Rhyolite Stone: Virtues of Rhyolite

A legendary stone, Rhyolite contains vestiges of history that very few know. This stone, which takes on the appearance of magmatic lava, comes from volcanic regions. Its mythical colors, its sometimes indefinable properties , give it a thousand and one virtues recognized in lithotherapy.

  • Origin of the name: Comes from the Greek “Rhein”, literally translated as “flow” and “lithos” which means “stone”
  • Home group: Feldspars
  • Color(s): Gray, green, pink and orange
  • Symbol: Calm
  • Hardness: 5.5 - 7
  • Main deposits: Australia
  • Chemical composition: Volcanic rock rich in silica
  • Day of the week: Every day

Varieties of Rhyolite

The colors and shapes obtained in these lava flows are very varied. The predominant colors of Rhyolite are green, yellow, caramel, orange, ocher and brown .

These lava flows can create effects of bands, bubbles, layers of crystals... which can result in stones as surprising as Rainforest Jasper or Apache Rhyolite.

If the cooling is very slow, you can obtain a rock filled with air bubbles, of which pumice is one.

Benefits and virtues of Rhyolite

On physical health

The stone has a beneficial effect on the body, it strengthens immune defense .

Rhyolite also promotes the absorption of vitamins and reinforces the efforts made in the fight against obesity. Rhyolite is also recommended for people who are diabetic or under treatment for hypoglycemia.

This stone improves the functioning of the kidneys and liver by facilitating cleaning . It even helps people with kidney stones heal faster.

Some skin infections improve, including skin problems caused by viruses.

In ancient times as today, Rhyolite is also used to fight against aging. It has therapeutic virtues in the treatment of varicose veins.

On the psyche and relationships

Stone of success , Rhyolite accompanies all those who have life projects or goals to achieve, particularly on the financial level.

It keeps procrastination away and provides the motivation necessary to move forward in business. Creative minds improve thanks to this stone and in some cases, ideas even seem to come “by themselves”.

This stone wards off negative thoughts and promotes concentration on individual strengths. It increases self-confidence and allows you to maintain a good attitude in all situations.

Rhyolite acts on thoughts to guide our actions towards success. The good vibration that emanates from Rhyolite brings prosperity and hope in life .

Stone of communication , Rhyolite encourages the most shy to express themselves and show their emotions.

This stone improves couple relationships and strengthens the bonds that unite two people who love each other.


Rhyolite stone acts on the Solar Plexus Chakra .

Astrological signs

The Rhyolite stone is linked to the sign of Cancer .

Recharging and purification

A tumbled stone pebble must be purified as soon as you take possession of it .

Indeed, before reaching you, it has been manipulated by several people and it is necessary to remove the influences which it has taken on.

The Rhyolite tumbled stone pebble can be purified with water .

The Rhyolite tumbled stone pebble recharges in the sun or on a mass of quartz like a geode or a piece of Amethyst .

Meaning and History of Rhyolite

Its name comes from the Greek Rhein or "to flow" and lithos "stone". The name was given by the German geologist Ferdinand Von Richthofen.

It is a rock from the feldspar family, formed by volcanic magma which presents crystals of quartz, feldspars and amphibole.

This type of magma, containing a lot of silica , can produce a glassy rock when cooling is very rapid, such as obsidian. With slower cooling, there is a formation of multiple crystals which can give surprising patterns.

The history and traditional use of Rhyolite are little known , although we know that its exploitation is ancient.

Combine Rhyolite

The energy of Rhyolite combines particularly well with other stones linked to Gaia and nature such as petrified wood as well as with “animal” stones such as Leopard Jasper, Tiger's Eye or even the Eye of Taurus .

Rhyolite also harmonizes perfectly with the energy of Moonstone as they both resonate with the cycles of nature and the universe.
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