Pierre Sulfur: Virtues of Sulfur

Omnipresent in the body, native Sulfur is intimately linked to the organic and vibrational structure . It balances pollution linked to heavy metals. It thus strengthens the subtle links between all energies, creating cohesion and harmony between your body and your consciousness.

It disorients your mental conditioning.

It awakens new interests in you, creating deep emotional spontaneity. It pushes you to discovery and innovation.

  • Origin of the name : Its name comes from the Sanskrit “çulbâri” which means “enemy of copper” or from the Latin “sulpur”
  • Group belonging to : Chalcogens
  • Color(s) : Yellow
  • Symbol : Joy and good humor
  • Hardness : 1.5 to 2.5
  • Deposits : Italy, Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia, Poland, Iran, Afghanistan, Iceland, United States
  • Chemical composition: Native sulfur
  • Day of the week : Every day

Variety of Sulfur

The two stable crystallized varieties are orthorhombic sulfur and monoclinic sulfur.

Orthorhombic sulfur appears in the form of yellow-green crystals , while monoclinic sulfur is made up of long prismatic needles of amber-yellow color .

Its shape can vary in raw form or in the form of sulfur pebbles.

Benefits and virtues of Sulfur

It is very useful for absorbing negative energies and destructive emotions . Place this stone in the room where you wish to benefit from its effects.

Native Sulfur brings joy of life and good humor , because it brings very positive energy.

Powerful purifier , it is bactericidal, fungicidal, antiparasitic. It fights skin rashes on the human body (urticaria, acne, boils, hematomas, insect bites, etc.).

Excellent for the purification of blood , intestines, urine, bronchi, and the regulation of fevers through sweating.

From an energetic point of view, it will help purify oneself from suffering. It purifies everything in the body and in the mind. It destroys viruses and microbes , it attacks the ailments of the soul. It opposes a rampart to attacks from the outside, whatever they may be, but particularly to spells and bewitchments.

This “ stone sun ” constitutes an excellent aid in fighting depression . It effectively treats certain infectious conditions in addition to keeping away negative waves of all kinds that could prove harmful. An outstanding ally for therapists wishing to work effectively on certain conditions such as the flu, allergies and colds.

From a psychological point of view , using Sulfur stones helps to reduce stubbornness and increase creativity . It also helps reduce repetitive thoughts and keep your feet on the ground. It promotes concentration and activates, in us, the desire for true change by casting new light on the obstacles preventing our transformation.


Sulfur is a powerful karmic purifier.

By rebalancing the Solar Plexus Chakra , it allows us to recharge . It would bring warmth and good humor.

Astrological signs

The Sulfur stone is particularly suited to the zodiac signs of:

Recharging and purification

The Sulfur stone must be purified as soon as you take possession of it .
In fact, before reaching you, it was handled by several people. Thus, it is appropriate to remove the influences with which he has taken charge.

After a while the stone gave all the energy it could. It is necessary to purify it.

On the other hand, this stone should definitely not be placed in contact with water . She purifies herself with incense.

It recharges on a Quartz cluster , or in sunlight.

Meaning and History of Sulfur

Sulfur has for too long been considered the mark of the Devil , due to the pungent odor it spreads when burning. It is high time to rehabilitate this very interesting stone, too harshly discredited by religious beliefs.

Around 150 BC. BC, Cato the Elder recommends Sulfur against the vine moth with a recipe which is one of the first insecticide recipes known in the West. Homer cites it as “keeping away vermin”.

In the 9th century BC. and in -424, a tribe destroyed the walls of a city by burning a mixture of coal, sulfur and tar under its walls.

In book XXII of the Odyssey, Odysseus returns home , finds the suitors, massacres them then hangs twelve young girls who had lived with them. He then lights a big fire where he burns Sulfur to purify his house.
“Nurse, bring me fire, salutary sulfur, That I may sulfur the room; then go and tell Penelope to come…”

Sulfur is mentioned in the Bible numerous times:

Yahweh rained sulfur and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis, 19, 24).
speaking of the wicked: “Sulphur will be sprinkled on his place of residence ” (Job, 18, 15).
The breath of Yahweh like a torrent of Sulfur will set it ablaze (Isaiah, 30, 33).
Dioscorides describes it as a yellow body easily reduced to powder . It burns with a blue flame accompanied by an irritating smoke used by the military to scare away the enemy. (making it one of the first “chemical weapons”)

Around the 11th century, the Chinese invented gunpowder by mixing it with saltpeter (potassium nitrate, KNO3) and charcoal. The first method of preparation seems to date from the year 1044. In 1128 the Chinese military used this invention for a bombardment. A few years later (1245), gunpowder was also discovered in Europe by Roger Bacon and Berthold Swartz.

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