Selenite Stone: Virtues of Selenite

Selenite Stone: Virtues of Selenite

Selenite a variety of fibrous Gypsum with a white and satin luminescence . It conveys and amplifies the entire color spectrum of the rainbow. It therefore provides all of the body's energy needs .
Its name comes from the Latin Selenitis which means “moonstone” because it is said to see the shine of the moon .
“Ordinary” Selenite is used for making plaster.

  • Origin of the name : From the Latin Selenitis which means “moonstone”
  • Home group : Gypsum
  • Color(s) : White, pink, beige to brown
  • Symbol : Purity and benevolence
  • Hardness : 2.5 to 4
  • Deposits : Sahara, Russia, Mexico
  • Chemical composition: Calcium hydrosulfate
  • Day of the week : Monday

Selenite Bracelet
Clarity, Serenity, Spirituality
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Selenite Bracelet
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Selenite and Blue Tiger's Eye Bracelet
Selenite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Selenite has an exceptionally high and pure vibration, which promotes super-consciousness. It connects us with our highest Self, our spiritual guides, and illuminates the mystical path between us and the Divine. Selenite can be used...
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Benefits and virtues of Selenite

Its fine and gentle vibrational frequency soothes , gives clarity of mind , promotes the development of intuition and telepathic powers .

It helps in particular to restore the balance between all of the body's energies in an extremely fluid manner.

It is a very calm stone that inspires deep peace . It is a healing stone that promotes relaxation and brings inner peace.

This is why it can be interesting to use this crystal as a decorative object .

Spiritually and psychologically

Selenite promotes understanding and open- mindedness . It allows spiritual development .

Excellent for meditation or spiritual work , it brings well-being and serenity.

In terms of moral quality, it helps to become aware of oneself. It facilitates in-depth self-analysis , beyond superficial perceptions. Its intuitive dimension helps prevent loss of contact with oneself . It is therefore an excellent support for introspection .

As a result, this fine stone helps to undo previous blockages , responsible for certain complexes.

Among all its benefits, it also allows stress reduction and inner calm .

It is beneficial to use Selenite stones for pregnant women to bring well-being and relaxation .

It is also an excellent crystal for breastfeeding and to calm the agitation of young children.

It will help purify the ambient air and chase away bad vibes. It keeps negative spirits away from a house or interior.

Thus, it would improve the quality of sleep if placed near you during the night.

On the physical level

On a physical level, Selenite supports the abdominal organs during pregnancy . It is also very effective in cases of infertility.

Beneficial for the stomach, it fights against obesity problems .

It also restores elasticity to the skin and tightens the tissues. In addition, it helps erase wrinkles and signs of age . It treats skin diseases such as acne , eczema , psoriasis. It helps protect against baldness.

Then, it will help stimulate the brain , memory and intellect.

Very effective in limiting joint pain, muscle pain or migraines, Selenite reduces pain in general.

After a sporting effort, the stone will relax your muscles , which will help avoid cramps the next day .


On the second and fifth chakra , Sacral Chakra and Third Eye Chakra , Selenite soothes.

Astrological signs

The Selenite stone is particularly suited to the zodiac signs of:

  • Cancer ,
  • Aquarius .
  • Selenite Bracelet
    Clarity, Serenity, Spirituality
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    Selenite Bracelet
    Selenite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Selenite has an exceptionally high and pure vibration, which promotes super-consciousness. It connects us with our highest Self, our spiritual guides, and illuminates the mystical path between us and the Divine. Selenite can be used...
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    Shungite and Selenite Bracelet
    Purification, Protection, Elevation
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    Shungite and Selenite Bracelet
    Shungite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Shungite is an incredible stone for grounding, purification and transformation. She teaches us how to stay in full balance, in our body, mind, heart and spirit. Shungite asks us to let go of any stupid...
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    Selenite and Blue Tiger's Eye Bracelet
    Peace, Discernment, Concentration
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    Selenite and Blue Tiger's Eye Bracelet
    Selenite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Selenite has an exceptionally high and pure vibration, which promotes super-consciousness. It connects us with our highest Self, our spiritual guides, and illuminates the mystical path between us and the Divine. Selenite can be used...
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    Super seven and Selenite bracelet
    Awakening, Purification, Harmonization
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    Super seven and Selenite bracelet
    Super Seven Properties Spiritual Healing Properties The Super Seven invites us to do our part to raise the collective consciousness of humanity. It is a remarkable crystalline ally for anyone who wants to save the world, heal the world, or...
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    Recharging and purification

    The Selenite stone must be purified as soon as you take possession of it .
    In fact, before reaching you, it was handled by several people. Thus, it is appropriate to remove the influences with which he has taken charge.

    After a while the stone gave all the energy it could. It is necessary to purify it energetically using salt and lots of sunlight.

    On the other hand, this stone should definitely not be placed in contact with water .

    It recharges on a cluster of Quartz , like a piece or geode of Amethyst .

    Meaning and History of Selenite

    Selenite draws its name from the heart of Greek mythology . The Goddess Selene was associated with the White Moon, symbol of perfection and purity. This is why Selenite pulls, according to certain beliefs of the lunar forces.

    However, according to its creation legend, this stone fears water and should naturally disintegrate when it approaches.

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