Serpentine Stone: Virtues of the Serpentine
Serpentine reduces nervousness . it would have good capacity on the chakras to purify them and direct the energy towards the higher Chakras, it promotes the awakening of mediumistic abilities . It stimulates the nervous system.
- Origin of the name: From the Latin “serpentinus” and the Greek “ophidis” meaning stone snake
- Home group: Serpentines
- Color(s): Green, brown, gray, blue-green, apple green, beige, yellow, black, white or even colorless
- Symbol: Simplicity, stability
- Hardness: 2.5 - 4
- Main deposits: France, Canada, United States, China, India
- Chemical composition: Basic magnesium silicates, iron hydroxide
- Day of the week: Friday
Varieties of Serpentine
Three varieties of Serpentine stand out and are very effective in lithotherapy: silver eye, Serpentine and pale Serpentine .
It also exists :
Bowenite is a variety of apple green Serpentine with light veins .
Verdite is a green variety penetrated with fuschite, often translucent which is cut into a cabochon .
Benefits and virtues of Serpentine
Psychological plan
The olive-colored mineral has many facets, whether on a psychological level, a spiritual level or a physical level. It has protective properties, both on the body and the mind, against invasive waves and against worries.
It helps to relax and unwind your mind , while helping you focus away from daily concerns. It opens the mind and helps direct healing energy to a specific location in the body. The Serpentine stone also helps relieve stress , particularly that caused by travel. It relaxes angry people and soothes tensions so that the person feels great inner calm.
- It soothes headaches by reducing tension due to stress and anger.
- She is a true ally in awakening to spirituality . It opens the chakra group very effectively.
- It can serve as protection against aggression by deflecting all attempts at physical and mental violence. It then plays the role of a talisman.
- It provides composure and courage and helps correct all types of emotional imbalances.
- It plays a big role at the psychological level because it allows us to remember our past lives quite effectively. It is a precious help in healing little by little from the wounds of these lives.
Psychic plane
It also promotes secretions from certain glands when they are not functioning well. This mineral, widely used in lithotherapy, has also proven itself in relieving muscular tension.
Karmically, Serpentine is the stone of choice for the Heart and Throat Chakras .
Astrological signs
It is especially favorable for the astrological signs of Gemini , Libra and Pisces .
Recharging and purification
The purification of the Serpentine is done with demineralized water , taking care never to use salt which can damage the stone.
To recharge it , burying it for a few hours in uncontaminated soil (in the middle of a forest for example) should restore all of its power to the stone.
It is also possible to place it on a cluster of Quartz .
Meaning and History of the Serpentine
Also called ophite or ophiolite , the Serpentine stone is often difficult to identify because it comes in multiple colors and many varieties : it is most often found in an olive hue, but it also exists in shades of red, light green, and green. forest, yellow, black or white. This is why his name is often used with confusion in 19th and 20th century literature.
It comes from the volcanic activity of the seabed and the peridotite contained in the soil . Its hardness varies a lot, between 2.2 and 4. This amazing mineral is found mainly in Great Britain, Italy, Russia, the United States, Zimbabwe and Norway.
The word Serpentine comes from the most common appearance of this mineral, rather rough and scaly with an olive green tint reminiscent of the color of the reptile. In Latin, Serpentine also means stone serpent , and its other name, ophite, comes from the Greek ophidis which designates the snake.
The Serpentine stone has been used since the dawn of time by certain peoples of Antiquity who used it as much for its decorative virtues as for its medicinal virtues: the Assyrians, Persians, Sumerians and Egyptians used its surface. polished to make seals and stamps.
The ore, covered with oil after having been smoothed with an abrasive material, offers no grip to wax, water or clay. But it was already known before, during the Neolithic period in the 6th century BC, because prehistoric men made long ax blades, decorative and intended for celebrations due to their fragility .