Black Tourmaline Stone: Properties and Virtues of Black Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline is a basic stone in lithotherapy . This completely opaque black mineral anchors deeply to the earth and releases the grips of evil. The largest deposits are, as is often the case, in Brazil, but also in Madagascar.
This stone is found in the form of clusters or crystallized, in the latter form its surface is often covered with parallel lines.
- Color(s): Black
- Symbol: Protection
- Hardness: 7 - 7.5
- Main deposits: Africa, America, Asia, Europe
- Chemical composition: Iron, magnesium, alkalis
- Day of the week: Thursday
Varieties of Tourmaline
Tourmaline rarely appears in a uniform color (apart from black). It is usually available in a variety of transparent shades . Each has specific virtues associated with lithotherapy .
By its color, Pink Tourmaline promotes love , desire and peace.
Although rare, this heart stone symbolizes the nature of love . It is a pure crystal, enemy of confusion and bad thoughts.
Through its color, it brings joy of life and has an energizing action . It also has a beneficial effect on sleep .
This color of Tourmaline promotes spiritual freedom, encourages tolerance and truth.
This stone has benefits regarding relational ease . Indeed, it helps in understanding others and oneself.
Turquoise-colored tourmaline from Brazil, its rarity has meant that its deposit is already practically exhausted.
Benefits and virtues of Black Tourmaline
Super anchoring stone, it helps to keep your feet on the ground, to be concrete, it reduces mental wandering, very useful when you are upside down. This Tourmaline brings our energies down from top to bottom. It absorbs negative energies with a protective shield.
It is used as a relief stone to rebalance during intense spiritual work , for example for a medium it allows you to cut the link and no longer be disturbed by entities.
This precious stone also absorbs bad energies from people and places; it is not uncommon for the stone to crack or even “explode” into pieces upon contact with a large flow of bad energies. She will then have taken these energetic attacks for you , this degradation of the stone is reduced by using a larger stone and/or by purifying the black tourmaline more regularly.
Physical plan
This stone has properties that influence magnetic fields ; it can be used to reduce the negative effects of electromagnetic waves from domestic electrical appliances.
For people who are very sensitive to electromagnetic pollution, Black Tourmaline will greatly ease their lives. Black Tourmaline helps urinate by energizing the renal system, it also relieves tired ankles and feet .
Karmically, the stone is favorable to the Root Chakra .
Astrological signs
Black Tourmaline is a protective stone associated with the sign of Aries and Scorpio .
Recharging and purification
After a while the stone gave all the energy it could.
It can be vigorously purified by immersing it for several hours in demineralized water, possibly slightly salty.
Black Tourmaline can also be purified by placing it on a good quantity of salt .
Charging the stone in the sun will have a significant modification of its properties; it will anchor less, it will absorb bad energy less, on the other hand it will have more diuretic effects.
Meaning and history of Black Tourmaline
The name Tourmaline derives from the Sinhalese (Sri Lankan language) term Thuramali. This means according to the most common interpretation “ stone of mixed colors ”. This name was given to all stones whose name was not particularly known.
The word would have been brought to Europe by Dutch sailors as early as the 18th century.
Few texts clearly cite Tourmaline. It has often been confused with several other stones that resemble it. Even if some specialists today think that according to the descriptions of the ancients, Tourmaline had the name Ionia stone.
Its use in lithotherapy was relatively unknown in European kingdoms, but found great success in the Orient and the Far East.
Figurines of deities and Buddhas were among the objects made with Tourmaline. It is also said that the ladies and empresses of the Chinese imperial court were fond of this stone.
In France, the electrical and electrostatic properties earned it the name Cylan magnet.
Many pieces of jewelry are made with this stone, such as stone bracelets. Don't hesitate to place your stone in your handbag for effects throughout the day.