In you, there is nothing particularly terrible for others, since you mainly harm yourself. You can be compared to a young puppy who jumps recklessly and plays with others, without thinking about the need to behave more modestly. With your defenselessness, you get yourself into a lot of trouble with this behavior, but you continue to behave in the same spirit and you get yourself into trouble again. If you are offended too often in life, over time you master the ability to hide your feelings and find oblivion in wine or drugs. You don't seem to be able to understand that all you need is to exercise a little more restraint, at least until you are sure that your tender heart won't be broken. But you are completely at the mercy of your emotions, and if you have intelligence, you usually ignore it.


You're spoiled for choice, and you could work behind the scenes in fields such as scientific research, mineralogy, poetry or ballet. You are a pioneer, and you may be attracted to intellectual activity, civil or military service. Whatever path you choose in life, thanks to your confidence and enthusiasm, you will achieve fame everywhere and you will travel widely. You are also attracted to fields of activity such as jurisprudence, exploration and mining. True, you will undoubtedly succeed, but you can just as easily lose everything you have achieved, so when you make a career, you must be convinced that every step you take is thoughtful and calculated.


Impulsive and impatient, you like running more than walking. This puts you at risk of injury, especially to your hands, eyes and feet. Other possible problems are colic, inflammatory diseases of internal organs and migraine. The cause of the latter may be an allergy, and you will act wisely if you establish the source.


You have an irresistible need for love. Some secrets and problems must inevitably exist in your life, due to the fact that you give too little love, but too many people. You need much more risk and excitement than your wife, although you sometimes combine the two. You are inclined to early love and, eventually, marry under the influence of haste, later regretting your recklessness. You are likely to derive considerable material benefit from marriage. By itself, this combination of signs does not promise the person many children, there may not be any, so you should discuss this issue with your future spouse. Frequent travel will cause complications. You can be sure that this side of life can be anything but simple.

Pisces Rising Taurus

You seem very reliable, practical and down to earth. However, beneath the mask of stiffness and determination lies a real panther. Fortunately, this animal is quite capable of defending itself, because you are not ready to show everyone the more sensitive and vulnerable side of your character, and who can blame you for that? You are always ready to defend the weak, and nothing can make you more angry than strength taking advantage of weakness. Your anger is terrible. Fortunately, those close to you can easily reassure you, and you are often troubled by the fact that you have lost control.

Although you are ambitious, you often struggle to determine exactly where you can best apply your talents. But once this problem is solved, you cannot be forced out of the way. You may have unexpected luck, and you will also benefit from someone's dedication and help from your friends. You have a good background, especially from your father. He may be a person who has weight in his field of activity. But loved ones can be the cause of trouble, especially brothers and sisters. You will live to a ripe old age, despite the difficulties.

The side obscure of the sign

Although you need friends, you persist in imposing your opinions and behavior on others and, naturally, they are outraged. You think you're giving them advice, and they, in turn, think you're a bully who sticks his nose in their business. It is difficult for you to understand why there are so many fools in the world who refuse to listen to you. And the truth is, you can't stand having your ideas or opinions challenged in any way. Of course, your loved ones are under your control and showing clear signs of a nervous breakdown. When your children grow up and have the same stability of opinions and points of view, they will be able to challenge you openly.


You are attracted to working in small businesses, as well as everything related to land, gardening, nature and music. You are a meticulous worker and are particularly attentive to details. In your youth, your situation is not stable, but later your affairs will go well thanks to successful acquaintances, art, literature, science or other occupation. You will achieve some well-being, although you may suffer some losses due to legal action, unemployment or love after marriage. You know how to appreciate all the benefits of life and, undoubtedly, you will have a certain interest in nutrition and hygiene.


You know how you like to eat, and you have a particular weakness for desserts. So it's no wonder you're prone to gaining weight, which can be detrimental to your health. The organs that need special attention are the kidneys, liver and ovaries. You may also have a tendency to diabetes. The most annoying thing is when you have a sore throat, and when the weather is bad or you are in a state of tension, you easily get sick with a sore throat or catch a cold. Consider these problems a warning that you need to change your lifestyle.


You are picky and old-fashioned romantic. You also have a great need to feel protected and subconsciously look for a person to whom you could cuddle until the evening, feeling safe within the walls of your own home. You are to some extent proprietary and prone to jealousy, which can cause problems from time to time. This is not the most successful side of your life, and to arrange it correctly, you need to work hard, because your marriage can be threatened by people with ill intentions, who are always ready to intervene and interfere with your happiness.

Your spouse will likely be a quiet person, prone to seclusion and preferring to stay at home while you are away and busy with your own affairs. Your children will require special attention before their birth, then during the first two years of their life, especially if the eldest is a boy. But in general, they will be a source of satisfaction and happiness for you and will succeed in higher studies and in art.

Pisces Gemini Ascendant

You are original, charming and you literally emit energy. Few people can resist your eloquence, and you usually manage to easily turn everyone around your finger. But you're too decent to enjoy it, at least for yourself. In your profession, you know how to quickly take advantage of opportunities that present themselves, although your sense of justice requires you to play an honest game. In addition, you are tireless and you adapt very quickly, like a chameleon, to the environment.

No one can surpass you in intellectual discussions, because you are very intelligent and do not hide behind words. Most of your problems are caused by indecision, too much focus on one subject, or the urge to work too much. You don't realize that you have enough energy to sacrifice some of it for fun. Make sure you maintain a balance between the priorities in your life.

In your family there are some secrets and problems, although family members usually occupy a high position in society and are well-off. If you have a brother, he will succeed in life. The reasons for family quarrels are many, and you cannot always agree with your father. However, it is you who is the cause of your failures.

The side obscure of the sign

It is difficult for you to distinguish between reality and imagination, but you do not try to do so. You are proud of your talent for clearly formulating thoughts and do not hesitate to use it to achieve your goals. The only thing that saves you and that you don't know at all is that your motivations are always superficial and that you can only deceive the one who is willing to succumb to your tricks. You use your attractiveness to satisfy your ambitions. You don't bat your eyelashes at the boss's wife. You are not completely immoral, but an immoral adventurer. You'll probably be shocked if someone accuses you of being ruthless, because you don't consider yourself that way. But if you can fool anyone, then only yourself.


You might succeed in commerce, as a civil servant, or as a writer. You have very broad interests, so any career is possible. You are inventive and lucky, you love literature, science and art. You understand legal issues and business, you know how to negotiate. From a financial perspective, your life is full of ups and downs. You will probably achieve a good life and have two professions at the same time. Try to focus your energy, because you tend to be too scattered.


Monotony can literally dissipate your energy, and you need constant stimulation. You desperately need changes, and you get them by any means, even if it's just changing your usual route, by which you bypass the stores. Vulnerable areas that need special attention are gallbladder diseases, nerve problems and lung diseases, especially if you have dark hair. Try not to get cold while traveling.


You don't fall in love easily, and you need a situation in which you can feel free enough. Although you don't prefer a particular character type, you need someone you could respect. In fact, you are looking for someone who surpasses you intellectually, because you are always ready to learn new things to broaden your horizons. Your luck in life depends on the representatives of the opposite sex. Your love hobbies are associated with many secrets and intrigues, from which the child may suffer. A person born under this combination of signs is inclined to marry more than once, and you can have two novels at the same time. One of the links will be abroad or with a foreigner. You won't have many children, they will be happy in life and successful in the field of fine arts. As for this side of life, you won't get bored.

Pisces Cancer Ascendant

The person born under this combination of signs is distinguished by impressionability, romanticism and sensitivity. You are also incredibly restless, your moods and opinions constantly fluctuating, like ocean waves. It is not surprising that you spend a lot of time abroad, perhaps on business matters, or that you emigrate, or that you marry a foreigner. You are constantly on the move and always striving to learn something new. Additionally, once you have studied an object, the knowledge stays in your head forever, because you have an extremely tenacious memory.

You have a truly brilliant memory, and you can sometimes indulge in sentimental memories. The hesitation inherent in Pisces is unique to you, but to a very small extent. You will struggle for weeks to solve any problem, but once you find its solution, you hold on to it tenaciously and rarely change your mind. Your life will be full of changes, and you will achieve some fame or power. Additionally, you have quite a quick temper and can be harsh. You become friends with another family, perhaps through marriage or simply on the basis of friendship. Until thirty-five years old, your situation in life will be quite unstable, but later stability will come.

The side obscure of the sign

You are hypersensitive and you go from one extreme to the other. You use any excuse to start wringing your hands, throwing hysterics, and making wild accusations because you prefer to live at high emotional intensity. This can be dangerous because when you scream and cry for no reason, you tend to resort to artificial stimulants, such as drugs. In love, you cannot be demanding, and no amount of attention given to you can be enough for you. You tend to use your lovers, extract from them everything they can do, and then mercilessly throw them out of their lives. You are quite sensitive, but more in relation to your feelings than in relation to the feelings of others. Hopefully one day you'll meet someone who is right for you and who will treat you the way you treat others, then you'll understand what it's like.


You could become a good teacher, a traveler, an artist or a philosopher. You will enjoy working with animals. You are very good at processing old materials and presenting them as new. Possessing a remarkable capacity for negotiation, you could succeed in the field of any social movement. You are attracted to the possibility of achieving wealth and position. You will experience difficulties with money, your problems will also be related to parents, speculation, children and your love life. Despite the losses, in middle age you will begin to flourish and ultimately achieve success.


You like to eat a lot, and the more caloric and exotic your food, the better. You don't worry about your poor stomach at all, and the more you restrict yourself, the healthier you will be. You may be troubled by chest pains, perhaps from hypothermia, and in old age you are at risk of sciatica and rheumatism. There is also the possibility of injuries from falls and while traveling. You can live to a very old age, but this will depend on your ability to cope with your appetite.


When your emotional life is affected, you go into hibernation, you are slowed down and incoherent. Your dearest desire is to have a partner with whom you can maintain the closest and most trusting relationship. You need to feel safe, which requires you to commit. When you are alone, you feel unhappy, knowing that your life is incomplete. No matter how many times you have been hurt and disappointed, your need for love constantly compels you to form new relationships. But here again, happiness can turn out to be ghostly. Children will cause problems in life, although the eldest will achieve great success in medicine, chemistry or military affairs. Later, your children will be the best support for you. Perhaps you will create a second family after the divorce.

Pisces Leo Ascendant

This is a wonderful combination of signs that gives warmth and sincerity to your feelings. You empathize with the suffering of others and have the talent to take concrete action. You are also kind-hearted, enterprising and energetic, although a little gullible, vulnerable and overly impressionable.

You are accused of loving money, and while there is some truth to this statement, you are undoubtedly good at everything related to obtaining it. But it almost seems like you can't wait to get rid of it, because the money is slipping through your fingers with frightening speed. Although you don't mind.

Money is just a way for you to please yourself, because few people know how to have fun with as much enthusiasm as you. Honestly, you don't hesitate to spend money to help or please others. You have a quick temper, but you are quick-witted and rarely worry about taking revenge. Your father has a great influence on your situation in life. It can become a constant source of trouble for you.

The side obscure of the sign

You are an incorrigible, but a talented spender. You could be a millionaire or a salesman, but you never carry cash with you, and you're always in debt. In addition to spending on entertainment, you can spend money on gambling because you are also an avid gamer. It seems like you despise things and can't wait to get rid of them. You remain perfectly calm when you turn off the electricity, and when the bailiff knocks on your door, you are only amused. This is all fine if you only have to take care of yourself, but if you have loved ones, you are putting them through unnecessary suffering. Only when the atmosphere in the house warms up do you try to do something, but, as a rule, it is already too late, and disaster is inevitable.


You could succeed in big companies, in banking or in entertainment. You will succeed thanks to your talents, although you have a wide range of useful knowledge. You are attracted to the sphere of fine arts and public service, you also have a flair for good poetry. Everything you do, you try to do well, small-time work - it's not for you. Whatever you do, you will have to travel a lot. You can get by trading in consumer goods, like food and clothing.


Your natural impatience and positive lifestyle will not allow the disease to interfere with your life for long. You simply do not pay attention to illness, which is why you rarely get sick. But you also have vulnerabilities that need special attention - these are the heart, back and circulatory system. You are also prone to rheumatism. If you get more exposure to the sun and get more rest, you will maintain good health throughout your life.


When you finally understand what love is, marriage can be a happy combination of minds and hearts for you. But when you marry under the influence of an impulse, simply because you are single and seeking physical satisfaction rather than spiritual satisfaction, it may be a wrong move. You need to mature for marriage and figure out exactly what you want from it. It is likely that you will marry twice and have children by both partners. Some problems will be related to the oldest child, and he will need special care. You can have twins, especially if your spouse is Aquarius. When your children grow up, disagreements will arise between them, but don't you think that they never got along?

Pisces Virgo Rising

Your appearance as a conscientious, responsible and practical person often keeps strangers away from you. Your family understands that you are actually much gentler than you appear. Undoubtedly, you are prone to criticism, but at the same time try to be as honest as possible and benefit from your comments and suggestions. The coldness you exude is only the shell behind which you hope to hide your sensitivity. You are a great friend and loving spouse, but you can be harsh in your relationships with others.

Small problems make you panic, but when faced with real difficulties, you remain steadfast and cold. It follows, with obvious clarity, that you must avoid pettiness, otherwise it can ruin your beautiful character. You are modest, courteous and eloquent in company, although people consider you a difficult person to know to the end. They don't understand that before you show your true self, you want to make sure that people like you and trust you.

Your life got off to a rough start. The father may marry twice or have an illegal affair in secret from the family. Neighbors generally don't treat you very well. There is no real attachment between you and your family members.

The side obscure of the sign

You - a constant headache for others, restless, nervous and incoherent in thoughts and actions of the hypochondriac. Close people try to understand you and always find excuses for your behavior. You find secret satisfaction in hiding your true colors and not showing your best qualities. You are selfish and only care about your own needs and well-being. You are not able to overcome obstacles and courageously endure frustrations and prefer to pretend to be ill, letting friends or relatives solve problems.

You are a useless parent, mainly because you are still a child. But there will come a time (probably around the age of forty) when the need to get up becomes urgent. Destiny itself can intervene, and you will grow overnight when someone close to you falls ill, or death strikes someone, or when you are faced with a serious problem. For you to change, a tragedy must occur, but then it will be too late to change.


You can achieve great success in professional partnerships as a manager, lawyer, agent or in a profession related to medicine. You are attracted to life in nature, perhaps you are interested in gardening, market gardening or agriculture.

You will be a relatively wealthy person and will achieve prosperity through hard work. In your youth you may lose everything you have acquired, but the following years will be more fruitful. Despite a series of difficulties, you will achieve a good position, although, probably, many times you will change professions and travel often.


Your physical condition is largely due to your mental state. If you can overcome your tendency to worry, your health problems should disappear. You must learn to distance yourself from the situation; try doing yoga, it could bring you many benefits. Areas that require special care are the intestine and blood. You are also prone to eczema and allergies and it may be caused by wheat.


More than anything in the world, you don't like being cheated on and trying to tie your hands and feet in marriage or romantic relationships. Therefore, trust in marriage is of vital importance to you. You are a loving, loyal and devoted partner, and therefore you believe that in a marriage, spouses should at least have mutual trust. It is not surprising that in love you expect disappointments. Perhaps you will marry twice or have a love affair hidden from your partner. Your life as a couple is undoubtedly full of difficulties, and there may be a mystery or problem related to your spouse. Your first child may be characterized by poor health, and will need particularly attentive care. You will have several children who will be difficult to raise, and they will not marry early. You risk experiencing someone's constant hatred, combined with a love affair that could harm the child's interests.

Pisces Libra Ascendant

A person born under this combination of signs refers to others with affection and attention. In general, there is nothing stopping you from expressing your feelings directly and frankly. You are merciful, honest and happy to help people. But they must express their needs clearly and clearly, because one of your biggest faults is the tendency to avoid decisions whenever possible. The artistic side of your nature urgently needs to express itself positively.

You are subtle and kind and very sensitive to your surroundings. Your home should be comfortable, well furnished, and filled with artwork that suits your tastes. You like entertainment, but not at the expense of others. Your energy is unstable, so it cannot be said that you go through life with unchanged success. You can work all day and then suddenly become completely listless and listless. This is reflected in both professional and personal life.

You usually have many brothers and sisters, or they become numerous after you marry someone from a large family. Quarrels are common between parents, and the matter can even go to court. The father is a source of disappointment or problems for you. He may lose a high position. Either way, it is the cause of interference and limitations in your life.

The side obscure of the sign

This is most likely the most indecisive combination of signs in the Zodiac, and not only when it comes to important issues, but also to small things, for example, the habit of drinking tea or coffee at midday . At first this behavior may seem eccentric or even funny, but then it starts to annoy you terribly. In addition, you are a coward and do not even know how to defend yourself, let alone your loved ones, even if they are offended. Your propensity to indulge your whims in matters of nutrition will inevitably lead to the fact that the charming dimples of your cheeks will drown in the folds of fat.


You could have a good career in health, hygiene or services. You are of course attracted to art, because you have an ingenious mind, and you can prove yourself as a decorator. You can also be interested in the maritime field and everything related to liquids, you can become a wine merchant, chemist, surgeon or sailor. Success will come to you at the end of life, and your work will involve communication with people, frequent changes of residence and many long trips. Beware of the instability that follows you, and try to put something off until later.


Unfortunately, you have a sweet tooth, and it's important to remember that you eat to live, not the other way around. Any type of conflict can affect your health, and the main reason for this is your indecision. Life is truly what you make of it: your main problem is that you can't decide what you want out of life. The organs that need constant attention are the kidneys, liver, feet and intestines. Exercise and moderation in diet can guarantee you a long life.


You believe in eternal love and you can sacrifice yourself in the name of a romantic ideal. You have a deep faith that, falling in love, you can feel like a full person, and until you find your second half, you cannot believe that you are living a full life. Your married life will be accompanied by many problems and, probably, you will divorce. Probably, you will be a wealthy person. You may suddenly receive an inheritance. Children, most likely, you will have several, and they will be happy in life. Much to your regret, they will become your best support in old age, rather than your spouse.

Pisces Scorpio Ascendant

You are of an exceptionally loving and passionate nature, but, fortunately, you are picky in your encounters, which helps you retain your best qualities. You are sensitive and artistic, this is expressed in your love for music, painting and art. But don't imagine that you are suited to activities that involve low mobility. You are very attracted to sports, especially those of this kind, for which you need water, and this can even provide you with a source of income.

Your priorities in life are art, love, children, social life and animals, and you give them a lot of strength and attention. By nature you are a fighter, you have a strong war spirit, you tend to argue and enter into conflicts that do not always end well for you. You tend to go to extremes in everything and devote yourself to work and pleasure. You have a strong will and you fight until the end.

Nothing can leave you indifferent, and your passion is so great that you even embarrass others. You will have several siblings, but you may well be the only child. Your father may not be successful, but you still have a warm and friendly relationship. You are very attached to it.

The side obscure of the sign

Eat, drink, love, have fun - this is your credo. You indulge in sensual pleasures whenever the opportunity presents itself. At the same time, you suffer no remorse, so you forget all ideas of morality, especially when it comes to sex. You take what you want, and when you've had enough, the poor loser can go to the four corners. More often than not, you will become a bitter drunk, because the ability to restrain yourself is not your strong point. You can be very rude, because you cannot stand it when someone interferes with the fulfillment of your desires. You never forget those who do not dare to obey you and can wait indefinitely for the right moment to take revenge. You are a real nightmare, because your capacity to harm others exceeds even that of harming yourself.


You are very ambitious, and whatever path you choose in life, you will follow it with determination and constantly strive for success. You may succeed in the arts, in sports, in speculative transactions, or in work related to children or animals. You are hungry for success and, without a doubt, you will achieve it. You also have the talent of a leader. In your youth, your financial situation will not be very stable, but in the middle years, you will prosper. You will be able to acquire material benefits through travel, spouse's kinship, legal affairs and marriage. You will have several sources of income and, perhaps, two completely different occupations. After a series of difficulties, all your most daring dreams will come true.


You tend to work with full dedication and indulge in pleasure. At some point, your energy may be depleted, and you will realize that it is time to rest. The vulnerable organ is the gallbladder. You are also prone to poisoning, fever, and injury from careless handling of hot or sharp objects. Your right arm is also vulnerable. In general, you are the cause of your illnesses.


Deep down, you believe that marriage is a necessary evil, although your partners often come to the conclusion that they were in a situation that should be avoided by all means. The reason is your tendency to tie your partners' hands and feet, as if you are afraid that someone might steal them. You are jealous and treat your spouse as an owner of your things and do not seem to understand that the more you insist, the more likely you are to lose a loved one. You will lose your first wife and marry several times. This combination of signs gives many children, sometimes twins. Your children will marry early, in connection with this expect some problems. You start falling in love at a young age and don't stop until old age. Therefore, in your life there will be a lot of secret love affairs.

Pisces Sagittarius Rising

Although you actively seek adventure and the opportunity to travel, you are also strongly attached to home and are reluctant to leave it for long. Hopefully, your parents encouraged you to seek friends outside the family circle, otherwise the freedom-loving side of your character would not develop, which could make you unhappy all the time and might even make you sick. When staying home with your family, you should not let yourself be guided by feelings of guilt. You are completely devoid of selfishness, and you should stop making your desires dependent on those of others. You have to learn to stress yours sometimes. You are a kind-hearted, friendly and cultured person, but you really need to push yourself to be a bigger person.

You are an optimist, which means you are popular and enjoy communicating with many friends. You like to entertain them, especially if you can do it in a family setting. When you were young, your life was not particularly happy, perhaps because you had to separate from your father or because of a change in your parents' relationship. There is also a mystery linked to them: your father or the father of your spouse could be the cause of certain limitations in your life that were intolerable to you. Remember that the search for freedom is an integral part of who you are, and that freedom is something you must fight for.

The side obscure of the sign

You are a miserable sight when you step out of your skin to please others. This is partly due to a lack of self-confidence, but also because you hate taking responsibility. You are ready to chase others because you are afraid of suddenly having to lead them. This attitude extends to professional life as well as personal life. When it comes to communication, you're chained to your house and trembling in fear at the thought of having to speak with strangers. You are a boring house lover, who is afraid of his own shadow. Fortunately, you rarely manage to harm others, you only annoy them. You are causing yourself irreparable harm. Look within yourself and find that spirit of freedom that, deep within you, is fighting for its survival.


You have an active and clear mind. You are very intelligent, quickly trained and always ready to accept new ideas. You can make a wonderful career in fields such as commerce, media, transportation, communications, or in business related to any of these fields. In your youth you will have many problems, but luck will come to you. You will have two classes and many acquaintances among the people of weight in society who will take part in your affairs, and their help will always be useful to you. Your career will be long and fruitful.


You are a very active person and practice at least one sport that keeps you in shape. Nevertheless, there are areas that you need to monitor - these are the throat, ears and bronchi. In old age, you may suffer from sciatica, varicose veins, and leg swelling. In general, you are in good health, and you can expect to live to a very old age.


In your youth, you consider marriage a trap, you prefer diversity and do not limit yourself to daily contemplation of the same person. It is not easy for you to calm down on one thing, and you will marry several times. Any of these unions will have a huge impact on your situation in life. People with bad intentions will try to destroy your family life, and you will spend a lot of time fighting them. You will have few children, and there will be no great affection between you. It is likely that you will separate from one of your children. Subsequently, the children may blame you for not taking care of them. In all likelihood, there is some truth to this accusation.

Pisces Capricorn Rising

This combination of signs makes a person seemingly tough, which helps him in the profession, as well as in critical situations. You are very determined and capable of achieving great success. Although at first glance it seems that you do not have the propensity for hesitation and indecision, characteristic of Pisces, this is not the case. You are prone to worry and doubt when it comes to the most trivial matters. You are sociable and go out of your way to be a delicate and caring friend. You worry when your friends get sick or have problems, and you're always ready to lend a helping hand. You have a strong character, and you are very resilient. In the presence of strangers, you behave with restraint, but among those who know you well, you can be relaxed and very talkative.

You are careful and, having determined the course of action, you follow it consistently. You can endure the harshest conditions and adverse circumstances and do not stop in front of obstacles. This will necessarily lead you to success. As far as your family is concerned, your father's influence is unfavorable and leads to problems, especially in everything related to marriage. In your youth you do not have good health, but with age you become stronger and without problems you will live to old age.

The side obscure of the sign

Trapped by anxiety on this or that occasion, you spend the night without sleeping. When you finally find a solution, you quickly move on to another problem, which you think needs attention, and in this you are a professional. No wonder you find life extremely difficult. The number of your entries into the world can be counted on the fingers, you are almost never invited, because with your coldness you discourage people from the desire to communicate with you. You are an inveterate pessimist. You consciously wait for life to deal you another blow, and you are rarely disappointed. You refuse to understand that it is your negative thinking that is causing you to fail. Get rid of these moods and learn to relax, otherwise you will never be able to enjoy life.


You could have a good career in fields such as media, communications, transportation, sales, or in business related to any of these fields. You are extremely determined and can go to great lengths to achieve the desired goal. You will enrich yourself thanks to your talent, the help of your friends and the support of your loved ones. Speculative operations can also replenish your portfolio from time to time. Your spouse greatly warms up your ambitions. Success will probably come to you at the end of your life.


Although you are a hopeless debater, you must learn to relax sometimes. Forget your duties from time to time, and you are guaranteed a long life and good health. You are prone to conditions such as colds, constipation, rheumatism (especially of the knees and hands) and nervous diseases of the stomach. Depressive states harm your health, urgently get rid of your hypochondria.


People instinctively feel that you are a responsible person and can be counted on, and if you tie yourself in marriage, then do everything possible to make your chosen one happy. Therefore, you need a partner who has both feet on the ground, not in the clouds. It sounds like you're either against marriage in general, or completely committed to it, marrying early and repeatedly. In all cases, romantic relationships are marked by unexpected and fatal changes. Your partners may be an obstacle to achieving one of your most ambitious aspirations. If you marry more than once, one of the spouses will bring you significant wealth. You will have several children, and you will attach great hopes to them. Such an attitude will not do them any good and may cause you difficulty communicating with them. Try to maintain a sense of proportion and remember that children are not your continuation.

Pisces Aquarius Rising

You are a very caring and deeply emotional person, but also surprisingly mercenary, which does not match the impression you give to others. You seem disorganized and completely detached from the worries of the world, but this is a false impression. You are curious, very calm and know your own value. Professionally, you expect your talents and merits to be appreciated.

However, this does not prevent you from caring about others and offering your help whenever you deem it necessary. You make a wonderful friend. Although you tend to be short-tempered, you are quick-witted, not petty, and are generally friendly and kind. Your will is inflexible, and it is difficult for you to change your opinion. You are a cheerful, playful and extremely sociable person.

A person born under this combination of signs usually has several brothers or sisters, but the relationship between them is rather tense. Your father may have had something to do with farming, speculative trading, or ranching. Probably, you got away from it in one way or another. It is possible that he will go abroad.

The side obscure of the sign

You have a wonderful charm behind which hides a rather slippery type. You are mainly busy growing your bank account and are not too careful about the means to achieve this goal. This can lead you to unhappiness, although you are barely aware of it because you have rather vague ideas about what is right and what is wrong. This behavior could potentially land you in jail. Relatives are very worried about you. They are usually busy trying to either keep you on the path of virtue or extract some money from you for the most essential things. But you prefer to save money even if there is almost no food left at home. A reassessment of values ​​may be necessary.


Although art may attract you, you can also find a good source of income in one of the money-related professions, such as banking, finance, insurance, securities trading, etc. You are an avid collector with a trained eye, both may be attracted to collecting books or antiques. You may be interested in research activities, secret methods of experimental sciences, work in military or state structures or investigation of crimes. Everything you achieve in life will be the result of your talents, although financial success comes with great difficulty and is never sustainable. Whatever career you choose, you will be required to travel a lot.


Long-term stress will affect your health in the most unfavorable way. Illness creeps into your life without you expecting it. You may have blood circulation problems, eczema, muscle spasms, stomach diseases and neuralgia. But, fortunately, your body responds very quickly to the beneficial effects of the sun's rays and sports, so try to make walking and exercise a habit.


You believe that camaraderie, communication and mutual understanding should be at the heart of marriage. But you're secretly convinced that your precious freedom is too high a price to sacrifice. But in the end, you still decide to part with it, even if it happens later than most people. If you are bound by marriage, your attachment to your spouse is constant, and you will maintain a passionate love for him until an advanced age. Your spouse will probably be a man of artistic origin and from a good family. Your marriage will be long and very happy. The children will be few in number, probably the birth of twins. Some problems will be associated with children. The first born may be a painful child, who will need special care and attention. You will travel a lot for family business.

Pisces Pisces Ascendant

A man born under this combination of signs is an incorrigible romantic. This is a kind, gentle, artistic and impressionable nature. In you there is something of the child, and at the same time it corrupts you and makes you vulnerable. Friends consider it their duty to take care of you, because they are convinced that you are indiscreet in your relationships. Their fears are not unfounded. The material and financial aspects of life remain a mystery to you in seven seals, but you like this state of affairs. You are inclined to generosity and are always ready to share with your neighbor. You are happy if you have the opportunity to develop freely and learn when and what you want.

You have the particularity of being secretive, because this may be the only way for you to keep something just to yourself. Your greatest weakness is indecision, and you hate making commitments for fear of having to change your mind. However, your dignity far outweighs your faults, and although others may lose their temper trying to make you face reality, they only need to look once into those tearful eyes of Pisces to soften.

You usually have many brothers and sisters, and your family members take good care of you. Your parents don't help you enough, and you can, in a sense, distance yourself from your father. Family assets can be divided. Your mother might marry twice.

The side obscure of the sign

You seek the vilest spheres of life and indulge in so many vices, how many will have time to enjoy them in your probably short life. You may be a gambler, a drunk, a drug addict, a masochist, or a con artist. If someone tells you that with the help of some of these exercises your affairs will improve, you will certainly want to know if this is the case. You are completely devoid of ambition and rarely bother to earn even a little money.

All you want is to have enough money to pay for your vices. Your emotional and sexual life is of paramount importance to you, but when the situation is not favorable to you, you look for an excuse to avoid a shock with reality and you forget yourself in drunkenness or drugs. Even Superman couldn't withstand the loads you expose your body to, and would eventually collapse, so it's time to seek help.


You are probably very talented and therefore can be quite selective. Areas you can excel in include art, film, ballet, the sea, and minerals. You have an active creative nature and are always looking for new ideas, so you can make a wonderful writer. You are expansive, you have a wide range of interests, many of which can be successfully implemented. Prosperity will come to you through your own efforts, your travels, and the goodwill of your friends. A person born under this combination of signs can achieve fame and fortune.


You are unlikely to have the same vitality as people born under other sign combinations. Vitamins, exercise, sunshine and a good diet can therefore be of great help to you. Vitamins, exercise, sunshine and a good diet can therefore be of great help to you. Indulging in your whims can be detrimental to your health, and you should consciously moderate this inclination. Vulnerable areas are the feet, ankles and kidneys. You are prone to eye diseases and injuries. You should also handle sharp or hot objects with care. A reasonable lifestyle can significantly increase your chances of living to a very old age.


If it were your will, you would maintain friendly relations with all your former lovers until the end of your life. The number of friendly visits should suit you completely and leave the possibility of canceling them, if you wish. Finally, for now, you will forget your ideas about love and marriage. You are naturally inclined towards polygamy, and having such a tendency, you can expect certain problems to arise in a married life. Your spouse may also have some kind of problem (health or otherwise), and the spouse's parents may stubbornly interfere in your life and spoil your relationship. You will divorce your first spouse, then you will decide to remarry. From a financial point of view, you can enjoy this side of life. You will have many children, they will be happy in life. They expect a lot of travel, and life will be full of changes. For you, love, sex and marriage are just one big adventure.

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