Rock Crystal Stone: Virtues of Rock Crystal
- Origin of the name : Comes from the ancient Greek “krystallos” which means “ice”
- Home group : Quartz
- Color(s) : Transparent, colorless
- Symbol : Union of opposites
- Hardness : 7
- Main deposits : Worldwide. The most beautiful come from Brazil, Arkansas, Madagascar and the Alps.
- Chemical composition : Silicon dioxide
- Day of the week : Monday
Varieties of Rock Crystal
Rock Crystal can vary in different ways. It is above all the forms created which give rise to the various varieties. There are in particular:
- Crystal ball : Sphere carved from lead crystal
- Crystal Druse : It is a cluster of crystal points
- Laser Quartz : It is a Rock Crystal tip
- Cathedral crystals : This is a set of crystals
- Biterminated crystals : Crystallization formed on both sides
They can also be:
- rolled stones,
- polished stones.
Priorities and virtues of Rock Crystal
In lithotherapy, Rock Crystal is like the queen stone . This is certainly explained by its possible applications and uses. It is the anti-pain protection stone par excellence, to the extent that it is often used to treat back pain and various temporary pains . It would also be beneficial to help regulate gastric and intestinal problems .
Rock Crystal also has benefits for the eyes as an organ and vision in general, for hearing, for the circulatory system and the heart and for the entire nervous system . The litho-therapeutic uses of Rock Crystal are too varied to be listed all.
On a psychological level , Rock Crystal is a stone of opening the mind favorable to meditation and concentration. Also open to new ideas and designs. Stubborn people would be well advised to equip themselves with a quartz before entering into a discussion or debate of ideas.
A harmonious and anti-stress stone , Rock Crystal captures negative energies to leave room only for harmony . On a spiritual level , it helps to resolve energetic and emotional blockages to amplify the faculties of spiritual perceptions and other sensitivities of the subtle world. It is for this reason that it is recommended to use caution when handling quartz.
It protects from bad influences.
Rock Crystal can be used for all chakras to amplify its properties.
It acts more particularly on the Third Eye (Ajna chakra), the Solar Plexus (Manipura chakra) and the Heart Chakra (Anahata chakra).
It should in fact be employed in every imposition or treatment with gemstones. Because it harmonizes and clarifies the aura . Its role is to serve as transmitter and accumulator. Here his function as transmitter is strongest.
With its powerful energy , always pure and clear, it progresses deeply in each chakra and thus makes all our energies fluid .
Astrological signs
The fine stone is associated with all astrological signs .
Recharging and purification
To purify the Rock Crystal you can immerse it in lightly salted distilled water or simply rinse it with water .
To recharge it , simply expose it to the sun .
Meaning and history of Rock Crystal
Archaeological excavations suggest that Rock Crystal was a stone known and used since prehistoric times. It would have been used to make tools, the tips of weapons or even as flint to light fires. Since Antiquity, almost all the people who had known it attributed healing , even magical and supernatural powers to it.
The civilizations of the Middle East attributed to it the power to make invisible . The Mayans used quartz as a wizard's wand to find water.
In the 10th century AD, it was the turn of the Egyptians to create ewers decorated with spirals in relief. We also find in the Louvre Museum the reliquary (made of silver, Rock Crystal stone, copper and enamels) of Saint Henri dating from medieval times.
During the Renaissance period , the workshops of Florence and Milan made superb pieces of Rock Crystal stone and gave life to hanaps (drinking vessel of medieval origin), cups and vases. It is also possible to see them in the Apollon gallery of the Louvre Museum.
A large number of obelisks then appeared , mainly from Egypt after their great campaign under the Empire and the consulate . The bishops also made rings.