Dive into astrology with our personalized bracelets according to your zodiac sign .
A unique blend of style and mystery, ready to guide you through 2024 .

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Capricorn: Your stone horoscope for the year 2024


Enter the vibrant and promising world of 2024 , where new beginnings, renewed ambitions and transformative changes await you. This is the time to redefine your aspirations, reshape the trajectory of your life and navigate the celestial currents with the guidance of our experienced astrologers.

2023 has been a year of growth, self-discovery and learning. As we enter 2024, we face a blank slate, an opportunity to refine our goals and embrace the transitions ahead . Whether you aspire to venture into uncharted professional territory, nurture your relationships, or simply find a deeper connection with yourself, your 2024 Horoscope is here to light your path.

So, dive into your 2024 Horoscope! Let him be the lantern that lights your path, the guiding star that leads you towards your dreams and the road map that helps you navigate through the twists and turns of the year ahead.

And if you want to receive your stones horoscope in your inbox every month, join the ShivShakti club !

Magical formula"

Specially designed to embrace and amplify the unique strengths of Capricorn natives in 2024, this elegant bracelet in Black Obsidian , Citrine and Jade is a true concentrate of energy, protection and prosperity, harmoniously combining the virtues of these stones to guide and support every step of your journey throughout the year.


To maximize the benefits of your Black Obsidian, Citrine and Jade bracelet, here is a small ritual accompanied by a powerful affirmation that you can practice regularly:

  1. Choose a Quiet Time: Find a time of day when you can be quiet and uninterrupted, preferably in the morning to start your day with positive energy.

  2. Cleaning the Bracelet: Before wearing it for the first time and periodically thereafter, clean your bracelet. You can do this by running it under cool running water for a few minutes and then gently drying it.

  3. Create a Meditation Space: Sitting comfortably in a quiet space, hold your bracelet in your hands. Close your eyes and breathe deeply to center yourself.

  4. Visualization: Imagine a protective light emanating from Black Obsidian, a golden light of prosperity emanating from Citrine, and a calming green light emanating from Jade. Visualize these energies mixing and forming a protective shield around you.

  5. Affirmation: While holding the bracelet, repeat the following affirmation three times, out loud or in your mind: "I am grounded and protected, I attract prosperity and success, I live with wisdom and balance. This bracelet is my ally to achieve my ambitions and navigate calmly through the challenges and opportunities of this year."

  6. Wearing the Bracelet: Put on the bracelet, keeping in mind your affirmation and the intention you have put into it. Wear it throughout the day to remind yourself of your inner strength and goals.

  7. Gratitude: At the end of the day, remove the bracelet and express your gratitude for the energies and protection it has given you.

This ritual, combined with affirmation, will help you align your energy with that of the stones, strengthening your connection with them and maximizing their potential to support your daily life.

Capricorn horoscope for the year 2024

In 2024, Capricorns will be guided by planetary movements, bringing unique challenges and opportunities. January starts with Mercury retrograde, bringing administrative complications, but Venus will bring financial benefits. February will emphasize love under the influence of Venus in Pisces, while in March Saturn in Pisces will offer gentle resistance to the challenges posed by Jupiter. April will be challenging because of Jupiter and Mars, but Mercury will offer help. In May, Capricorn's robustness will be put to the test, with major financial challenges.


Love for Capricorns in 2024 will experience ups and downs. February will be a month of intense passion, thanks to Venus in Pisces. Mars will see meetings intended to strengthen existing bonds or to meet a soul mate. June will bring support to the love cause, while August promises confidence and assurance in relationships. September may present relationship challenges due to misunderstandings, but there will be support in love.


Capricorns' finances in 2024 will be a mix of challenges and opportunities. January will begin with favorable financial arrangements thanks to Venus. May will require taking significant financial measures. August promises to be positive with efforts paying off. October will be an ideal month to review financial strategies. In December, a financial bonus is expected, relieving the charges.


Capricorns' careers in 2024 will be marked by innovation and resilience. February will see innovation in activities related to passion, under the influence of Mercury. June will be conducive to promoting professional projects. July will require wisdom and strength to handle difficult situations. In September, technical performances will be admired, despite complicated professional relationships. November will be the month to move forward with determination in business.


Family relationships for Capricorns in 2024 will experience moments of tenderness and periods of tension. Mars will bring challenges in April, requiring important decisions with emotional impact. July will be a month to avoid conflict and favor wisdom in family interactions. November efforts can be focused on ambitious family projects.


Capricorn health in 2024 will require special attention to the balance between stress and well-being. April will be a challenging month requiring increased attention to mental health. July will see an increase in energy and libido, prompting a more active lifestyle. It will be important to manage stress and maintain a healthy routine throughout the year.


In summary, 2024 will be a year of growth and challenges for Capricorns. Planetary influences will provide opportunities in the areas of love, finances and career, while also presenting challenges to overcome. It will be crucial to maintain a work-life balance and take care of your health. With determination and wisdom, Capricorns can look forward to a rewarding and successful year.

Zodiac Crystals

I offer you a unique approach to the horoscope using crystals to strengthen the properties of each sign of the zodiac.

To support Capricorn natives in their 2024 challenges, here are six varied crystals, each offering unique benefits:

  1. Black Obsidian:

    • Why: This stone is known for its protective and grounding properties. It will be particularly useful in April and July, when Capricorns find themselves facing stressful challenges and difficult decisions. Black Obsidian helps eliminate negativity and brings mental clarity, essential for navigating tumultuous times.
    • Development: Black obsidian also helps with decision-making, a major asset in May and October when it comes to managing complex financial affairs and making strategic professional decisions.
  2. Rose Quartz:

    • Why: Rose quartz is the stone of love and compassion. It will be beneficial in February, June and August, when romantic and family relationships will be at the forefront. This stone promotes harmony and understanding in relationships.
    • Development: It can also help ease relational tensions that may arise in September and encourage open and affectionate communication.
  3. Citrine:

    • Why: Known to attract prosperity and success, citrine is ideal for the months of January and December, where finances are a focal point. It boosts self-confidence and determination, helping Capricorns to fully exploit financial opportunities.
    • Development: Citrine is also known for its positive energy, helping to maintain an optimistic attitude in the face of challenges.
  4. Amethyst:

    • Why: This stone is known for its calming properties and its ability to promote mental clarity. It will be particularly useful throughout the year to manage stress and promote relaxation, essential for the mental and physical health of Capricorns.
    • Development: Amethyst can also help strengthen intuition, helping Capricorns make informed decisions in their careers and relationships.
  5. Black Tourmaline:

    • Why: Excellent for protection and clearance of negative energy, black tourmaline is especially useful in April and July, when challenges and stress reach their peak. It helps create an energetic shield against stress and negativity.
    • Development: It also promotes a grounded and pragmatic attitude, essential for Capricorns in their quest for stability and success.
  6. Jade:

    • Why: Jade is a stone of wisdom and balance, making it ideal for the months of November and December, where wisdom and balance are needed to navigate complex situations.
    • Development: Jade can also help attract luck and prosperity, supporting Capricorns' efforts in their professional and personal endeavors.

Each of these crystals offers unique properties that can support Capricorns in different aspects of their lives in 2024, whether for stress management, relationship improvement, financial prosperity, or clarity and wisdom in life. decision making.

Discover the JYOTISHA collection, a Sanskrit term which means “astrology” or “science of the stars”

THE personalized astrological bracelets are a great way to connect to your sun sign and attract positive energies to overcome the challenges you face. However, it is also relevant to consider the astrological ascendant in creating these bracelets, as it adds an extra dimension to self-understanding and helps channel specific energies.

The ascendant, also called the rising sign or horizon sign, is the astrological sign that was rising in the East at the precise moment of our birth. It represents our external appearance, our behavior towards others and the way we are perceived by those around us. The ascendant plays an essential role in our personal development and influences our personality.

Integrating stones associated with the ascendant of each sign , astrological bracelets gain in power and relevance. Stones chosen for ascendants can help balance the aspects of our personality that are most visible to others, thereby improving our interaction with our environment and strengthening our self-confidence.

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