Red Jasper Stone: Virtues of Red Jasper

Red Jasper Stone: Virtues of Red Jasper

Red Jasper is a relatively common stone in the world, it is found in most countries, a symbol of strength and stability , it has brick red tones, it is not because it is not rare that it is has no interest in the context of lithotherapy, see the effects that we recognize from it.

  • Origin of the name: From the Greek “iaspis” and “jaspidem”, means “speckled stone”
  • Group belonging to: Microcrystalline quartz
  • Color(s): Red
  • Symbol: Stabilizer
  • Hardness: 6.5 - 7
  • Main deposits: Brazil, Russia, Afghanistan, United States (California), Canada and Madagascar
  • Chemical composition: Silicon dioxide
  • Day of the week: Tuesday

Varieties of Red Jasper

Jasper covers an impressive number of varieties and provenances whose names or familiars are most often assigned based on patterns, resemblances or localities of extraction.

Abundant, Jasper is cut, engraved and sculpted in all its forms, mainly for jewelry and decorative arts.

It is found in many other colors .

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Benefits and virtues of Red Jasper

Linked to the energy of the Earth, Red Jasper strengthens the vital energy which is necessary for you to accomplish your daily tasks. It amplifies contact with your body and helps you integrate your material dimension and your incarnation .

Gently, he establishes ease with the work and management of the organization. It streamlines the relationship with money and optimizes your creative potential. It heals the wounds linked to immigration and geographic uprooting.

Red Jasper promotes positive energies and wards off negative energies.

Physical plan

The Red Jasper stone brings more vitality, it helps with problems in the legs such as poor blood circulation , heavy legs.

We also find a dynamism on the sexual organs which causes a regulation of unregulated female hormones. Red Jasper to create more sexual desire and more pleasure during intimate relationships .

Emotional and spiritual level

In lithotherapy, Red Jasper is used for its energetic properties bringing balance to the person who wears it . Its emotional field of action develops in the wearer a feeling of security .

It helps to have confidence in life, to love it, to live the present moment without fear, to assert oneself through action. With this in mind, this Jasper reassures people who are afraid of death or afraid of the unknown. This makes this mineral a good ally for moving forward in life in a fulfilled way.


On a karmic level, the stone strengthens the Sacral Chakra and the Root Chakra .

Astrological signs

The gemstone is associated with the sign of Aries, Cancer and Leo .

Recharging and purification

After a while the stone has given all the energy it could, it needs to regain its energies to once again bring you its benefits.

It can be purified energetically by immersing it for several hours in demineralized water, possibly slightly salty.

For greater effectiveness, you can then charge it in the sun or natural light or place the Red Jasper on a large Rock Crystal or on a Quartz Cluster .

Meaning and history of Red Jasper

A stone of rare symbolism , Red Jasper travels through the times of Antiquity to us throughout the world .

The first significant element of his legend comes to us from Christianity . Some stories say that this mineral comes from the blood of Christ himself, flowed at the foot of his cross during his crucifixion. Red Jasper is also called “supreme protector”.

From then on, Red Jasper has a high biblical significance . Later in history, in the Middle Ages, it was used as a “ martyrs’ stone ” to engrave scenes in churches relating this episode from the Gospel.

Red Jasper thus evokes blood . The Apocalypse of Saint John even describes Christ on a throne of jasper.

It has been exploited throughout history , as an ornament for homes , sculptures, paving stones or even mosaics and facings. Jasper was used as ornamental stone jewelry of a sacred nature among the Japanese.

Chinese emperors wore red jasper jewelry and American Indians created amulets to protect them at night.

Among the Egyptians, red Jasper amulets, taking the shape of scarabs , or even snake heads, revealed the intense beauty of this stone.
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