Dive into astrology with our personalized bracelets according to your zodiac sign .
A unique blend of style and mystery, ready to guide you through 2024 .

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Scorpio: Your stone horoscope for the year 2024


Enter the vibrant and promising world of 2024 , where new beginnings, renewed ambitions and transformative changes await you. This is the time to redefine your aspirations, reshape the trajectory of your life and navigate the celestial currents with the guidance of our experienced astrologers.

2023 has been a year of growth, self-discovery and learning. As we enter 2024, we face a blank slate, an opportunity to refine our goals and embrace the transitions ahead . Whether you aspire to venture into uncharted professional territory, nurture your relationships, or simply find a deeper connection with yourself, your 2024 Horoscope is here to light your path.

So, dive into your 2024 Horoscope! Let him be the lantern that lights your path, the guiding star that leads you towards your dreams and the road map that helps you navigate through the twists and turns of the year ahead.

And if you want to receive your stones horoscope in your inbox every month, join the ShivShakti club !

Magical formula"

Designed especially for those born under the sign of Scorpio in 2024, this elegant bracelet combines the soothing wisdom of Amethyst , the emotional softness of Rose Quartz and the energetic protection of Black Obsidian , thus forming a unique talisman that harmonizes inner strength, love and resilience, essential to navigate with confidence and serenity through the challenges of this pivotal year.


To make the best use of your Amethyst, Rose Quartz and Black Obsidian bracelet, here is a little ritual accompanied by an affirmation:

  1. Cleaning the Bracelet : Start by purifying your bracelet. You can do this by placing it under cold running water for a few minutes or letting it sit on a bed of sea salt overnight. This will help remove accumulated negative energies and recharge the stones.

  2. Find a Quiet Space : Choose a peaceful place where you will not be disturbed. This can be a corner of your home dedicated to meditation or any place where you feel relaxed and at peace.

  3. Meditation and Concentration : Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Hold the bracelet in your hands and focus on the energies of the stones. Visualize Amethyst bringing clarity, Rose Quartz diffusing love and Black Obsidian offering protection.

  4. Affirmation : Repeat out loud or silently the following affirmation three times : “I am in harmony with myself and the world around me. My mind is clear, my heart is open, and I am protected in my path. I am ready to face the challenges that present themselves to me with serenity and strength.”

  5. Wear the Bracelet : Put on the bracelet with the intention of the affirmation in mind. Imagine that each stone is activated and ready to accompany you throughout the day.

  6. Closing the Ritual : Stay in silence for a few moments, feeling the energy of the bracelet. When you feel ready, open your eyes and resume your day, taking with you the strength and tranquility that the bracelet brings you.

Remember to repeat this ritual from time to time to maintain the energy of the stones and renew your intention.

Scorpio horoscope for the year 2024

The year 2024 will be a time of profound transformation for Scorpios. January will begin with power-sharing challenges, offering valuable lessons for patiently crafting effective strategies. Your inner resources will be a major asset, simplifying your journey. Although Venus tests your romantic relationships, it will be up to you to seek appeasement and understanding.


February will bring a sentimental renewal, with Venus favoring unexpected crushes for singles. Mars and Saturn will play a pivotal role, inspiring deeper commitment and increased attention to partners. In March, your feelings will be exalted, requiring a balance between passion and pragmatism. April and May will see increasing harmony in relationships, despite some minor misunderstandings. The summer months will oscillate between tenderness and challenges, encouraging you to find a balance between your desires and the reality of relationships. September and October will highlight the importance of adaptability and patience in love. At the end of the year, you will need to navigate carefully to avoid misunderstandings and strengthen existing connections.


2024 will be a pivotal year for your finances. In February, promising financial deals can be made, although Saturn advises you not to be too greedy. Mars will boost your ambitions in June, but the opposition of Mars and Saturn in July could slow down your plans. August and September will be key months for new opportunities and successful deals. October will invite you to slow down and think about your spending. November will focus your attention on material comfort and in December, it will be crucial to clarify financial questions and reorganize your budget to avoid family tensions.


This year, your career will experience ups and downs. February will give you momentum thanks to Mars, favoring the signing of important agreements. Mars will continue to positively influence your professional career in May, despite limitations to overcome. June will be a key month for your ambition, with the opportunity to take calculated risks to move forward. July, however, will see obstacles due to the Mars/Saturn opposition, requiring patience and perseverance. August and September will be conducive to innovation and exploring new paths. In November, a reassessment of your professional trajectory could encourage you to consider major changes.


2024 will focus on family relationships, with ups and downs. February will see an improvement in family harmony, while March and April will require attention and understanding. The summer months will be marked by a balance of support and challenges within the family. Tensions may arise in July and August, but they will be tempered by moments of mutual support. September will ask you to take a new approach to family changes, while October and November will encourage you to strengthen family bonds and adapt to new dynamics. December will be a key month for addressing financial issues within the family, requiring openness and understanding.


Health will be an area to watch throughout the year. January will encourage you to listen to your physical limits and not exceed them. Mars will ask you to be attentive to your well-being, despite a tendency to ignore your limits. In April, Mars in Cancer will bring you a boost of energy, but it will be crucial to maintain balance. The summer months will be important for maintaining a regular health routine, despite occasional challenges. September and October will remind you of the importance of taking care of yourself, especially in the face of external pressures. The end of the year will be a good time to reevaluate your health habits and make any necessary adjustments.


In conclusion, 2024 will be a year of significant growth for Scorpios. It will require careful attention to balance in all aspects of life, whether love, finances, career, family or health. The challenges encountered throughout the year will provide you with valuable lessons and the opportunity for personal growth. It will be essential to adopt a flexible and adaptable approach to unexpected changes. Your resilience and ability to learn from every situation will help you navigate through this dynamic year. Don't forget to take care of yourself and value your relationships, because they will be the key to your fulfillment in 2024.

Zodiac Crystals

I offer you a unique approach to the horoscope using crystals to strengthen the properties of each sign of the zodiac.

To support Scorpio natives in the challenges of 2024, different crystals can be recommended, each bringing unique energies and properties. Here are six varied crystals and the reasons for their choice:

  1. Amethyst – Known for its calming and meditative properties, amethyst can help Scorpios manage stress and anxiety related to their professional and financial challenges. It also promotes intuition and clarity of mind, which is crucial for making informed decisions in times of change.

  2. Citrine – This stone, symbolizing abundance and prosperity, can be particularly useful for Scorpios in 2024, especially when it comes to finances. Citrine helps attract wealth and maintain a positive mindset, essential for navigating financial ups and downs.

  3. Rose Quartz – Known for strengthening romantic and family relationships, rose quartz is ideal for Scorpios looking to improve their relationships in 2024. It encourages unconditional love, understanding and healing of hearts, which is crucial in periods of relational tension.

  4. Obsidian – This powerful stone is known for its ability to protect and ground. It can be particularly beneficial for Scorpios who face emotional challenges and periods of intense stress. Obsidian helps eliminate negativity and promote inner strength.

  5. Turquoise – Excellent for communication and creativity, turquoise can help Scorpios in their careers, especially when they need to adapt to new environments or express their ideas. It is also useful for strengthening overall health and well-being.

  6. Red Jasper - This crystal is ideal for strengthening endurance and vitality, essential qualities for Scorpios in 2024 as they face their health challenges and fast pace of life. Red Jasper also brings a sense of security and stability, helping one stay grounded during times of change.

Each of these crystals offers unique support that corresponds to the different facets of a Scorpio's life in 2024, whether emotional, professional, financial, relationship, or health challenges. It is advisable to choose the crystal(s) that most resonate with personal needs and aspirations.

Discover the JYOTISHA collection, a Sanskrit term which means “astrology” or “science of the stars”

THE personalized astrological bracelets are a great way to connect to your sun sign and attract positive energies to overcome the challenges you face. However, it is also relevant to consider the astrological ascendant in creating these bracelets, as it adds an extra dimension to self-understanding and helps channel specific energies.

The ascendant, also called the rising sign or horizon sign, is the astrological sign that was rising in the East at the precise moment of our birth. It represents our external appearance, our behavior towards others and the way we are perceived by those around us. The ascendant plays an essential role in our personal development and influences our personality.

Integrating stones associated with the ascendant of each sign , astrological bracelets gain in power and relevance. Stones chosen for ascendants can help balance the aspects of our personality that are most visible to others, thereby improving our interaction with our environment and strengthening our self-confidence.

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