Dive into astrology with our personalized bracelets according to your zodiac sign .
A unique blend of style and mystery, ready to guide you through 2024 .

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Taurus: Your stone horoscope for the year 2024


Enter the vibrant and promising world of 2024 , where new beginnings, renewed ambitions and transformative changes await you. This is the time to redefine your aspirations, reshape the trajectory of your life and navigate the celestial currents with the guidance of our experienced astrologers.

2023 has been a year of growth, self-discovery and learning. As we enter 2024, we face a blank slate, an opportunity to refine our goals and embrace the transitions ahead . Whether you aspire to venture into uncharted professional territory, nurture your relationships, or simply find a deeper connection with yourself, your 2024 Horoscope is here to light your path.

So, dive into your 2024 Horoscope! Let him be the lantern that lights your path, the guiding star that leads you towards your dreams and the road map that helps you navigate through the twists and turns of the year ahead.

And if you want to receive your stones horoscope in your inbox every month, join the ShivShakti club !

Magical formula"

Embracing the celestial guidance of 2024, this meticulously crafted bracelet interweaves the vibrant energies of Citrine , Carnelian and Malachite , offering a perfect symphony of stones specially chosen to harmonize with the Taurus spirit, guiding them through a year of profound transformation, abundant prosperity and invigorated vitality.


To optimize the energy of your Citrine, Carnelian and Malachite bracelet and align yourself with the vibrations of 2024, here is a little ritual accompanied by an affirmation:

Step 1: Purification of the Bracelet

  • Start by cleaning your bracelet under running water for a few minutes to remove residual energies. Dry it gently with a soft cloth.
  • Then place it in the sun or moon for a few hours to recharge it. Natural light will help revitalize the stones.

Step 2: Preparing the Space

  • Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. You can light a candle or incense to create an atmosphere conducive to relaxation and concentration.
  • Sit comfortably and hold your bracelet in your hands.

Step 3: Meditation and Connection

  • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to center yourself. Visualize white or golden light surrounding the bracelet, filling it with pure, positive energy.
  • Think about the properties of stones: the prosperity and optimism of Citrine, the vitality and motivation of Carnelian, and the transformation and protection of Malachite.

Step 4: Affirmation

With your eyes closed and holding the bracelet, repeat the following affirmation three times, out loud or in your head: "I am aligned with abundance, strength and wisdom. This bracelet amplifies my resilience, nourishes my personal growth and attracts success and harmony into my life."

Step 5: Conclusion of the Ritual

  • Open your eyes and place the bracelet on your wrist, feeling the connection between its energy and yours.
  • Take a moment to thank the stones for their support and energy.

By practicing this ritual regularly, especially at the beginning of its use, you will strengthen the bond between you and your bracelet, thus allowing its energies to synchronize with your personal intentions for 2024.

Taurus horoscope for the year 2024

For Taureans, 2024 will present itself as a year of transformation and growth. Starting in January, the influence of Mars and Mercury will pose challenges, testing your resilience and ability to innovate. Venus, more active professionally than emotionally, will guide you towards unexpected solutions. This year, you will be encouraged to explore new avenues, refine your intuition and demonstrate perseverance. Each month will reveal new facets of your personality and opportunities to progress in all aspects of your life.


The love domain in 2024 will be a mix of romantic periods and moments of reflection for Taureans. Venus in Pisces will bring sweet and tender moments, especially around Valentine's Day. From March, planetary energies will promote complicity and crushes, whether you are single or in a relationship. The influences of Mars and Venus will emphasize the importance of spontaneous love and shared emotions. It will be a year to strengthen existing bonds and to experience new sentimental adventures.


Your financial situation will experience ups and downs in 2024. Periods of abundance will be followed by times requiring careful management of your resources. Mercury will promote glimmers of hope in the professional field, which will have a positive impact on your finances. Jupiter's entry into your sign in May will bring significant expansion and improvement to your finances. Balancing your spending and investments will be key to getting the most out of this year.


2024 promises to be a pivotal year for your career. Mercury and Jupiter will play a key role in your professional progress. You will be called to demonstrate innovation and efficiency, with Saturn supporting your projects and ideas. The year will be favorable for taking bold initiatives and developing new projects. Your hard work will be rewarded, although you must be careful not to burn out.


Family will take center stage in your life in 2024. Mars will encourage combativeness in family relationships, bringing both challenges and opportunities to strengthen family bonds. It will be a year to cultivate harmony and to engage in family projects. Planetary energies will promote understanding and cooperation, helping you navigate the complexities of family relationships.


Health will be an area to watch for Taurus in 2024. Although the stars promote positive energy, it will be crucial to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Attention to mental and physical health will be paramount. Periods of rest will be necessary to recharge your batteries and maintain your well-being throughout the year.


In conclusion, 2024 will be a year of challenges, but also great opportunities for Taurus. Each month will bring its share of lessons and blessings. With determination, flexibility and a balanced approach, you will be able to make the most of this year. Stay focused on your goals and open to change, and you will find success and fulfillment in all aspects of your life.

Zodiac Crystals

I offer you a unique approach to the horoscope using crystals to strengthen the properties of each sign of the zodiac.

To support Taurus natives on their journey in 2024, here are six varied crystals, each responding to specific aspects of the challenges and opportunities identified in the horoscope:

  1. Rose Quartz : This crystal is known to strengthen energies related to love and relationships. It promotes understanding and compassion, which will be particularly beneficial for Taurus in their romantic and family relationships in 2024. Rose quartz helps to open the heart, encourage forgiveness and intensify complicity and affection, thus aligning Taurus with the positive energies of Venus.
  2. Citrine : Due to the financial ups and downs predicted for 2024, citrine will be an essential crystal. It is known to attract abundance, prosperity and success. It also helps maintain a positive and confident attitude when facing financial challenges, reinforcing Jupiter's beneficial influence on Taurus' finances.
  3. Amethyst : For Taureans, amethyst will be crucial for managing stress and burnout. This crystal brings inner peace and helps reduce anxiety. Amethyst is also known to boost mental clarity, helping Taureans stay focused and calm in their career endeavors.
  4. Carnelian : Carnelian is a powerful enhancer of energy and vitality, which will be useful for Taureans in 2024, especially in the context of health and well-being. It helps boost physical endurance and motivation, essential for maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle.
  5. Malachite : This crystal is known for its transformative and protective properties. It will be particularly useful for Taurus during times of change and personal growth. Malachite helps release held emotions and promotes positive change, thereby aligning Taureans with the energies of Saturn supporting their projects and ideas.
  6. Lapis Lazuli : Finally, lapis lazuli is an excellent crystal for communication and truth, which will be crucial for Taureans in 2024, especially in their family and professional relationships. It encourages clear and honest expression, helping to overcome misunderstandings and strengthen interpersonal relationships.

By wearing or keeping these crystals close, Taureans can hope to better navigate through the challenges and opportunities of 2024, strengthening their natural qualities and easing the more difficult aspects of their astrological journey.

Discover the JYOTISHA collection, a Sanskrit term which means “astrology” or “science of the stars”

THE personalized astrological bracelets are a great way to connect to your sun sign and attract positive energies to overcome the challenges you face. However, it is also relevant to consider the astrological ascendant in creating these bracelets, as it adds an extra dimension to self-understanding and helps channel specific energies.

The ascendant, also called the rising sign or horizon sign, is the astrological sign that was rising in the East at the precise moment of our birth. It represents our external appearance, our behavior towards others and the way we are perceived by those around us. The ascendant plays an essential role in our personal development and influences our personality.

Integrating stones associated with the ascendant of each sign , astrological bracelets gain in power and relevance. Stones chosen for ascendants can help balance the aspects of our personality that are most visible to others, thereby improving our interaction with our environment and strengthening our self-confidence.

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