Properties of Bismuth

Bismuth is a silvery metal that can have a bright rainbow tarnish. Its fantastic geometric shape is known as the "hopper crystal". The tarnish and shape are natural, but most colored bismuths found on the market have been processed. In fact, you can make your own bismuth hopper crystals at home, in your own kitchen. This soft metal can be melted easily and was often used by ancient and medieval alchemists in their quest to change the base metal into gold. Bismuth is a stone of experimentation and transformation. Its energy can help us change ourselves or the world around us. It is a wonderful talisman for scientists and dreamers.

Spiritual Healing Properties

Bismuth is an incredible stone for anyone who actively travels. It helps us know where we are going, stay the course, be open to new opportunities and continually move forward. It reminds us that the Divine and the Universe want us to succeed and will conspire in our favor if we act boldly and with an open heart. Bismuth helps us feel deeply connected to our highest Self and other spiritual energies. It has both grounding and expanding energy, helping us to be comfortable with change and eager for positive transformation. When we feel alone or lost, bismuth can help us easily connect to something or someone, nourishing our soul and nourishing our heart, allowing us to regain our confidence and enthusiasm.

Properties of Bismuth

  • Chakra All
  • Fire Element
  • Numerology 2
  • Zodiac Aquarius

Emotional healing properties

Bismuth has a very comforting and friendly energy. It helps us feel more secure in our relationships with people, and with the world in general. Bismuth helps us make our needs known and show others our value and unique qualities. It helps us handle change with grace and stay calm even if everyone around us is panicking. Bismuth reminds us that we can handle whatever life throws at us and that we have what it takes to succeed. In romantic relationships, Bismuth can help couples deepen their relationship, which often leads to marriage or other forms of long-term partnership. However, Bismuth will also remind us, with a laugh, not to settle or stay with someone who isn't quite right for us. It encourages us to work well with others, while maintaining our own independence. More than anything, Bismuth invites us to “enjoy the journey” as we grow and evolve throughout our lives.

Mental healing properties

Bismuth is a fantastic stone for anyone who sets goals or has big dreams. He encourages us to think big, plan meticulously and walk the talk. Bismuth also encourages us to be wise, to plan strategically, and to be teachable. It pushes us to want to evolve, to learn throughout our lives and to transform ourselves when new information or situations require it. Bismuth allows us to look toward the future, rather than dwelling on the past. It helps our minds stay sharp, focused and engaged in the present moment.

Physical healing properties

Bismuth is recommended when we are completely exhausted, whether from a physical problem or because emotional stress has taken its toll. It gently restores our energy so that we can return to our normal lives. It also reminds us that there is no shame in struggling, it happens to everyone at one time or another. We can only do what we can, and our best will be enough. Bismuth is also a good talisman for paralysis, as it helps us express our needs and find ways to satisfy them.


Where does bismuth come from?

Natural bismuth is found in Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Bolivia, Canada, China, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Great Britain, Mexico, Poland, Spain, the United States. United States (California, Colorado, South Dakota) and Vietnam. However, most Bismuth on the commercial market is grown in laboratories in Germany.

Mining and processing

Bismuth is typically mined as a by-product of mining to extract other metals such as copper, lead, tin and tungsten. It is typically found in raw lead ingots, which then go through several stages of refining.

Mineral family

Bismuth is a relatively rare native element, a chemical element that occurs in nature without being combined with anything else. Native elements are generally divided into three groups: metals like copper, gold, silver and platinum, semi-metals like arsenic, and non-metals like sulfur and carbon. Bismuth is a fragile semi-metal.

Bismuth energy works well with its family - the other native elements. Try it in combination with copper and shungite.

Formation of bismuth and associated crystals

Bismuth is a rare element, about as common as silver. Most of the time, it appears as a piece of gray or silver metal, which is often confused with tin or lead. On very rare occasions, high purity bismuth forms natural "hopper crystals", with solid outer walls grown like steps, while the interior remains empty. This form occurs when bismuth grows so quickly that it does not have the time or materials to fill all the gaps. Jittering occurs when the electrical attraction along one edge of the crystal is stronger, resulting in faster growth. Bismuth can easily tarnish, and when this happens it takes on a wide range of colors.

Bismuth energy works well with its "friends" - associated crystals formed in the same geological environment. Try it in combination with barite

Hopper Crystals

Although native bismuth may be available to collectors on occasion, most are used commercially. But hopper-shaped bismuth crystals are one of the easiest crystals to grow and can be created in any home kitchen. It's no surprise that most colored crystals are grown in labs rather than mined. To begin, natural bismuth, which is usually gray and quite dull, must be heated to a high enough temperature to melt. Once in a liquid state, it is removed from the heat source and allowed to cool. During this cooling, crystallization will begin to occur and crystals will begin to float on the surface of the liquid. They can then be removed using tweezers and set aside to continue to solidify and cool. Later, the surface of Hopper crystals can be oxidized to appear beautiful rainbow colors.

  • Bismuth Mineralogy
  • Chemical formula Bi
  • Perfect Cleavage
  • Color Silver white, pinkish white, red. When oxidized, it has rainbow metallic colors.
  • Trigonal-hexagonal scalenohedral crystal system
  • Shape/Habit Cubic
  • Uneven fracture
  • Hardness - Mohs scale 2-2.5
  • Luminescence None
  • Metallic Shine
  • Mineral family Native element
  • Specific gravity 9.7-9.8
  • Silver white line
  • Opaque Transparency
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