Pierre Chrysoprase: Virtues of Chrysoprase
If the Chrysoprase stone has found its way into your life, take it as a sign that you are in need of an emotional transformation . Known to manifest optimism, joy and happiness, the Chrysoprase crystal is one of the best antidepressants in the world of crystal healing.
It has always been the stone of spring , renewal and change . It is also the stone of fertility .
- Origin of name : Means “golden leek” in ancient Greece
- Group belonging to : Microcrystalline quartz
- Color(s) : Apple green, light green and dark green
- Symbol : Metamorphosis and maturation
- Hardness : Between 6.5 and 7
- Deposits : South Africa, Australia, United States, India, Madagascar, Russia
- Chemical composition : Calcium aluminum silicate
- Day of the week : Friday
Varieties of Chrysoprase
Chrysoprase is a variety of Chalcedony .
It can have several colors varying from green to yellow which create varieties. The best known of these is Lemon Chrysoprase.
The Lemon Chrysoprase stone induces a deep meditative state . It promotes a love of truth and hope and gives you personal insights. Chrysoprase attracts innate talent and stimulates your creativity . This stone encourages loyalty .
This stone stimulates speech and mental dexterity . It will stop you from speaking without thinking first. It reduces oppressive and recurring images and helps prevent nightmares . This stone brings feelings of security and confidence in oneself and others.
Benefits and virtues of Chrysoprase
On the mental level
It will therefore make it possible to initiate the necessary changes in our behavior, our attitude or even our psyche. This gem invites moderation , and allows the wearer to take a step back from themselves and offer a more lucid vision as well as a certain detachment with regard to a complex situation: we of course think of the use that Alexander made of it. Ultimately, Chrysoprase helps with self-confidence.Furthermore, with regard to the psychic and spiritual level , this mineral that is the stone is recognized as a liberating stone. . It would give courage to people subject to doubts or lack of self-confidence, while offering new perspectives :
- creativity,
- inspiration.
It is also known to have virtues on things such as tension or stress , since it helps with concentration and relaxation . No doubt this is why it is considered the stone of maternal love. In fact, it channels positive feelings such as love or tenderness.
On the physical level
The stone detoxifies the body and stimulates the liver in the event of health problems in particular. Indeed, it would have the beneficial capacity for health to be able to regulate blood pressure and even to stimulate the strengthening of the heart . This has a direct consequence on the general state of health since it strengthens the metabolism.
Many people recommend it for childbirth for the soothing properties it has. It actually seems appropriate.
To go even further, it is also recommended against sterility which can result from infectious diseases . It will be a perfect aid for short sleepers, or for anyone suffering from insomnia. Its presence would lead to heavy and restful sleep.
On the karmic level, Chrysoprase would act on the Root Chakra , the Solar Plexus Chakra , the Throat Chakra and the Sacral Chakra .
Astrological signs
His favorite astrological signs are :
- Cancer,
- Balance,
- Gemini,
- Capricorn,
- Fish .
Recharging and purification
After a while the stone gave all the energy it could.
It can be energetically purified by placing it on a bed of coarse salt for several hours.
It can also be purified by leaving it immersed in distilled water or at least lime-free water for several hours .
For greater efficiency, you can then charge in the sun or natural light .
Meaning and History of Chrysoprase
It is one of the most ancient semi-precious stones used by man throughout history, particularly for its recognized psychological or even physical virtues. Indeed, some studies have shown that ancient peoples such as the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians used it daily .
Some used it, for example, to make seals or jewelry, but also many other objects, as the magnetic or simply aesthetic virtues of this stone appeared to them.
We thus find traces of it in the various historical testimonies which have reached us.
In the Apocalypse, a passage describes in great detail the city of New Jerusalem , its streets, its houses and its public buildings. And already, we notice the trace of the foundations of the wall would be made of certain precious stones, including Chrysoprase.
Thus, the King of Macedonia and Greek conqueror, always wore one on his belt during his battles, and of course in order to ensure success and military victories. He believed in fact that it stimulated his clairvoyance and that it helped him in particular to make the right decisions during important strategic campaigns.
A long time later, in the Middle Ages , it was believed that it had the power to make us invisible: to do this it was necessary to place it in its mouth. Still others saw saving virtues against poison for example. So, when the stone lost its colors, it was to indicate the presence of a poison nearby.