Crystals for sleep: 7 stones to put you into REM sleep
Improve your sleep!
It seems like it should be so easy. Put on your pajamas, sip some chamomile tea, stash your phone somewhere hard to reach, and snuggle between the sheets for a solid eight hours of quality sleep. Yet for many of us, it can be a real chore to achieve better sleep. Life can be rich, busy, and often a little overwhelming, so it makes perfect sense that it's hard to turn off a racing brain and find deep sleep. We also live in a noisier world these days and for light sleepers this can also pose a problem. The thing is, sleep isn't something we can skip. This is a vital time for our bodies to rest and for our cells to heal and rejuvenate. Our quality of sleep affects everything, from how we consume food to how we process information and make decisions. Good sleep helps us be productive, it boosts our metabolism, and it helps our immune system respond to the challenge and thrive. It’s not something we can risk going without. Healing crystals can help us find that rich and rewarding place of sleep. Some of our favorite crystals help soothe anxieties and clear the mind, giving us that mental space we need to let go of our worries and find that mental space of rest. By placing one of these sparkling rocks under your pillow or on your person, you could release negative energy and finally get the solid sleep you need. If you want to learn more about the healing power of crystals, take a look at our guide to essential gemstones right here.
1) Selenite
Selenite angel stone is radiant in its gentle, serene vibrations despite its other name as “shining liquid.” Selenite brings a tide of clarity to your inner thoughts, helping to put you in a headspace of zen calm rather than a toxic mess. The perfect gateway to a restful night, this crystal vibrates with a high frequency that instantly puts you at ease. Selenite is imbued with calm and a delicious helping hand in clearing negative energies - which is exactly the state of mind you need to be in to rest easy, no matter what's going on in the outside world.
2) Celestite or celestine
Another of the angel stones, just as the name suggests, keeping a Celestine close to you when you are trying to sleep is a gift to your body, mind and soul. It also bridges the gap and helps connect you to the third eye, heart and crown chakra, leading to a deeper sense of spirituality, open-mindedness and deep intuitive wisdom. When we feel connected to our intuition and a higher purpose, it can calm tangled thoughts and bring us down to a beautiful place of rest.
3) Howlite
Sometimes you need to dive straight into a place of sleep and that is exactly what the healing energy of Howlite helps you do. Howlite is known to slow the heartbeat to a gentle rhythm, take hot tempers to a cooler place, and stop the mind from fragmenting into a million pieces. This gentle stone is abundant in healing energy. Keep it close to you when the moon rises on its mast.
4) Amethyst
A stone famous for its serenity, Amethyst is one of the most purifying and gentle stones of the lot. The moment you spot this shimmering lilac and purple quartz, your pulse seems to slow down a beat, and your heart fills with radiance. Amethyst is rich in healing energy and is always ready to balance your emotions and bring you happy dreams. For those who struggle with dark clouds swirling in their subconscious space (especially when it's time to sleep and nightmares creep in), Amethyst can provide a sense of gentle security while cleansing your third eye chakra and raising the vibrations of your crown chakra too.
5) Smoky Quartz
A powerful grounding stone, this smoky version of the quartz crystal can help you fall into REM in minutes. Smoky quartz is a great stone to turn to when you want to manifest all of your hopes and desires and yes, that means wanting to make the dream of beautiful sleep a reality too. It has an easy-going nature and an instant calming effect that can put you on the path to perfect sleep.
6) Rose Quartz
Soft shades of pink and a promise of simple joy are wrapped in the heart-healing energy of beautiful Rose Quartz. This stone oozes softness and instantly puts your body, mind and soul to rest. Rose Quartz is known to be one of the most radiant heart healers, meaning it can suture old wounds, cut through dark, anxious thoughts, and open your heart to love, trust, and happiness. effortless self-care. Keep rose quartz nearby, and you may find that the gentle flow of sleep replaces those ruminating nighttime routines.
7) Moonstone
A stone designed to bring light to the darkest nights, the healing energy of the mother moon is here to soothe emotional tensions and tuck you in. Moonstone is infused with feminine energy and well-equipped to calm an oversized mind. A quick meditation with this milky white stone sees all that emotional tension melt away and an acceptance that all things must pass. Not only will moonstone put you in a place where easy sleep is possible, but it also opens the door to lucid dreaming for those who want to delve into the depths of mastery and connection to their subconscious.
How to use these gemstones
Other ways to weave the healing power of these luminous sleep stones is to place them on your bedside table or tuck them under your pillow or carry them on your person for added protection. You can also incorporate some time to meditate with your crystal into your bedtime routine and set an intention for deep, restorative sleep.Not getting enough sleep is stressful, and it can have a major knock-on effect when it comes to our overall sense of health and well-being. Insomnia, bad dreams, and taking a long time to fall asleep become a vicious cycle in which we can begin to see our bed as a place of stress and anxiety. By turning to healing crystals, we may have the opportunity to change this narrative and gently ease into the sleep we need.
Please remember that this is not a substitute for medical advice and those who struggle with insomnia, anxiety, and other sleep-related problems should seek help from their healthcare provider.