Pierre Célestine: Virtues of Célestine
The Celestine stone called “Angel Stone” brings peace and relaxation . It is ideal for meditation because it has a high vibration and its properties are numerous.
Transparent to translucent and composed of pure crystals , it has no particular color. However, it can take on shades ranging from various shades of blue. Then also shades of red, brown, yellow or even green.
It can also be called Celestite, Cliftonite, Coelestine, Colestine, Dioxynite, Eschwegite, Schutzite, Sicilianite, Sulfated Strontiane.
- Origin of the name : From the Greek “caelestis” which refers to its sky blue color
- Group belonging to : Sulfates
- Color(s) : Blue
- Symbol : Relaxation and peace
- Hardness : 3-3.5
- Deposits : Libya, Egypt, Madagascar, Peru, Great Britain and Poland
- Chemical composition: Strontium sulfate
- Day of the week : Every day
Varieties of Celestine
Said to be colorless, Celestine therefore essentially has variations from blue, to red, brown, yellow and even green. These can be considered its varieties.
Benefits and virtues of Celestine
It is a natural stone that leads to spiritual peace and pushes for enlightenment. Celestine is a gentle stone, which acts calmly and brings comfort .
Celestine is the stone of harmonization and relaxation . It has many virtues on the body because it considerably helps to regulate breathing and calm the breath .
On the psychological level
On a psychological level, it is a stone which teaches wisdom , and its soothing effect calms violent emotions.
Célestine promotes imagination and artistic creation . It brings mental clarity , it is said that it reveals truths.
This stone can be used to calm children . It gives them a sense of responsibility while providing them with a feeling of security .
It is a good meditation mineral to be in harmony with the higher planes. It can be used against anxiety .
A maternal stone , it is very suitable for children or fragile and anxious people.
On a spiritual level, this soft and soothing stone allows you to free yourself from oppression and constraints .
It allows you to overcome the feeling of powerlessness and uselessness and to gain self-confidence.
This stone is useful for stimulating communication and clairvoyance.
Celestine attracts luck and heals the aura, brings balance . Creative natural stone, useful for arts.
This mineral which dissipates pain, brings love and inner peace .
Celestine has a soothing effect , which relaxes muscle tension and calms the mind. This natural stone would be effective against emotional disorders linked to the heart, nervous asthma.
On the physical level
Celestine helps to breathe better and can be used to fight sinusitis .
A very soft stone, it dissipates tension and makes nodules disappear in tissues, organs and the back.
It is excellent against lung diseases and deepens breathing, thereby regulating the lungs. Using this stone for asthma or lung infections could be a big step on the road to recovery.
In addition, Celestine helps improve visual acuity and soothes migraines .
Celestine is associated with different chakras . Due to its blue color, it is linked to the Throat Chakra . Thus, Celestine acts on disorders linked to this Chakra.
On the Sacral Chakra , this stone regulates painful periods.
Then, on the Heart Chakra, Celestine soothes asthma attacks.
Astrological signs
The Celestine stone is particularly suited to the zodiac signs of:
- Gemini,
- Fish,
- Cancer
Recharging and purification
Be careful, Celestine is a fragile stone , it cannot be cleaned like other stones. In fact, it is soluble in water and disintegrates on contact with salt. It should absolutely not come into contact with salt or water.
Purification will thus only be done indirectly, through sound or incense .
It's the same thing for reloading the stone. It should not be left in the sun as it will lose its color (and its properties). It must be recharged and purified at night (or evening) and left to charge in the rays of the moon.
Celestine is maintained and recharged on a cluster of Quartz or Amethyst .
Meaning and history of Celestine
Discovered in 1797 by Martin Heinrich Klaproth , its name comes from Abraham Gottlieb Werner who named it “celestine”. This comes from the Greek “caelestis” in reference to the color sky blue.
It is used in the manufacture of dyes, electric batteries, special glasses and ceramics .
Célestine was officially named and listed in 1789.
Even if it is difficult to find precise references among the Ancients, the fact remains that it was very well known and widely used by ancient civilizations .
Some say the Romans knew Celestine as Aqua-Aura. This name is also given today to an artificial stone.
Very little is known about the use of Celestine among the Ancients. The stone had such strange powers that it became a prized object for ancient magicians and alchemists .
Knowledge about Celestine was reserved for followers of occult sciences and mystical knowledge. They therefore remained secret and well hidden from the uninitiated.