Aquamarine Stone: Virtues of Aquamarine
The stone is renowned for its great beauty and has been used for several centuries in lithotherapy by a large number of civilizations . It has various positive virtues and has a positive effect on our health. It acts as much on our mood and on our brain, as much on a physical, intellectual or psychological level .
- Origin of the name : From the Latin “Aqua marina” meaning sea water
- Home group : Beryls
- Color(s) : Light blue, green
- Symbol : Appeasement, Reflection
- Hardness : between 7.5 and 8
- Deposits : Afghanistan, Brazil, Madagascar, Pakistan, Siberia
- Chemical composition : Aluminum silicate and beryllium
- Day of the week : Wednesday
Varieties of Aquamarine
This prestigious category of fine stones to which Aquamarine belongs generates mineral varieties of very high value. We can note :
- Pink aquamarine ,
- Yellow Aquamarine ,
- Blue Aquamarine ,
- emerald green .
Benefits and virtues of Aquamarine
The Aquamarine stone worn as a necklace or bracelet is adorned with a large number of virtues. It is renowned for its numerous beneficial effects both psychologically and physically . The scope and influence of this beautiful precious stone are indeed vast and extensive. Whether it is to appease the person taking an exam , or to bring good luck in love .
It facilitates expressiveness or acts on various areas of our health. Its virtues are multiple and essential .
On the mental level
Thus, Aquamarine is considered a mineral which allows for quality artistic performances. Indeed, it has the power to increase the sensitivity and expressiveness of those who possess it.
It also helps you better express and transmit your emotions . Furthermore invested with anxiolytic and calming virtues , it brings peace , appeasement and serenity while acting on intellectual stimulation. It is therefore the favorite stone of those who face an oral exam as a good luck charm .
Aquamarine is also the stone of divinatory arts which clarifies mediumistic perceptions and clairvoyance . It makes communication with others more harmonious . Very popular with lovers, it strengthens and consolidates a nascent or fragile love or confirms an already established relationship . It brings good luck and guarantees a peaceful trip .
On the physical level
Aquamarine is regularly used to align the chakras in our body . It plays a purifying role in our health and has a beneficial effect on our entire respiratory system.
It is therefore particularly indicated for its beneficial role. Its curative action in cases of infection or inflammation of the respiratory tract is very beneficial. It also strengthens the vocal cords.
Furthermore, Aquamarine acts positively on the immune system. It revitalizes it, strengthens it and balances it , while regulating the functioning of the heart rate as well as the blood systems. It also helps reduce eye fatigue and soothe all kinds of pain .
It is also known to relieve seasickness , nausea or allergies ( hay fever). In case of dermatosis it acts in the form of an elixir.
In lithotherapy, Aquamarine stone is mainly used on the Throat Chakra .
Physical plan acts on sore throats , neck pain , neuralgia, respiratory problems , stress etc.
Placed on the Third Eye Chakra , the stone allows you to develop your paranormal perception and extra-lucidity. It accesses a high degree of consciousness by structuring the mind by giving it access to reason .
Aquamarine can be applied to the Heart Chakra to provide access to the truth buried in the unconscious. This crystal facilitates the release of behavioral habits that block the ability to move forward in life.
Astrological signs
This fine stone is associated with the first and second signs of the zodiac: Aries and Taurus . She is the lucky charm for those born in the month of March .
Aquamarine is also attributed to the planet Neptune . In the past, it was customary to say that the cosmos was reflected in precious stones.
Recharging and purification
After a while the stone gave all the energy it could. It can be purified energetically by immersing it for several hours in demineralized water, possibly slightly salty.
For greater efficiency, you can then charge it in the sun or natural light. It can also be placed on a large rock crystal .
Meaning and history of Aquamarine
With colors varying from the light blue of the ocean to the blue-green of the lagoons. Aquamarine, taken from the Latin “ aqua marina ”, means “ sea water ”. The characteristics of this fine stone , all in subtlety , make it a gem appreciated since antiquity.
A stone steeped in history, the symbolism and myths linked to Aquamarine are numerous. Its colors are unequivocally reminiscent of the aquatic element . It traditionally brings protection and good luck to all those who work or travel on the seas. The stone is also said to guarantee fidelity and happiness to newlyweds.