Labradorite Stone: Virtues of Labradorite
Labradorite clarifies thought and dissolves mental control that generates a psychic charge harmful to your general well-being. It positions your mind in its right place which must be at the service of your intuition.
Calming hyper-mentalization , it helps you keep the main thread of your thoughts . You can therefore open yourself to new fields of consciousness. It allows the mind to refine itself by providing mobility and openness. It frees you from all mental parasites , whether yours or those of others.
- Origin of the name : Labrador, site of its discovery in Canada
- Home group : Feldspars
- Color(s) : Blue, green and gray
- Symbol : Protective standard under which we unite
- Hardness : Between 6 and 6.5
- Deposits : Australia, Canada, United States, France, Madagascar, Mexico, Russia and Ukraine
- Chemical composition : Sodium calcium aluminosilicate
- Day of the week : Wednesday
Varieties of Labradorite
Stone of protection, so as not to “mop up” the emotions of others. Ideal for nursing staff and other therapists. When it has bluish reflections, it helps improve communication. We then dare to say things diplomatically and above all dare to show ourselves as we are.
It is an excellent protection stone that can protect your home, you and your loved ones. It scares away evil because it plays the role of both a shield and a sponge.
Labradorite is also found in green , gray and black colors . The properties change very little but we can note a difference for the chakras and the signs. It is often confused with moonstone because it has rainbow reflections.
Properties and virtues of Labradorite
In lithotherapy, the Labradorite stone is known for its protective properties . It is extremely protective by absorbing the negative but also by being a shield in its own right.
This stone is highly recommended for people suffering from solitude . The action of Labradorite is recognized as regenerating at the physical and mental level following periods of exhaustion. The aura thus finds harmony and rebalances itself through stone.
To harmonize a place, it will be necessary to clean it so that it can recharge itself from the surrounding negative waves . Your place will be cleaned up. Labradorite would protect against bad vibes.
You will note that it is also possible to see it crack and then return to its natural state . This simply means that she has fully offered you her virtues. Unfortunately, the time has come to part with it because it will no longer have the same effectiveness.
The stone is applied in lithotherapy at the level of the heart or at the level of the solar plexus . If you place a stone on your solar plexus, pain will ease and negative energies will be absorbed .
Labradorite is considered the stone of choice for the hand chakra.Wearing a Labradorite during a healing session by laying on of hands allows you to deeply sharpen the healer's faculties. Its power on mental acuity also proves the beneficial action of Labradorite on the Third Eye Chakra .
Astrological signs
Labradorite would be linked to several astrological signs to which it would provide support in various areas.
Thus, it would help Aries to prevent ophthalmological disorders . She would push Gemini to make positive changes in their work . Finally, it would relieve the rheumatic pain of Capricorns .
Recharging and purification
After a while the stone gave all the energy it could. She needs to regain her energies to once again bring you her benefits.
It can be energetically purified by immersing it for several hours in demineralized water , no salt for this mineral.
For greater efficiency, you can then charge it in the sun or natural light . Finally, you can also place the Labradorite on a large Rock Crystal .
Meaning and History of Labradorite
Coming from the Labrador region of Canada , the stone was discovered by Moravian missionaries in 1770. They were there to work on certain indigenous peoples, notably the Inuit. They were responsible for evangelizing them.
The Innu and Inuit people believed that the stone was only a stone of fire from the Northern Lights. According to them, she was frozen by the cold at the highest point and then fell to the ground. Labradorite owes its name to the geologist Foster who first called it that in 1780.
According to some beliefs, the stone appeared following the strike of a Labradorite by an Inuit warrior with his spear. Then the Northern Lights would have appeared and been created. Today, Labradorites can be found in different deposits. They represent rays of the Northern Lights being enclosed in rock . Still according to the same beliefs, it plays a similar role by enclosing the souls of the ancestors. Labradorite powder was also used to counter many words .
Commonly called “rainbow moonstone”, Labradorite is also called:
- carnatite,
- maulite,
- silicite,
- spectrolite,
- radauite
- hafnefjordite.
It is used as a decorative object on buildings. It also represents a precious stone that must be taken care of and for which reflections are non-existent.