Introspection: stones to know yourself better

What is introspection?

Introspection is the ability to contemplate oneself , reflect on oneself , one's behavior , one's desires or one's emotions . It's about being honest with yourself , and analyzing your thoughts and behavior without judgment.

Introspection is a form of self-contemplation that is both psychological and philosophical. Meditation , relaxation , yoga , sophrology , hypnosis or psychoanalysis are various techniques, both spiritual and psychological, which allow one to introspect.

This universal capacity, more or less important depending on the individual, allows one to observe and understand one's own psychic functioning. This step back and this analysis of oneself allows not only to know oneself better , but also to better understand relationships with others, or external events.

Introspection, through the observation and understanding it brings about oneself, has many benefits :

  • increased self-confidence;
  • improved emotion management;
  • facilitation of social relations;
  • better adaptation to life events;
  • helps to overcome trauma;
  • recognition of its strengths and weaknesses;
  • self-questioning.

Introspection allows us to look deep within ourselves for what defines us . It allows you to detach yourself from prejudices and certainties with kindness , while showing critical thinking towards yourself. Understanding your own strengths and weaknesses allows you to better understand your relationships with others.

In this article, we will see which lithotherapy stones are recommended for working on your introspection.

To discover the stones available to order online, simply click on the images.

Stone for introspection

Rock crystal will allow you to enter meditation and rapid introspection. Indeed, by facilitating and rebalancing the energy flows in your body, it facilitates the connection to your inner being. It clears the mind and relieves you of negative energies. It helps balance the body/mind relationship . It is said to represent natural wisdom and serenity.

Rose quartz, due to its softness , will help with gentle and caring introspection . You will find yourself in a cocoon of tenderness and sweetness. It will facilitate inner harmony . It is the stone of relaxation .

After a while the stone has given all the energy it could, it can be purified energetically by immersing it for several hours in demineralized water, possibly slightly salty. Avoid charging it in the sun as it will eventually lose its colors, the sun's ultraviolet rays will cause it to turn white.

  • Obsidian

Tumbled celestial eye obsidian stone. Use this extremely powerful stone sparingly during introspection and self-reflection work in particular.

Celestial eye obsidian is a very powerful stone which acts on the 3rd eye and allows you to connect to higher planes . Its main use takes us on very personal paths: it is the stone of introspection , of questioning : it confronts us with our fears by forcing us to confront them in order to overcome them and thus improve our path in life putting aside appearances and pretenses.

It awakens the third eye, prepares the mind for intuitive knowledge and introspection . Additionally, it is excellent preparation for further work with azurite.

  • Green Aventurine

It helps you know yourself better and develop your personality by being less easily influenced. Green aventurine brings introspection and self-control to the wearer. It is a good meditation stone , it can be combined with rose quartz in order to do complete work on the heart chakra awakening love of oneself and others.

  • Hypersthene

Work, family, home, you live in the hectic pace of everyday life. Between hyperactivity and rest, your heart swings. By adopting this organic crystal, you opt for an improved life balance and perfect alignment between work, leisure and serenity, the right measure to prevent burn-out. During your meditation sessions, combined with a dark amethyst placed on the third eye, the mineral helps with the work of introspection and self-knowledge. It is ideally worn during periods of personal or collective questioning (work team, couple, etc.).

  • Apophyllite

Apophyllite helps in self-search , it allows you to introspect, to be honest with yourself and to recognize your own qualities as well as your faults. This will allow us to move forward with a better vision of ourselves , to take full responsibility for ourselves and to be authentic in the exchanges we have with others.

Below you will find complementary stones taken from the works of lithotherapy experts, having the same virtues to respond to your problem. You can therefore choose them according to your preferences (colors / chakras / energy....).

Stones recommended by Judy Hall : Fire Agate, Apophyllite and Kunzite

Stones recommended by JM Garnier : Window Quartz and Yellow Scapolite

The stones recommended by Bioschério : Apophyllite and Obsidian

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