Shungite stone: Virtues of Shungite
- Origin of the name : From its region of origin in Russia and the name Shunga
- Group belonging to : Uncrystallized carbon
- Color(s) : Black and silver gray
- Symbol : Protection
- Hardness : Between 3.5 and 4
- Deposits : Kazakhstan, Russia
- Chemical composition : Fullerene molecules
- Day of the week : Every day
Varieties of Shungite
The composition is variable whether it is a matte variety or a shiny variety for the shiny variety the ash content can be up to 3.3% plus impurities for both varieties.
Blocks of Shungite with veins of Pyrite are also found.
By its intense black color, the stone can be confused with Black Tourmaline .
Benefits and virtues of Shungite
On the mental level
Shunga ore has a profound anchoring effect, it allows us to refocus our energies with the Earth. It works to align our energy bodies and allows our chakras to start functioning in harmony again .
The Shungite stone with its many characteristics effectively protects against all negative influences. Used in the form of a pendant, it will allow you to always carry it with you.
On the physical level
It is a rock which has primarily been used for curative purposes for several centuries. Numerous characteristics have been found to aid convalescence by strengthening the energy metabolism of patients. It activates the circulation of body fluids and provides a boost of energy . It effectively harmonizes the environment in which it is placed.
It neutralizes harmful radiation on our body (microwaves, cellular, wifi, etc.), it repairs the damage caused by it. Carrying a Shungite stone as a pendant or in your pocket is a perfect way to protect yourself at work . It is also possible to keep it on public transport. In fact, electromagnetic waves are most present with the multitude of active devices.
On the karmic level, Shungite acts on all the chakras .
Astrological signs
Shungite acts optimally on all astrological signs .
Recharging and purification
Shungite needs to be cleansed and purified regularly. We advise you to soak your Shungite stone in mineral water overnight.
This water should not be reused with other minerals. This stone does not need to be recharged .
Meaning and History of Shungite
The name of Shungite comes from the village , “Shunga” of its discovery (Shun'ga). Its current name is actually misspelled, it should be spelled "schoungite".
This rock called Shungite, but sometimes also Chingite or Schingite. it is present on the outskirts of Lake Onega , in the region of Karelia which has the only deposit known to date.
The history of the stone begins in the 16th century with a story relating the miraculous virtues of Shungite. In addition to local inhabitants who used the stone for therapeutic purposes for centuries. It seems that a Russian aristocrat of the time, suffering from sterility , conceived a child. This confection would have been made after a stay near a Shungite deposit. The child would later found the Romanov dynasty which ruled Russia until the Bolshevik Revolution.
It partly responds to a structure quite similar to other rocks due to its fairly high carbon composition . It would in fact come from the mineralization of plankton, some deposits of which date back at least several billion years. According to Russian legend, Peter the Great opened the first thermal baths with Shungite water in Russia .
The Martsialnye Vody thermal spa was used for more than three centuries to treat and relieve the sick . Recently some samples have detected the presence of fullerenes. It was in fact a molecule partly composed of carbon, in the composition of these thermal waters.
Another story relating the virtues of Shungite would be attributed to Peter the Great, the famous Russian tsar. The monarch is said to have prescribed putting Shungite stones in his soldiers' water. This was to remedy the dysentery and other pathologies from which his army suffered.
At present and according to the information, we still do not know what its exact composition is. There is still ongoing research to reveal this. Many therapists not only recognize its beneficial action, but also regularly employ it in their healing practices .
It is common knowledge in lithotherapy to only use rocks whose characteristics have been established and verified. Its protective power has been established for several hundred years now.
The well-known Isaac Cathedral in Saint Petersburg is a perfect example to illustrate the knowledge of its beneficial actions. The builders placed a plinth in this same rock 25 centimeters high.
Research papers continue to flow in favor of this mineral and prove its beneficial impact. It acts in particular on the electromagnetic and geo-pathological fields . Shungite is effective against electromagnetic radiation preventing cellular waves :
- wifi waves,
- televisions,
- mobile phones,
- any electrical utensil.