Lepidolite Stone: Virtues of Lepidolite
It is the symbol of peace , spirituality and protection . It is used to attract luck to the wearer.
Lithotherapy uses it to help manage daily emotions, facilitating mental and emotional balance.
- Origin of the name: From the Greek Lepis which means “scale”
- Home group : Micas
- Color(s): Pink, purple
- Symbol: Peace, spirituality
- Hardness: 3
- Main deposits: Brazil, Russia, Afghanistan, United States (California), Canada and Madagascar
- Chemical composition: Potassium, lithium and aluminum silicates
- Day of the week: Friday
Varieties of Lepidolite
Lepidolite stone is a variety of muscovite from the micas group .
Violet Lepidolite is a dark variety with the predominance of the masculine energetic principle Yang.
Benefits and virtues of Lepidolite
Extremely useful stone for alleviating stress and depression , stopping obsessive thoughts and alleviating discouragement and overcoming insomnia. Thanks to its lithium content, helps stabilize mood changes and bipolar disorders .
Excellent for overcoming any type of emotional or mental dependence , whether drugs or various disorders such as anorexia, releases and reorganizes old psychological and behavioral patterns, inducing change .
Encourages independence and achievement of goals without outside assistance.
Mental plane
Stimulates intellect and analytical skills . Thanks to its power of objectivity and concentration, accelerates decision-making, pushing the individual to focus on what is important and to remove unnecessary distractions . It dispels negativity.
Emotional plan
Encourages you to stay in your own space, free from the influences of others. Calming stone that alleviates sleep disorders and stress , providing deep emotional healing.
Spiritual plane
Lepidolite eliminates negativity . This stone facilitates shamanic journeys or spiritual journeys and provides access to the Akashic archives.
On a karmic level, the stone strengthens the energy of the kidneys and liver, when placed on the Sacral Chakra .
It helps resolve skin problems when placed on the Heart Chakra .
Finally, it helps manage stress when placed on the Solar Plexus Chakra , by eliminating blockages.
Astrological signs
The gemstone is associated with the sign of Libra .
Recharging and purification
Pass it regularly under water , fumigate with incense or sage to clean it . You can put it in a scallop shell (or wave of equivalent shape) during the night or during the day which cleans and recharges the stone.
It recharges very well in the sun , or in the earth too. You can place it on a pile of Quartz .
Meaning and history of Lepidolite
Lepidolite owes its name to the Greek “lepis” (scale) and “lithos” (stone). During Antiquity, Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD), Roman writer and naturalist, speaks in his “Natural History” of a stone he calls lepidotis. He describes it as imitating, through its reflections, the versicolor scales of fish.
Much later, at the beginning of the 1790s, Abbot Nicolaus Poda von Neuhaus (1723-1798), a German Jesuit, discovered a purple (or lilac) colored stone with a scaly appearance in Rozna in Moravia (present-day Slovakia). He gives it the name lilalite . In 1792, after analyzing samples of this mineral, Martin Heinrich Klaproth (1743-1817), a German apothecary and chemist, renamed it Lepidolite.
Lepidolite is a rare mica stone , with a lamellar structure, composed among other things of lithium, aluminum and silica. Sometimes this stone is associated with other minerals also containing lithium, such as Tourmaline for example, which gives it even more value .
The name Lepidolite is recognized by the IMA (International Mineralogical Association) only as a group of minerals, this group containing polylithionite and trilithionite.