These stones are beneficial to a good spiritual connection and intuition

Spiritual elevation is nothing other than the elevation of one's 'animic principle' . Indeed, spirituality is a natural function that every man should develop. It allows the individual to go to his own discovery, the discovery of his very essence for his spiritual development. Very often, we don't pay attention to this part of us. And yet, we are not only made of flesh.

The mental part is the basis of almost all our reactions. So imagine for a moment if we focused on discovering this essence, uniting ourselves with it, crystallizing it within us, and letting it develop to guide us.

One of the roles of spirituality is to help us let our essence guide us. It is an exercise that every human being should do to unlock their human potential and truly begin their spiritual development. When we take a being, there is the essence that no one sees and the physical body, which through our personality allows us to express or not the will of our essence.

The essence, the true nature of man is masked (stifled) by education, beliefs, greed and everything that pushes us to seek only the material to the detriment of moral values. This nature of man is present at birth, but as he grows, man forms another nature which veils the first.

This part of man that we do not see is clearly more powerful and luminous than the part of us that we prefer to follow. When you decide to access this part and let it guide you, it transforms you from the inside out with a feeling of joy and freedom.

The first step towards spiritual development consists of refining one's personality to let one's essence speak . To be more precise, it must be said that personality is a means of expressing our inner state.

When we have too much ego in us, expression is naturally bad. We must therefore destroy these egos to allow the personality to express what is most beautiful in us. It is not an easy exercise, but a constant exercise which deserves time, attention and determination , and which, thanks to certain lithotherapy stones, can be done more easily.

Here is an overview of the best lithotherapy stones for achieving spiritual elevation.

Stones for spirituality


A geode is a cavity similar to a small cave, hidden in a block of rock. When it is opened we see numerous rounded crystals and their numerous points. It diffuses the energy necessary to radiate slowly. Useful for protection , promotes spiritual growth and are beneficial for dependent or overly spoiled personalities. Also called crystal clusters, very useful for purifying and recharging stones.

Aquamarine Bracelet
Serenity, Communication, Clarity
Aquamarine Bracelet
Aquamarine Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Aquamarine encourages spiritual growth and greater awareness. She invites us to value deep, clear thinking in our spiritual lives and to take lessons from the spiritual world and put them into practice here on earth....
Labradorite and Aquamarine Bracelet
Protection, Serenity, Clarity
Labradorite and Aquamarine Bracelet
Labradorite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties of Labradorite Labradorite evokes the energy of the stars and the impressive northern and southern lights. It is a stone of great magic, which awakens our natural gifts and connects us to a mysterious world...


Fossilized shell over 20 million years old , activating metaphysical powers and interdimensional exploration, ammonite is particularly effective placed on the soma chakra and the third eye , representing the return to the starting point and the first visit of a place, it carries within itself the path of the soul and is a useful support for rebirth. Activates personal empowerment and spiritual will , transforms negative energy into a peaceful spiral of positive energy. Useful for overall well-being and longevity , cellular metabolism , depression , pain, osteomyelitis, osteitis, and tinnitus , awakens energy and cellular memory, stabilizes the pulse and overcomes degenerative disorders, supports the skull, inner ear, lungs and limbs.


Represents peace and brotherhood, as its name suggests facilitates conscious contact with the angelic realm, strengthens telepathic communication and promotes extra-corporeal travel while maintaining contact with daily reality . Powerful stone for therapists, because it increases harmonization and sharpens perception, protects the environment or the body . Formed from celestite, compressed over millions of years, angelite has many of its properties. Alleviates psychological pain and neutralizes cruelty on a mental level . Transforms pain and turmoil into wholeness and healing, opening the way to spiritual inspiration. Creates a deep sense of peace and tranquility. Applied to the feet, unblocks the meridians and energy pathways , in resonance with the throat alleviates inflammation and balances the thyroid and par thyroid, this soothing stone repairs tissues and blood vessels, balances body fluids acts as a diuretic , useful for controlling weight, particularly linked to the lungs and arms. Relieves the pain of sunburn, on a subtle level, balances the physical body with the etheric realms.

Angelite Bracelet
Serenity, Intuition, Consciousness
Angelite Bracelet
Angelite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Angelite has an exceptionally high vibration and is one of the best stones for compassion. She sings of peace and helps us see each person as a dear friend who deserves the best. Angelite encourages...
Lapis lazuli and Angelite bracelet
Wisdom, Peace, Intuition
Lapis lazuli and Angelite bracelet
Lapis Lazuli Properties PHYSICAL PLAN Recommended in case of insect bite or rash. It plays a role in strengthening the lungs, strengthens the throat, activates the functioning of the thymus and provides help in diseases of the pharynx. The stone...


Allows you to see beyond success and take actions for the next day. Releases stress and anger that lead to heartburn or inner tension . Has the virtue of encouraging creativity. Stone of manifestation which promotes the humanitarian attitude, is in harmony with the future, develops psychic gifts and spiritual attunement , promotes communication and personal expression on all levels. Increases motivation and accumulates energy reserves . Useful for hyperactive and autistic children. Stimulates creativity and intellect, eliminates confusion and helps access information that can be used for individual and collective good. Alleviate grief , apathy and anger , reduce irritability and overcome emotional exhaustion , dissipate frustration and embrace passion without guilt. Heals bones, promotes the formation of new cells and the absorption of calcium, is useful for cartilage , bones , teeth and motor skills , relieves arthritis , joint problems and rickets, suppresses the feeling of hunger and accelerates metabolism, encouraging healthy eating, targets glands, meridians and organs, controls hypertension, balances physical , mental , emotional and spiritual bodies. Used in combination with other crystals it is easier to obtain results.

Blue Apatite Bracelet
Clarity, Expression, Motivation
Blue Apatite Bracelet
Blue Apatite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties of Blue Apatite Blue apatite is a joyful stone that promotes a generous love of people and a desire to be of service to others. It is a stone of happy inspiration and manifestation,...
Amazonite and Blue Apatite Bracelet
Calm, Clarity, Awakening
Amazonite and Blue Apatite Bracelet
Amazonite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Amazonite is a stone of courage and breaks the lies of the “victim mentality”. It gives us the power to be the master of our own destiny and reminds us that we have the power...


Intensely activates the third eye, creating powerful visual images and a strong spiritual connection , very suitable for stimulating spiritual vision and visualization. Used for meditation , this stone of great clarity leads the soul with confidence to the highest possible planes. Purifies the kidneys, removes fears, promotes elimination on all levels. Powerful purifier of the etheric body and chakra . It can be used to treat the genitals, believed to improve resistance to herpes and venereal diseases. Placed on the throat, treats the thyroid, opening the hypothyroidism chakra. Benefits the nervous system, overcoming stress and nervous exhaustion.


This stone facilitates the communication of intuitive vision. Traditional stone of astral travel . Stimulates dreams and their recall, confers anonymity and discretion, if these are necessary for ritual work, ensures safe return. On a spiritual level, it is a useful stone for the purification and rebalancing of all the chakras. On a psychological level, barite strengthens autonomy, it supports loyalty, overcomes shyness, a strongly motivating stone, useful to people whose energies are scattered or exhausted. Beneficial to platonic friendships. Powerfully transformative, arouses catharsis where old emotional patterns, obsession and fears are released. Helps vitality , hypersensitivity , to cold , or temperature changes, memory, chronic fatigue , detoxification , brain , b, addiction and sore throat . Balances brain chemistry, soothes stomach and nervous system.


Increases spiritual and psychic awareness while strengthening anchoring , and stimulates intuition . Thanks to this stone, sensitive people can adapt to the earthly environment. Useful for anyone who feels like an outsider. It can be used to attract similar souls and channel more love into the earth. Relieves migraines and headaches.

Has a positive effect on the Self, allows in accordance with a chakra of consciousness to search for the unordered repetitive events of life, it serves as a support to find the path to the present when we return to the twists and turns of the past. Stone endowed with a high vibration, imbued with divine energies, leads to infinite spiritual peace and angelic realms , starts spiritual development and pushes towards enlightenment. Useful for stimulating clairvoyant communication, remembering dreams and extra-corporeal journeys. Dispels pain and brings love, treats eye and hearing disorders, eliminates toxins and puts things in order at the cellular level. Relaxes muscle tension and calms mental torment, opens and heals the throat chakra. No water put in the Sun to recharge.


Excellent for attunement and calming meditation, it is a powerful transmitter and amplifier of high frequency energies, stimulating psychic gifts and intuition, promotes spiritual energy in thoughts, brings into contact with spirit guides and instills compassion, confers spiritual integrity and maturity, helps to come true to dreams and promotes healing ones. Aligns the chakras and subtle bodies, purifying the channels and meridians and the meridians restore the chi (qi) of the physical body and its organs. Stabilizes the biomagnetic field after purification and transformation. Does not absorb negativity, does not need cleaning.


Stone of harmony , brings balance on all planes, harmonizes the physical, etheric and spiritual planes. An anchor stone, it centers and induces holistic healing, excellent for doctors, homeopaths and phytotherapists, encourages research and experimentation, opens the mind, developing ideas and dispelling the limiting conjectures of the past. Reduces inflammation and breakouts , stimulates circulation , benefits the veins, increases the assimilation of selenium and zinc, benefits the hair. It is a stone to use when you suffer from loss of balance , you will work around the ear and on the base chakra. Anchor stone , on the 3rd eye will bring intellectual balance and help heal skin rashes. Totally stops x-rays and radioactive rays, it is a good shield in a home.


Promotes individuality without self-centeredness, while linking the soul to its universal nature. Stimulates the heart chakra and strengthens spiritual relationships. Calm and peaceful stone , allows you to appreciate solitude without feeling isolated. Detoxifying, reduces inflammation and lowers fever. Treats acidosis, leukemia and frigidity. Meditation allows you to connect with a stone and work with your chakras. Take a stone in your hands. Observe it, look at its shape, its color, then close your eyes to feel its material, its density and connect with it

  • HELIODORE OR Béryl Doré

Emits energy allowing you to recover quickly after an illness. Is a driving force for moving forward in life, by stimulating the energetic needs of spiritual chakras , it triggers our need to act. Open your eyes to the pitfalls of life. Teaches initiative and independence, stimulates the will to succeed and the ability to turn potential into reality. Opens the solar plexus chakra.

Sunstone Bracelet
Joy, Creativity, Abundance
Sunstone Bracelet
Sunstone Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Sunstone is a happy stone that encourages us to be true to ourselves. It is a stone of great hope, which helps us to believe in our own luck and our ability to live happily...
Sunstone and White Moonstone Bracelet
Creativity, Intuition, Harmony
Sunstone and White Moonstone Bracelet
White Moonstone Properties Spiritual Healing Properties of Moonstone Moonstone evokes the goddess and energy of the crescent and full moon. She invites us to dance in sensual celebration and be comfortable exploring the many mysteries of the world. It can...


Extremely calming stone , placed on a pillow, it is excellent for insomnia. Connects to spiritual dimensions, allowing one to tune into them and preparing the mind for the reception of wisdom and intuitions, supports extra-corporeal journeys and access to past lives , placed on the third eye, gives access to memories of past lives including those of the intermediate state and spiritual dimensions, helps to clarify ambitions, spiritual and material, and to achieve them. Teaches patience and helps eliminate fury and uncontrolled anger. A piece placed in a person's pocket absorbs their own anger as well as that directed at them. Helps overcome the tendency to be critical and selfish, strengthening positive character traits. Calms the mind and is excellent for sleep or meditation, promotes calm and logical communication, strengthens memory and stimulates the desire to know. Calms turbulent emotions, especially those whose causes are found in past lives. Cuts the ties uniting the emotions of the past to the catalysts of present life. Treats insomnia , balances calcium levels in the body, benefiting teeth , bones and soft tissues .


Will be effective for cartilage and hair problems. Will help whoever needs to detect the acupuncture point that needs to be activated. It will be useful for reflexology. Stimulates our individual strength by reinforcing in us the certainty of being able to decide for ourselves about our health or illness. Dissolves energy blockages generally in the chest , throat and head area. Promotes brain activity. Encourages people to take charge of their lives, releases attitudes of sacrifice and philosophies of suffering, makes them aware of the possible extent of spiritual activity. Helps to make fear, suffering and excessive emotions disappear. Brings inner calm and helps you stay calm in dramatic conditions. Spiritual stone opening to new dimensions and stimulating the evolution of the earth. Radiates love and peace , promotes serenity , harmonizes body and soul on the true path. Facilitates angelic contact and communication with other worlds. Excellent stone for people looking for a soul mate , helps heal past life relationships or emotional trauma. Alleviates bipolar disorders, aligns the chakras.


Magic stone retaining the mark of the common knowledge of shamans, alchemists, priest-magicians and various other users of magic, its double color combines spiritual and terrestrial vibrations, giving access to the spiritual and shamanic worlds. Informed by shamanic practices and magical rituals, facilitates the reading of the Akashic records, inducing travel into past or future lives to gain insight into how to live in the future. Heals past lives, in order to induce harmony in current life. Balances yin and yang, masculine and feminine energies, conscious and subconscious, intellect and intuition.


The properties of meteorites are more focused on energetic and spiritual aspects than physiological. Working with a meteorite must be done with caution and especially with a tourmaline at the base. Opens the two upper chakras and connects the being to its consciousness and a development of its personal potential. Will help us to understand that we are only on this earth as a “tenant” and that we should respect it more. We are far from having discovered all the properties of these gifts from heaven. Will be useful in preventing the flu.


Opens to immeasurable spiritual dimensions, gives an unlimited breadth of vision, promotes clairvoyance , allows us to sense the true greatness of the human being , brings back memories and dream images which allow us to glimpse the meaning and mission of our life, strengthens the faculties of empathy. Supports healing processes by making people aware of the cause of the illness and the gain it brings . It is a very rare variety of tektite. It cleans the channels where energy passes , increases the vibrational frequency of the body and strengthens the aura. Protects against telluric rays, underground waterways and x-rays.

  • Beryl Rose

Helps the organs of elimination, strengthens the pulmonary system and the circulatory system , increases resistance to toxins and pollutants. Treats liver, heart, stomach, spine, concussions. Is a calming stone. As an elixir treats throat infections. Attracts love and care. Encourages tender thoughts and actions, creates space to enjoy life. Pink stone, it activates and purifies the heart chakra. Alleviate stressful life. Benefits the nervous system. This stone helps recognize evasions, narrow-mindedness and selfishness that block spiritual progression. Allows you to realize the presence of the neglected needs of the soul. Powerful stone, dispels conscious or unconscious opposition to healing and transformation. Open the heart to unconditional love and healing. Maintains the stability of the emotional body during psychosomatic changes. Used for healing, this crystal treats stress and related conditions by oxygenating cells and reorganizing them, treats tuberculosis, asthma, emphysema, heart disorders, dizziness, impotence and pulmonary blockages.

Morganite Bracelet
Unconditional love, Compassion, Trust
Morganite Bracelet
Morganite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Morganite connects us to all the great forces of love and goodness in the Universe. She invites us to abandon ourselves to Love and allow it to direct our journey. It frees us from dogmas...
Green Jade and Morganite Bracelet
Abundance, Healing, Connection
Green Jade and Morganite Bracelet
Properties Green Jade Spiritual Healing Properties Green jade has a wonderful energy, both peaceful and joyful. It encourages us to appreciate just being alive, loving, struggling, learning, and being who we truly are: spiritual beings on a mortal journey. Green...


Basic stone par excellence like black tourmaline, very active in improving blood circulation and strengthening the bone system. Will facilitate digestion and calm stomach ulcers, soothe inflammation. It can be associated with malachite. Increases concentration, with a rock crystal it will sharpen our internal vision, chase away our illusions to know the truth about ourselves. It acts as a shield against negative energies. On the crown chakra it strongly attracts spiritual forces .


Particularly effective for questioning the future. Leads into the future and the past. Shows what is needed for healing, carried out by other crystals, eliminates any sense of futility or ego conflict. Excluding all ego involvement, offers clarity of spiritual direction. Balances energy fields. To benefit from the virtues of your stone, you can put it in your pockets or bag. You can also wear it as jewelry.


It is a stone that develops love with a capital A , whether it is earthly or unconditional, divine love. In meditation on the crown chakra, it allows you to reach very high spiritual planes. Promotes astral travel , we will perhaps have the chance to read the Akkadian annals (where everything is written), premonitory dreams will become more frequent . It has a great influence on Yin energy, it will thus regulate the kidneys, the bladder and will fight effectively against rheumatism.

Helps purify and activate the root and sacral chakras, promotes a feeling of spiritual centering, activates clairvoyance and clear sensitivity , beneficial for healing headaches caused by blocking and closing of the third eye, promotes tissue regeneration . Treats blood disorders, muscle tension, spinal problems and alleviates the symptoms of menopause . Would be a good accompaniment to treat viral respiratory tract infections.


Also called angel stone, because it makes the angelic connection more intense , thanks to its pure and high vibration, promotes spiritual purification. Protective stone which increases meditation and attunement , leads the individual into a very calm and clear spiritual dimension, soothes the aura and opens the throat and trans-personal chakras. Very useful when breaking up a relationship by bringing each person's higher self into the process and countering manipulation. Constantly recharges and activates the body's energy centers. Intensifies and charges with energy the environment where it is located. H harmonizes the endocrine system, activates the triple heater meridian. Useful in the treatment of AIDS and cancer. Benefits cells, eyes, lungs, muscle spasms and intestines. Strengthens the emotional body , eliminates fear and worry, neutralizes negative energies , eliminates miasma and negative karma on all levels.


Feng shui stone helps to eliminate clutter, get rid of unnecessary things ( useful for those who hoard objects or love driven by a feeling of lack), soothes nightmares , phobias , deep fears . Serene stone of unconditional love, heals the therapist. Intensifies the visualization process and induces deep meditation during which the higher self is reached. Prehnite increases pre-knowledge and inner knowledge. Allows you to always be ready for whatever happens. Activates the adrenal glands, restores energy to the kidneys, calms stomach pain, against spasms and tremors. Attunes us to divine energies, enhances the gifts of prophecy and shows the way to spiritual growth.

Prehnite Bracelet
Healing, Connection, Understanding
Prehnite Bracelet
Prehnite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Prehnite reminds us that we are intimately connected to the Divine and to all creation. Additionally, these connections provide an unlimited source of healing energy and spiritual enrichment. Prehnite enhances our ability to visualize and...
White Moonstone and Prehnite Bracelet
Serenity, Healing, Intuition
White Moonstone and Prehnite Bracelet
White Moonstone Properties Spiritual Healing Properties of Moonstone Moonstone evokes the goddess and energy of the crescent and full moon. She invites us to dance in sensual celebration and be comfortable exploring the many mysteries of the world. It can...


Stone of transformation , spectacular for the energy field. This crystal prevents healing crisis or catharsis occurring as negative energies diminish. Anchoring spiritual energies on the planet and allowing information to pass through all planes, it is a stone of protection , absorbing negative energies and pollutants. On the spiritual level purifies the psychic vision and protects during channeling, ensuring that the entity does not take over the physical body . Aligned with the vibrational change predicted for 2012 and used with intention and sincerity, this stone can bring about a better world. Acts as a general tonic, beneficial for intercellular structures, cellular disorders, re-oxygenation of blood , lungs , pancreas , insulin secretion , thyroid, metabolism , lymphocytes , thymus, disease Way, hypertension, pain, fatigue and shock. Reduces nausea and supports the liver , kidneys and digestive tract , relieves premenstrual syndrome , overcomes addictions and stress . Beneficial for arthritis and ulcers, muscle strengthening, muscle cramps, infections and miasmas.


Naturally efflorescent, transparent yellow/red, facilitates long-distance spiritual communication , including between worlds, and charges healing energy on all levels . Excellent useful for blood circulation and all blood problems. Unblocks energies or energy blockages. Raises kundalini energy up the spine, from the root chakra to the crown chakra, purifying all chakras crossed and opening those beyond the soul star chakra. Held above the head, arouses a cosmic orgasm leading to the heart of creation in order to become an author, an experience which it then anchors in functional reality. Perfect for tantric sexuality, attracts abundance and generates passion on all levels . On the base chakra will restore the initial harmony to our blood cells and regulate blood circulation. Placed on the forehead, it will calm certain migraines , on the solar plexus it will give us strength and vigor and give us the impression of being less vulnerable.


Represented heaven, the world of angels, magic, loyalty and friendship. Confers righteousness and the ability to bring together scattered spiritual forces, helps to examine one's own life , everything that does not withstand this examination is rejected, promotes the desire for knowledge and wisdom, exerts a soothing action , acts against depression, mental illness and hallucinations, strengthens faith and love of truth. Promotes objectivity , critical thinking and the ability to direct thought, intention and will become so clear that ideas and thoughts are realized extremely quickly. Promotes all healing processes , alleviates pain, lowers fever and acts in particular in cases of disorders of the intestine, brain and nerves.


Dispels all that has hidden the core of the soul and connects to the true spiritual self and its overall, evolutionary purpose . Clears spiritual confusion, in addition to karmic entanglements - insights thus gained can be anchored into the physical body through the larger end of the ghost. The point destroys karmic debris, extracting it from the etheric body and reprogramming cellular memory. Useful to detach the entities from the bio-magnetic envelope or to prevent the influence of external thoughts.

Selenite Bracelet
Clarity, Serenity, Spirituality
Selenite Bracelet
Selenite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Selenite has an exceptionally high and pure vibration, which promotes super-consciousness. It connects us with our highest Self, our spiritual guides, and illuminates the mystical path between us and the Divine. Selenite can be used...
Shungite and Selenite Bracelet
Purification, Protection, Elevation
Shungite and Selenite Bracelet
Shungite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Shungite is an incredible stone for grounding, purification and transformation. She teaches us how to stay in full balance, in our body, mind, heart and spirit. Shungite asks us to let go of any stupid...


This is an extraordinary stone that should get a lot of attention as a healing stone. Purifies and cleanses the aura from the 3rd eye chakra , on the coronal it puts us in contact with the highest planes, it will develop in us compassion, tenderness and unconditional love. On the heart chakra it mobilizes all available energy for the regeneration of all the cells that need it. It will be used against cancer and any significant cellular disorder problem, it is also applied to the area affected by the problem. It can be substituted with green tourmaline or watermelon for treatment against cellular disorders. Allows angelic connection, it is a stone of spiritual enlightenment. Promotes life from the heart and has a moderate purifying effect on the heart chakra opening to love.


Highly spiritual which increases vibration, stimulates the third eye chakra and the throat chakra, harmonizing and aligning them, imparts clear psychic vision , helps to understand the images seen and communicate with them. Cancels hypnotic orders preventing the use of psychic vision. Lift curses and secrets from past lives. Promotes meditation and meditative states, because its very protective faculties prevent the entity from taking over the physical body , the vibration rises when this crystal comes into contact with the most subtle source.


Allows you to abandon your feelings of inferiority to combat the challenges of life, allows you, if you have to heal, to heal as quickly as possible, whether physically or psychologically, allows you to assert or remain on your positions in life. extent to which one accepts the consequences of one's actions. The most important love stone, brings the energy of purple radiation to earth. Represents spiritual love and wisdom. Opens all the chakras to the flow of this love, thus aligning them. Inspires spiritual awareness and stimulates the faculty of meditation. Protects the soul from shocks, traumas, disappointments and alleviates spiritual tension. Beneficial for maladjusted people of all kinds , those who don't feel like Earth is their home. Excellent for autism. Relieves pain particularly well. Eliminates headaches and discomfort on all levels.

Facilitates altered states of consciousness and the very deep meditative state , changes color depending on the viewing angle, puts you in contact with the angelic realms and spiritual guides. Facilitates inner and outer journeys , activates the link between the chakras , from the root chakra to the transpersonal chakra, establishing contact between the higher mind and the physical world . Stimulating the throat chakra, facilitates the communication of images received from higher planes. Acts on the head, throat and chest combined with crystals like aquamarine and moldavite.


Promotes health. Helps digestion and fights anorexia , restores the sense of taste, strengthens the nerves, stimulates metabolism, Saint Hildegard of Bingen recommended a topaz elixir to correct visual weakness. Acts like a battery, which recharges spiritually and physically, strengthening faith and optimism . Attracts useful people. Conferring charisma and confidence. Regenerates cellular structures and strengthens the solar plexus. Beneficial for nervous exhaustion and insufficient assimilation of nutrients. Treats the liver, gallbladder and endocrine glands. The vibrant energy of topaz brings joy, generosity, abundance and health. It is a stone of love and luck.


Very rich in magnesium, it is suitable for people suffering from emotional disorders. It can rebalance the entire energy system, allows you to work on your spiritual development , because instinct (the base) will be governed by the heart inspired by knowledge (crown). Allows you to balance the left and right brain and thus reconcile reason and intuition.


Eliminates energy blockages from the body and allows the vital force to flow unhindered. Attracts abundance on the physical and spiritual levels. Firmly anchors the body of light in the physical world . Activates the heart chakra and will work on hair and skin problems Effective against skin conditions such as psoriasis (it can be associated with purpuritis. On the base chakra it will rebalance disorders of the reproductive glands and the prostate. Activates the immune system and the body's energy meridians, treats CFS, AIDS, and autoimmune diseases, alleviates thrush and bronchitis, prevents epilepsy. Stimulates the organs of elimination and assimilation , used to treat infertility problems.


Transforms negative energies into positive and connects to spiritual realms. Helps manifest one's own self instead of being influenced by others or trying to conform to the norm. Allows you to realize your own ideas and positively transforms destructive desires. Dispels apathy and brings repressed emotions and feelings to the surface in order to express them. Creative stone, brings the mind back to its objectives after an interruption. Encourages recovery after serious illness or stress. Detoxifying , neutralizes excessive acidity and reduces inflammation , strengthens the immune system , regenerates cells, treats the heart, spleen, pancreas and lungs.

Other stones for spiritual connection:

Below you will find complementary stones taken from the works of lithotherapy experts, having the same virtues to respond to your problem. You can therefore choose them according to your preferences (colors / chakras / energy....).

Stones recommended by Judy Hall : Moss agate.

The stones recommended by JM Garnier : Phlogopite, Amethyst, Ametrine, Creedite, Heterosite, Apophyllite.

The stones recommended by Bioschério : Amethyst .

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