Pierre Béryl: Virtues of Beryl
In lithotherapy, the physical benefits of Beryl vary depending on its color . The stone would have a considerable contribution to establishing harmony between the subtle bodies .
- Origin of the name: Comes from the Greek “Beryllos” because of the blue-green color
- Group belonging to: Silicates Group
- Color(s): Brown, black
- Symbol: Anchor
- Hardness: 7.5 to 8
- Main deposits: United States, North Carolina, New England, France
- Chemical composition: Beryllium and aluminum
- Day of the week: Every day
Varieties of Beryl
This golden colored crystal is used in magical rituals , to move from the physical plane to the astral and predict the future .
This precious stone attracts love and kindles the flame in couples who tend to routine. It beautifies life, activates the Heart Chakra, calms, soothes , helps to see our mistakes, to realize that nothing has been lost and that everything can change.
Beryl avoids opposition , raises awareness of experience and the now and helps you accept events .
This stone opens and strengthens the Root Chakra with energies .
There is also green Beryl. This green Beryl is rarer.
Benefits and virtues of Beryl
Beryl is a mineral which contributes to the purification of the body and the stimulation of respiration and blood circulation . Certain types of Beryls such as bixbite confer, as a red stone, its benefits especially to the liver and bone marrow .
Physical and spiritual level
On a psychological and spiritual level , Beryl has a considerable effect on emotions and feelings . Pink to orange Morganite would be very useful in calming emotional disorders and would promote seduction and romantic feelings. Some even attribute virtues to it for amplifying sexual orgasm .
Heliodor, a yellow to golden stone, would be a good stimulant to strengthen willpower and bring serenity in place of stress . The stone purges the body of negative energies to make way for positive impulses.
The gentle but powerful action of Beryl would promote mediation , however it is recommended to have some experience using Beryl in order to manage the power of the stone.
The preferred Chakras of Beryl are especially the Solar Plexus Chakras , the Heart Chakra and the Coronal Chakra .
Other chakras can be added to the list depending on the color and specificity of the Beryl used.
Astrological signs
The Beryl stone would also be favorable to all astrological signs depending on its color and characteristics.
Recharging and purification
After a while the stone gave all the energy it could. It can be energetically purified by placing it in lightly salted water for several hours .
For greater efficiency, you can then charge it by exposing it to sunlight (preferably morning) on a Quartz cluster.
Meaning and history of Beryl
In ancient times , Emperor Nero used a magnifying glass made of Beryl (not green emerald). Hence the German term “Brille” which means glasses. We find this root in the French word bésicles (formerly béricles) which designated glasses without temples. The Beryl used to make these magnifying glasses was undoubtedly goshenite, a variety particularly appreciated for its beautiful transparency, and which is found in abundance.
Gem-quality Beryls were recognized very early on for their beauty, clarity and transparency . We distinguish the common so-called “stony” Beryl from the different beryls remarkable for their shine and color.
Thus, ancient Egypt and Greece exploited its deposits for use for ornament and adornment but also for its medicinal properties. It was said that its elixir (water soaked in the stone) cured bladder conditions .
Today, Beryl is exploited to extract beryllium , a metal used in alloys and which is very useful in the nuclear industry. Gem quality Beryl crystals are used in jewelry for the manufacture of jewelry, rings and Beryl pendants. The stone lends itself to all fantasies and can be cut into facets, drops, pears, squares, cabochons, etc.