Rose Quartz Stone: Virtues of Rose Quartz
A stone of love , Rose Quartz strengthens the bond that exists between all things. It brings gentleness , tenderness and compassion , and helps you heal your grief and your emotional wounds , conscious or not. It brings inner cohesion. The latter allows you to contact this part of yourself which has so much difficulty finding its way through the constraints of daily life: love.
- Origin of the name : From the name “quaterz” meaning “bad ore” or from the German term “gewärz” meaning “germ” and “excrescence”
- Group belonging to : Silicates
- Color(s) : Pink, pale pink
- Symbol : Appeasement
- Hardness : 7 on the Mohs scale
- Deposits : Brazil, as well as many countries around the world
- Chemical composition : Silicon dioxide
- Day of the week : Monday
Varieties of Rose Quartz
Its color varies depending on the proportion of the elements that color it, and ranges from pale pink to peach color. Some examples, particularly from Madagascar, when cut into cabochons reveal a strange white reflection in the shape of an asterisk, this is Starry Rose Quartz.
Rose Quartz is a variety of quartz tinted with metallic oxides. Raw Rose Quartz is preferred but tumbled stones, fine stones or polished stones are also very popular. There are also Smoky Quartz , White Quartz , Black Quartz , Gray Quartz and Blue Quartz .
Benefits and virtues of Rose Quartz
In lithotherapy, the precious stone represents love . The latter is directly connected to the 4th chakra, the Heart Chakra. Rose Quartz represents love from the whole world but also tenderness. It is able to soften quite hard hearts and influences the pleasures and joys of love. The pains of the heart fade and disappear.
The stone also brings peace , love and friendship . Rose Quartz helps those who wear it to forgive but also to respect, both themselves and others. It supports depressed people and promotes rapid healing , whether physical or moral . Using Quartz stones therefore seems to be very advantageous.
Lithotherapy helps relieve burns but stimulates the circulatory system and the kidneys at the optimal level.
Known for its calming properties , Rose Quartz stone can be placed in a living room such as the living room but also in a bedroom. Love and calm will be reunited and tensions, if any, should ease and calm down .
Rose Quartz accompanied by a Black Tourmaline or a Rock Crystal placed in a room will have increased virtues. They can be complementary since calm and quality of sleep will be provided. The nightmares should disappear .
Physical actions
It can speed up the resorption of bruises. It is especially on the side effects caused by stress that this stone can be useful on a physical level. For example ulcers , hypertension linked to anxiety , cancers (preventively). It is also used against insomnia and headaches .
The action is done primarily on the fourth chakra called the Heart Chakra , it fills it with love .
Astrological signs
Rose Quartz in Western astrology is associated with the signs of Taurus and Libra .
The related planet is Venus , symbol of love.
Recharging and purification
Rose Quartz should be cleaned and purified regularly. You will place your stone in a glass or earthen container, filled with distilled and preferably salted water .
You can also place it for 10 minutes under running tap water.
Recharging will be done inside an Amethyst geode or more simply in the morning sun or under the rays of the moon.
Absolutely avoid leaving it in the hot sun for a long time as the rose quartz could lose its pretty color! If this happens, try to restore its healthy appearance by leaving it in the shade for as long as possible.
Finally, Rose Quartz appreciates a light spray of rose water which restores its freshness.
Meaning and History of Rose Quartz
Stone has always maintained an intimate relationship with love and the heart . Already in the Bronze Age, Middle Eastern civilizations advocated the goddess of fertility , war and love: Astarte, with Rose Quartz. These rites and offerings continued until Antiquity .
Many civilizations have also used it, whether the Carthaginians, the Etruscans, the Greeks, the Hebrews, the Hurrians, the Mesopotamians, the Phoenicians, the Romans or even the Sumerians.
According to Greek mythology , the stone is the origin of Aphrodite . During the time that Adonis spent his time hunting, the latter was allegedly attacked by a wild boar. The latter was nothing more and nothing less, Ares, the official lover of Aphrodite. Aphrodite would then have quickly stepped into the bushes, except that they were filled with brambles. Aphrodite then found her lover Adonis dead.
From his blood appeared the stone Rose Quartz . The Greek people used this stone a lot to celebrate the goddess of beauty and love : Aphrodite.
Another legend says that Eros will bring Rose Quartz to earth. This stone was to bring love instead of hatred and human anger.
Later in ancient Egypt, the stone was considered for its physical virtues , to fight against aging . The powder was widely used on the face to make masks and remove wrinkles. Rose Quartz was often offered at the time of death; a stone was often introduced into the tombs of noble families .
These beliefs also existed in ancient Rome .
Today , the Rose Quartz stone is used in various fields, such as lithotherapy , industry , watchmaking and even jewelry . Many pieces of jewelry are made, such as necklaces, bracelets, etc. In lithotherapy, we will rather use the pendant to act directly at the level of the plexus.