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A unique blend of style and mystery, ready to guide you through 2024 .

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Virgo: Your stone horoscope for the year 2024


Enter the vibrant and promising world of 2024 , where new beginnings, renewed ambitions and transformative changes await you. This is the time to redefine your aspirations, reshape the trajectory of your life and navigate the celestial currents with the guidance of our experienced astrologers.

2023 has been a year of growth, self-discovery and learning. As we enter 2024, we face a blank slate, an opportunity to refine our goals and embrace the transitions ahead . Whether you aspire to venture into uncharted professional territory, nurture your relationships, or simply find a deeper connection with yourself, your 2024 Horoscope is here to light your path.

So, dive into your 2024 Horoscope! Let him be the lantern that lights your path, the guiding star that leads you towards your dreams and the road map that helps you navigate through the twists and turns of the year ahead.

And if you want to receive your stones horoscope in your inbox every month, join the ShivShakti club !

Magical formula"

Embracing the mysteries of the universe and inner wisdom, this exquisite bracelet, comprised of Moonstone , Lapis Lazuli and Sodalite , was specially designed to guide and harmonize the minds of Virgos in 2024, providing them with balance perfect between intuition, clear communication and peace of mind


To maximize the benefits of your Moonstone, Lapis-Lazuli and Sodalite bracelet, here is a little ritual accompanied by a positive affirmation that you can practice regularly:

Step 1: Purification

  • Start by purifying your bracelet to eliminate previous energies. You can do this by running it under cold running water for a few minutes or by letting it sit on a quartz cluster or in sage smoke.

Step 2: Meditation and Charging

  • Find a quiet place where you will not be disturbed. Sit comfortably with the bracelet in your hands.
  • Close your eyes, breathe deeply and relax. Focus on the stones, visualizing a soft light enveloping them.
  • Imagine that this light is pure energy that charges the stones on your bracelet, activating them with positive intentions.

Step 3: Affirmation

  • With your eyes still closed, repeat the following affirmation three times, either out loud or in your head:

"I am in harmony with my intuition and inner wisdom. My words reflect my truth, and I am guided in my choices with clarity and confidence. This bracelet is the guardian of my balance and well-being."

Step 4: Wear the Bracelet

  • Open your eyes and put on the bracelet. Breathe deeply and thank the stones for their energy.
  • Wear the bracelet as often as possible, especially during periods of reflection or decision-making.

    This ritual, combined with the affirmation, will help align the energies of the stones with your personal intentions, strengthening your connection with them and maximizing their potential to support you throughout 2024.

    Virgo horoscope for the year 2024

    The year 2024 promises to be a period of significant change for Virgo natives. Influenced by various planetary transitions, you will be guided through experiences that will shape your personal and professional development. With Mercury as your major guide, expect communication challenges and opportunities for growth. This year will be marked by a quest for balance between personal life and professional aspirations, with each month bringing its unique set of lessons and rewards. Prepare to navigate a constantly changing environment, where your adaptability and analytical thinking will be tested.


    Virgo's love sphere in 2024 will be a mix of harmony and challenges. January will begin with constructive communication thanks to Mercury, while February, under the influence of Venus in Pisces, will emphasize seduction. With career sometimes taking over, periods of emotional distancing could occur, particularly in March with the influence of Saturn. However, the year will also bring times of happiness and connection, particularly in May and October, where Venus in Cancer and the presence of Jupiter will strengthen romantic bonds. These periods will be conducive to the blossoming of existing relationships and the blossoming of new romances.


    2024 will be a year of financial twists and turns for Virgos. April will stand out with a beneficial intervention from Jupiter, bringing unexpected gains. Money management will take attention, but the efforts will pay off. The months of October and November will be particularly favorable for financial decisions and investments. Mars and Mercury will work together to improve your financial situation, providing opportunities for growth and stabilization. It will be important to remain prudent and avoid impulsive spending, favoring a thoughtful and strategic approach to managing your resources.


    Career-wise, Virgos will face ups and downs in 2024. February will see Mars encouraging the exit from the comfort zone, stimulating the affirmation of skills. Mars and Jupiter will play a key role, promoting innovation and professional recognition. Promotions and advancements will be likely, particularly in April and June. However, periods of stress and challenges, such as in March and September, will require resilience and adaptation. The year will be full of opportunities to demonstrate your value and increase your professional influence. The key to success will lie in the ability to balance ambition and pragmatism.


    Family will occupy an important place in the lives of Virgos in 2024. The months of July and August will be particularly enriching, strengthening family bonds and offering support in difficult times. However, tensions could emerge, requiring diplomacy and understanding. It will be essential to maintain open and caring communication with loved ones. Time spent with family will bring comfort and stability, allowing you to overcome professional or personal challenges. The year will be an opportunity to strengthen family relationships and build a strong support network.


    Health will be an area to watch closely for Virgos in 2024. April will highlight the need for self-care, especially the back and general fitness. Stress management and a balance between work and rest will be crucial to maintaining good health throughout the year. Practices such as yoga, meditation or relaxation activities can help maintain this well-being. It will be important not to ignore the signs of fatigue and to allow yourself moments of rest to recharge your batteries.


    In conclusion, 2024 will be a year of transformation and growth for Virgo natives. Every aspect of life – love, finances, career, family, health – will experience times of challenge and fulfillment. The key to making the most of this year will be to remain adaptable, maintain effective communication and find balance between different areas of life. With patience and perseverance, Virgos will be able to successfully navigate through the various phases of this eventful year.

    Zodiac Crystals

    I offer you a unique approach to the horoscope using crystals to strengthen the properties of each sign of the zodiac.

    To address the specific challenges Virgos may encounter in 2024, here is a selection of six varied crystals, each offering unique properties to support the different facets of their lives:

    1. Amethyst: Amethyst is known for its calming and purifying properties. It can help manage stress and anxiety, especially during periods of high career pressure. It also promotes mental clarity and decision-making, which will benefit Virgos when facing important professional and financial choices.

    2. Moonstone : Moonstone is known for its ability to balance emotions and promote inner harmony. It can help Virgos better manage emotional fluctuations in romantic or family relationships. This stone also promotes intuition and understanding, which can be valuable in making personal and professional decisions.

    3. Rose Quartz: Rose quartz is the stone of love and compassion. It can help Virgos maintain harmonious relationships and express their feelings in a gentle and understanding way. This stone is particularly helpful for navigating the ups and downs of love life and maintaining emotional balance.

    4. Lapis Lazuli: Lapis lazuli is known for its power to enhance wisdom and intellectual insight. It also promotes honest and direct communication. This crystal is particularly useful for Virgos in their professional lives, helping them express themselves with clarity and strengthening their decision-making, especially during stressful or crucial moments.

    5. Green Aventurine: This stone is often used to attract luck and abundance. Green Aventurine can help Virgos seize financial opportunities and maintain a positive mindset. It is also beneficial for heart health and emotional balance, bringing inner peace and harmony.

    6. Sodalite: Sodalite is excellent for encouraging rationality and logic, two qualities often appreciated by Virgos. It helps clear the mind and calm agitated thoughts, which can be beneficial when making important decisions or managing complex situations, both professionally and personally.

    These crystals, in addition to the first six, offer a wider range of energetic support for Virgos. They can help balance and strengthen different facets of life, from communication and decision-making to emotional and physical health, luck and protection.

    Discover the JYOTISHA collection, a Sanskrit term which means “astrology” or “science of the stars”

    THE personalized astrological bracelets are a great way to connect to your sun sign and attract positive energies to overcome the challenges you face. However, it is also relevant to consider the astrological ascendant in creating these bracelets, as it adds an extra dimension to self-understanding and helps channel specific energies.

    The ascendant, also called the rising sign or horizon sign, is the astrological sign that was rising in the East at the precise moment of our birth. It represents our external appearance, our behavior towards others and the way we are perceived by those around us. The ascendant plays an essential role in our personal development and influences our personality.

    Integrating stones associated with the ascendant of each sign , astrological bracelets gain in power and relevance. Stones chosen for ascendants can help balance the aspects of our personality that are most visible to others, thereby improving our interaction with our environment and strengthening our self-confidence.

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