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Aries: Your stone horoscope for May 2023


April showers bring May flowers. Yet, storms fight to dominate the sky . Are you in a bloom or a gloom?

The month begins with a dramatic lunar eclipse and extravagant . It tends to unanchor you, that's for sure. But can Mercury, Jupiter and the New Moon come to the rescue?

All signs benefit from healing crystals in May . When the planets are playing ping-pong with your destiny, you want to be on top of your game.

Read your horoscope now to find out what's in the stars for you. Want to receive your stones horoscope in your inbox every month? Join the ShivShakti club and never miss out again.

Magical formula"

Introducing “ Manifestation ” – a bracelet made with Labradorite , Blue Tiger’s Eye and Hematite , designed to empower Aries to manifest their dreams and embrace their true potential. This bracelet amplifies Aries' manifestation abilities, helping them attract positive results and manifest their goals and desires with more ease and effectiveness.


Here is a little ritual to exploit the properties of the Manifestation bracelet:

  • Find a quiet, comfortable space where you can focus and connect to your inner self.
  • Hold the labradorite, blue tiger's eye and hematite bracelet in your hands, letting their energy flow through you.
  • Close your eyes and breathe deeply, exhaling slowly to release any tension or distractions.
  • Repeat the following affirmation out loud or silently, imbuing it with your intention: " I am a powerful manifestor who embraces my true potential. With the energy of labradorite, blue tiger's eye and "hematite, I align with my inner strength, my intuition and my resilience. I manifest my dreams with clarity, purpose and unwavering determination ".
  • Visualize your goals and desires clearly, imagining them manifesting in your life with ease and grace.
  • With each bead you touch on the bracelet, imagine the energies of Labradorite, Blue Tiger's Eye and Hematite amplifying your intentions and supporting your manifestation process.
  • Once you have imbued each bead with your intentions, gently wear the bracelet on your wrist, feeling its energy envelop you.
  • Throughout the day, every time you look at or touch the bracelet, repeat your affirmation or silently affirm your intentions.
  • Use this bracelet as a reminder of your power of manifestation, trusting that the energies of Labradorite, Blue Tiger's Eye and Hematite support you in achieving your dreams.

Remember that it is your belief, your intention and your constant focus that will amplify the power of this ritual. Embrace the energy of the bracelet and allow it to guide you on the path to manifestation as an Aries.

Aries horoscope for May 2023

Welcome to your Aries monthly horoscope for May 2023. This month is all about focusing on relationships, personal growth, financial stability, career development, health and wellness, and dates important to remember. Planetary alignments and celestial events will have a significant impact on various aspects of your life. Let's explore what this month has in store for you.

Love and relationships

In May 2023, your relationships take center stage. The conjunction of Mars and Venus in Gemini on May 2 will improve your communication skills, allowing you to express yourself more clearly. This can lead to the formation of new connections and deeper bonds with your loved ones. The lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 5 will encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and experience new love experiences. Although there can be conflicts and tensions in serious relationships, open and sincere discussions can help find mutual solutions. If you're single, now is the time to prioritize your personal development over actively looking for a partner. For married people, unexpected changes may occur, highlighting the need for flexibility and effective communication. Positive changes in your love life are on the horizon, whether you are engaged or single, making this a fruitful time for your relationship development.

Money and finances

The month of May brings favorable changes in the financial field. Take advantage of potential revenue increases and new earning opportunities. However, it is essential to focus on planning and conservation at the beginning of the month, as unexpected expenses may arise later. Set clear financial goals and develop a well-defined plan to achieve them. Whether paying off debt, saving for a major purchase, or making strategic investments, do your research and seek the advice of a financial advisor before making major financial decisions. Avoid impulsive actions or gambling with your money. Although there may be unexpected costs or financial losses, wise budgeting and strategic planning will help you overcome these challenges and emerge stronger.

Career, education and business

Career development takes priority this month for Aries individuals. With increased confidence and determination, you are well-positioned to achieve your professional goals. Your hard work and dedication will be recognized, which could earn you praise or even a promotion. However, it is important not to let professional ambitions take precedence over your personal life. Maintaining a good work-life balance is essential to avoid burnout. Now is the perfect time to invest in your education and talents by taking courses or workshops to improve your expertise. Networking plays a vital role in your success, so make connections with colleagues and influential people in your field. Establishing strong business relationships and collaborations will be beneficial. Generous offers and business growth opportunities may come your way, stay open to them.

health and wellbeing

During the month of May, you will discover the need to take care of your mental and physical well-being. The universe inspires you to prioritize self-care, rest, and relaxation to preserve your health and vitality. You may feel a desire for solitude and introspection, which can be fulfilled through practices such as meditation, yoga, or spending time in nature. Taking time for yourself will allow you to recharge your batteries and replenish your energy. Pay close attention to your physical and emotional health during this time. The universe emphasizes the importance of self-care and comfort. Moments of solitude and reflection will contribute to your overall well-being, promoting a healthier and revitalized state of being.

Important dates 

Note the important dates of May: 7, 10, 20 and 30.

These dates have significance and can bring opportunities for growth and positive change in various aspects of your life.

Tip of the month

During this period, it is advisable to focus on your career and finances. Take calculated risks to achieve your goals, but remember to prioritize hobbies and self-care. Finding a balance between work and personal well-being will allow you to flourish more.

We wish you a fulfilling month, Aries!

Zodiac Crystals

I offer you a unique approach to the horoscope using crystals to strengthen the properties of each sign of the zodiac.

For Aries, who may face challenges in various aspects of their lives during the month of May 2023, here are six crystals from your collection that can provide support and align with their specific needs:

  • Carnelian : Carnelian is known for its energizing and motivating properties. It can help Aries overcome obstacles, build their confidence, and ignite their passion in their career and personal endeavors.
  • Labradorite : Labradorite is a powerful stone for Aries, as it strengthens their intuition and helps them navigate changes and uncertainties. She encourages Aries to trust their instincts, make wise decisions, and find balance in difficult situations.
  • Rose Quartz : Known as the “stone of love,” rose quartz promotes self-love, compassion, and harmony in relationships. It can help Aries cultivate a nurturing and balanced approach to their interactions, improving their ability to give and receive love.
  • Blue Tiger's Eye or Hawk's Eye : Hawk's eye , also known as hawk's eye, is a calming and protective crystal. It can help Aries maintain a clear and focused state of mind, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote emotional balance.
  • Hematite : Hematite is a powerful grounding stone that can help Aries stay grounded and focused on their goals. It strengthens willpower, courage and concentration, making it a great companion for Aries in difficult times.
  • Selenite : Selenite is a crystal known for its cleansing and purifying properties. It can help Aries release any negative energy or emotional baggage, promoting mental clarity, inner peace and spiritual growth.

By incorporating these crystals into their daily routine or using them during meditation or energy work, Aries can tap into their unique qualities and vibrations to meet challenges, strengthen their strengths, and seize opportunities for growth and transformation that May 2023 present.

Discover the JYOTISHA collection, a Sanskrit term which means “astrology” or “science of the stars”

THE personalized astrological bracelets are a great way to connect to your sun sign and attract positive energies to overcome the challenges you face. However, it is also relevant to consider the astrological ascendant in creating these bracelets, as it adds an extra dimension to self-understanding and helps channel specific energies.

The ascendant, also called the rising sign or horizon sign, is the astrological sign that was rising in the East at the precise moment of our birth. It represents our external appearance, our behavior towards others and the way we are perceived by those around us. The ascendant plays an essential role in our personal development and influences our personality.

Integrating stones associated with the ascendant of each sign , astrological bracelets gain in power and relevance. Stones chosen for ascendants can help balance the aspects of our personality that are most visible to others, thereby improving our interaction with our environment and strengthening our self-confidence.

See my bracelet to make your month a success

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