• Pierre Angelite: Virtues of the Angelite

    Pierre Angelite: Virtues of the Angelite
    Angelite is a rare blue andradite found only in Peru. It is a fragile stone that crumbles easily and can only be extracted by hand. Like all andradites, it grows in a dry desert environment and water will damage it. The gentle energy of angelite was first explored in the late 1980s, during a global meditation event for world peace. Participants gathered in special...
  • Snowflake Obsidian Stone: Virtues of Snowflake Obsidian

    Snowflake Obsidian Spiritual Healing Properties Snowflake obsidian has a slightly gentler energy than pure black obsidian. It helps reveal unhelpful habits and beliefs that limit our lives. When used with conscious intention, snowflake obsidian deepens meditation to a remarkable degree and helps reveal the incredible love and beauty inherent in the universe. It increases psychic sensitivity and the ability to communicate with lost loved...
  • Ocean Jasper Stone: Virtues of ocean jasper

    Spiritual Healing Properties of Ocean Jasper Ocean Jasper inspires us to be an active force of goodness in the world. It reminds us that we have a duty to others, as well as to ourselves, and that one of the clearest spiritual paths is found in service and good works. Ocean jasper invites us to walk the talk and ensure that our behavior reflects...
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