Dive into astrology with our personalized bracelets according to your zodiac sign .
A unique blend of style and mystery, ready to guide you through 2024 .

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Sagittarius: Your stone horoscope for the year 2024


Enter the vibrant and promising world of 2024 , where new beginnings, renewed ambitions and transformative changes await you. This is the time to redefine your aspirations, reshape the trajectory of your life and navigate the celestial currents with the guidance of our experienced astrologers.

2023 has been a year of growth, self-discovery and learning. As we enter 2024, we face a blank slate, an opportunity to refine our goals and embrace the transitions ahead . Whether you aspire to venture into uncharted professional territory, nurture your relationships, or simply find a deeper connection with yourself, your 2024 Horoscope is here to light your path.

So, dive into your 2024 Horoscope! Let him be the lantern that lights your path, the guiding star that leads you towards your dreams and the road map that helps you navigate through the twists and turns of the year ahead.

And if you want to receive your stones horoscope in your inbox every month, join the ShivShakti club !

Magical formula"

Embrace the essence of 2024 with this refined bracelet for Sagittarius, a harmonious treasure of Tiger's Eye , Citrine and Carnelian , carefully designed to awaken your inner strength, attract abundance and stimulate your vital energy, accompanying you with elegance and power through a year of transformation and success


To maximize the benefits of your Tiger's Eye, Citrine, and Carnelian bracelet, here is a little ritual accompanied by an affirmation that you can practice:

  1. Cleaning the bracelet : Start by cleaning your bracelet to rid it of previous energies. You can do this by running it under cold running water for a few minutes, leaving it in the sun or moonlight for a few hours, or using sage smoke.

  2. Creating a quiet space : Find a peaceful place where you won't be disturbed. This can be a small corner in your home dedicated to meditation or reflection.

  3. Meditation and connection with the bracelet : Sit comfortably, close your eyes and breathe deeply. Hold your bracelet in your hands and focus on its energy. Imagine the properties of each stone enveloping you - the protection of Tiger's Eye, the abundance of Citrine, and the vitality of Carnelian.

  4. Affirmation : While holding the bracelet, repeat the following affirmation either mentally or out loud: “I am strong, confident and radiating positive energy. Obstacles turn into opportunities, and I naturally attract abundance and success in my life."

  5. Wear the bracelet : Put on the bracelet with the intention of your affirmation in mind. Imagine that every time you look at or touch the bracelet throughout the day, it reminds you of your goals and reinforces your affirmation.

  6. Daily Repeat : Repeat this ritual and affirmation every morning or any time you need a reminder of your inner strength and goals.

This simple yet powerful ritual can help you create a deeper connection with your bracelet and align with the positive energies it represents.

Sagittarius horoscope for the year 2024

The year 2024 for Sagittarians promises to be a period of transitions and growth. Planetary movements, particularly those of Mercury and Mars, will bring initial challenges, testing your patience and resilience. These challenges will, however, be catalysts for personal reflection and development. Your optimistic nature will help you overcome these obstacles and find hidden opportunities in difficult times. The second half of the year promises to be brighter, with planetary influences favoring achievement and expansion in various areas of your life. 2024 will be a year of transformation, inviting you to explore new avenues and strengthen your understanding of yourself and your aspirations.


In 2024, Sagittarians will experience a dynamic year in terms of love, marked by emotional ups and downs. The influences of Venus will spark passionate encounters and moments of romance, while Mars will encourage boldness in the pursuit of romantic desires. For singles, meaningful dating opportunities will emerge, often unexpectedly. Existing couples will need to focus on communication to overcome periods of tension. Conflict, if managed well, could strengthen relationships. However, periods of Mercury retrograde could bring misunderstandings. This year will be a time of learning in relationships, emphasizing the importance of balance in giving and receiving in love.


For Sagittarians, 2024 will be a year of careful and strategic management of finances. The first few months can present challenges, with delays or confusion due to Mercury and Mars in retrograde. However, financial improvements will emerge from February. Constant vigilance is necessary to avoid impulsive decisions, especially when it comes to investments. Starting in May, Jupiter in Taurus will encourage initiatives to improve the financial situation. This will be the ideal time for long-term planning and implementing financial strategies. Entrepreneurial Sagittarians will find this period favorable for expansion and the formation of new partnerships. Balanced financial management is crucial to ensure financial stability and security at the end of the year.


The year 2024 represents a key period for Sagittarians' careers, marked by challenges and opportunities. Mercury and Mars retrogrades at the start of the year could lead to delays and professional obstacles. These periods of stagnation will, however, be beneficial for reflection and the refinement of career strategies. From February, you will notice an improvement, thanks to the influence of Venus, which will promote professional meetings and creativity. Mars in Aries will bring renewed confidence and impetus for initiative, making this period ideal for ambitious projects and professional advancements. Relationships with colleagues and superiors will play an important role in your progress. This is a year to actively seize opportunities, develop new skills, and engage in meaningful projects that reflect your passions and talents.


Family will hold an important place for Sagittarians in 2024. The planets will favor harmonious family interactions, but also prepare to manage some tensions. Effective communication will be crucial to maintaining balance and understanding within the household. It is a time to strengthen family bonds by sharing quality time and offering mutual support. Challenges encountered as a family can be transformed into opportunities for growth and learning for everyone. Your role within your family may evolve, leading you to take on new responsibilities or redefine existing dynamics.


Health will be a priority for Sagittarians in 2024. Times of stress could affect your physical and mental well-being, highlighting the need for special attention to relaxation and self-care. Adopt a regular exercise routine and a balanced diet to maintain your energy and vitality. Relaxation practices such as meditation, yoga or calming hobbies will be beneficial in reducing stress and improving quality of life. It's also important to pay attention to your body's signals and not ignore health needs. Regular check-ups and carefully listening to your physical and emotional needs will help you maintain a healthy balance throughout the year. 2024 is the year to prioritize your health and wellbeing, which will positively impact every other area of ​​your life.


In conclusion, 2024 will be a significant year for Sagittarians, marked by growth, challenges and opportunities. Every area of ​​your life, from love to finances, career, family, and health, will experience moments of transformation. The challenges encountered will be opportunities to learn and strengthen yourself. Your optimistic nature and your desire to succeed will be your greatest assets. Embrace the changes, as they will open the way to new opportunities and enriching experiences. Keep a positive outlook and be open to learning and adapting. 2024 is a canvas on which you can paint a year of success, love and happiness, using your wisdom and courage as brushes.

Zodiac Crystals

I offer you a unique approach to the horoscope using crystals to strengthen the properties of each sign of the zodiac.

To support Sagittarians in their 2024 challenges, various crystals can be used, each offering unique properties that respond to the different dimensions of their lives. Here are six varied crystals, each targeting a specific aspect of the 2024 forecast:

  1. Amethyst : Known for its calming properties, amethyst is ideal for managing stress and promoting inner peace. In 2024, Sagittarians will face periods of stress and anxiety, especially when it comes to health. Amethyst can help calm the mind, promote clarity of thought and relaxation, essential for maintaining mental and emotional balance.

  2. Citrine : This crystal is known to attract prosperity and success, which is especially relevant for Sagittarians focusing on their finances and careers in 2024. Citrine can help build self-confidence, boost determination, and attract happiness. abundance, thus facilitating financial management and professional progression.

  3. Rose Quartz : Representing love and harmony, rose quartz is perfect for relationship and love challenges that Sagittarians might encounter. This crystal promotes empathy, understanding, and open communication, which can help strengthen existing relationships and encourage new, meaningful romantic encounters.

  4. Tiger's Eye : This crystal is known for its earth energy, providing grounding and protection. For Sagittarians, who may feel unsettled by the changes of 2024, Tiger's Eye can provide emotional stability, build resilience, and foster a sense of security. It is also an excellent crystal for strengthening willpower and determination, especially in the pursuit of professional goals.

  5. Labradorite : A crystal of transformation and magic, labradorite is ideal for Sagittarians in times of change and personal development. It helps with self-discovery and the exploration of new possibilities. Labradorite also promotes intuition and creativity, helping Sagittarians navigate times of uncertainty and embrace opportunities for growth.

  6. Carnelian : A crystal that boosts motivation, carnelian is perfect for Sagittarians looking to overcome apathy or lack of enthusiasm, especially in the areas of career and personal projects. It brings vital energy, strengthens self-confidence and helps to take bold initiatives.

These additional crystals offer qualities that complement and enhance the properties of the initially selected crystals, providing holistic support to Sagittarians for the year 2024. They help create balance between mind, body and soul, which is essential to successfully navigate a year of change and challenges.

Discover the JYOTISHA collection, a Sanskrit term which means “astrology” or “science of the stars”

THE personalized astrological bracelets are a great way to connect to your sun sign and attract positive energies to overcome the challenges you face. However, it is also relevant to consider the astrological ascendant in creating these bracelets, as it adds an extra dimension to self-understanding and helps channel specific energies.

The ascendant, also called the rising sign or horizon sign, is the astrological sign that was rising in the East at the precise moment of our birth. It represents our external appearance, our behavior towards others and the way we are perceived by those around us. The ascendant plays an essential role in our personal development and influences our personality.

Integrating stones associated with the ascendant of each sign , astrological bracelets gain in power and relevance. Stones chosen for ascendants can help balance the aspects of our personality that are most visible to others, thereby improving our interaction with our environment and strengthening our self-confidence.

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