Cat's Eye Stone: Virtues of Cat's Eye
Cat's Eye will bring you energy , it is recommended for athletes, especially in cases of intense effort. The atmosphere will be more relaxing if you wear a Cat's Eye stone or if you place one in your home. She brings happiness , serenity and luck to those around her . Its magical properties are numerous and beneficial.
- Origin of the name: Chrysoberyl with a cat’s eye effect is the only stone that can be called simply “cat’s eye” or “cymophane” chrysoberyl. It was formerly called "cymophane" (reflection of the wave), Today, it is called cat's eye because of its luminous band (chatoyance) appearing on the surface, reminiscent of the vertical pupil of cats.
- Group belonging to: Family of Beryl
- Color(s): Green, yellow, white
- Symbol: Protection, anchoring
- Hardness: 8.5
- Main deposits: Brazil, China, Sri Lanka
- Chemical composition: Beryllium aluminum oxide
- Day of the week: Every day
Varieties of Cat's Eye
An unusual protective stone, Cat's Eye is a variety of Chrysoberyl , protecting against the evil eye .
The Cat's Eye Effect is found in a number of other varieties of gemstones, although in some cases the effect is quite rare.
Among fine gemstones, Cat's Eye Tourmalines can often be found in green and pink, and larger sizes are not uncommon.
With a hardness of 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale, Cat's Eye Tourmaline is durable enough to make rings.
The Cat's Eye effect can also be seen in a number of other gemstone varieties, but only very rarely . They include Emerald, Iolite (also known as Cordierite), Aquamarine, Andalusite, Tanzanite and Scapolite.
Benefits and virtues of Cat's Eye
The cat's eye has magical properties . This anchoring stone also stimulates intuition . It dissipates negative energy from the aura, protects against the evil eye, brings confidence, happiness, serenity and luck. Cat's Eye gives energy , flexibility , relaxation , boldness . It stimulates intelligence with finesse.
Physical properties
- Treats eye disorders and improves night vision.
- Relieves headaches and facial pain .
- Gives energy, flexibility and relaxation to the body.
- Regulatory action on the liver, pancreas, intestines, gallbladder.
Spiritual properties
- Increases intuition
- Brings luck
- Gives confidence
- Dispels negative energies from the aura.
Sentimental properties
Due to its Venusian influence, the Cat's Eye favors passionate romantic climates.
There is perfect osmosis between this stone and its owner, whom it vibrates with confidence.
If the people involved decide so, relationships can only flourish, against all odds, sometimes even to the detriment of others.
Used on the Solar Plexus Chakra , it allows for more fluid communication . It is therefore recommended for people who are shy and have difficulty communicating. The stone will free you.
Astrological signs
The Cat's Eye stone is linked to the sign of Cancer , Capricorn and Scorpio .
Cat's eye quartz gives energy, flexibility , relaxation , and boldness to its holder. It protects from the evil eye and attracts wealth particularly to these signs.
Recharging and purification
Cat's Eye is cleaned with spring water and a little salt .
It will recharge either with lunar rays or solar rays provided it is only exposed to the first rays of the morning sun.
It can also be recharged on quartz clusters .
Like all protective stones, it is recommended to use it on a daily basis to see the benefits of its benefits on your life and that of your family .
Meaning and History of Cat's Eye
This stone is from the Chrysoberyl family which is also known under the name of cymophane. Only Chrysoberyl is entitled to the name “cat’s eye”. Other stones that have a comparable surface reflection must mention their name before that of cat's eye (examples: cat's eye quartz, cat's eye apatite, etc.).
In the Middle Ages , it was used as a talisman against witchcraft. In Scotland, the cat's eye was recognized as a stone of prosperity which brought wealth to its wearer.
The Cat’s Eye protective stone has always improved your night vision. This can be a significant advantage if you work in a dark place or if you have to return home late, for example. With better night vision you can anticipate and avoid dangers. She can also help you if you have vision problems.
It is known to protect against the evil eye and improves your aura . Your intuition becomes stronger and you are more clairvoyant. This stone seems ideal if your profession is intellectual or artistic. It promotes creativity and courage .
This protective stone adapts to all types of profiles; there are no contraindications depending on your personality.