Reduce your jealousy by choosing these lithotherapy stones

Jealousy is defined as a negative emotion resulting from a threat of loss or actual loss of a partner , linked to the presence of a rival . The rival and the threat of loss may be real or imaginary. We distinguish jealousy from envy, which is the desire to obtain something that we do not have and that someone else has. Jealousy, on the contrary, refers to something that we have and that we are afraid of losing.

What could be more unbearable, and more banal, than believing oneself deceived, replaced, forgotten, denied? Besides, it's an unspeakable feeling .

We have all experienced this terrible pain one day . In some cases, accepting our jealousy is easy, in others we simply prefer not to think about it.

In this article, we will see which lithotherapy stones are recommended to reduce your jealousy.

To discover the stones available to order online, simply click on the images.

Counter or overcome jealousy

Rhodochrosite is a very powerful protective stone against jealousy , capable of creating a real barrier , almost visible, between the person who is envied and the person who commits the sin. For the victim, it is a very useful protective stone and capable of resolving complicated situations , once it soothes moments of turmoil and agitation, helping to create peace of mind. It is a protective stone which also works on the harmony of the couple , especially couples who are happy with each other and who create situations of external jealousy. Rhodochrosite acts very effectively.

Tiger's eye, the stone of protection against jealousy , which functions as a real barrier. It is a stone that is effective , not only against bad energies , but also against jealous people and those who want to imitate your life by bringing bad energies into it.

  • black tourmaline

It adjusts physical imbalances, fights against anxiety , paranoia and obsessive or compulsive behavior . Black tourmaline develops personal power, strengthens the energetic connections between our true nature and our emotional experiences, helps us maintain a strong sense of our identity when we are in the grip of powerful emotions such as anger, fear or jealousy.

Black Tourmaline Bracelet
Protection, Anchoring, Purification
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Black Tourmaline Bracelet
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Bracelet in black Tourmaline and Lapis lazuli
Protection, Wisdom, Balance
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Bracelet in black Tourmaline and Lapis lazuli
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White Moonstone and Black Tourmaline Bracelet
Intuition, Protection, Balance
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White Moonstone and Black Tourmaline Bracelet
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Bracelet in black Tourmaline and Super seven
Protection, Spiritual Awakening, Harmony
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Bracelet in black Tourmaline and Super seven
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Black Tourmaline mala necklace - 108 8mm beads
Protection, Anchoring, Transformation
Black Tourmaline mala necklace - 108 8mm beads

Also, it seems effective in disorders of excessive fear and loss of morale to help the person overcome them. By wearing it, no more resentment, nervousness and jealousy. It dispels the evils and darkness of the heart to make way for the green light of beauty and purity that it releases.

  • Blue Chalcedony

Chalcedony is useful for treating chronic hoarseness and throat inflammation. It protects against weakness in general, bad mood, obsessive jealousy and depression . It reduces sleepwalking, soothes frostbite and is a source of protection during travel.

Whether in the form of a pendant, blue chalcedony bracelet, rolled stone or raw, the chalcedony stone must be purified and recharged so that it can once again bring you its benefits.

Indeed, after a while, the stone will have exhausted all the energy it contained and will need to find natural energies .

To do this, simply place and immerse it in distilled water or lime-free water for several hours.

Then you will have to charge it. To do this, you will be asked to place it on quartz clusters or in direct sunlight.

Other stones against jealousy:

Below you will find complementary stones taken from the works of lithotherapy experts, having the same virtues to respond to your problem. You can therefore choose them according to your preferences (colors / chakras / energy....).

Stones recommended by Judy Hall : Melanite

Stones recommended by JM Garnier : Peridot and Rhodonite

Rhodonite Bracelet
Compassion, Healing, Self-love
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Rhodonite Bracelet
Rhodonite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Rhodonite is one of the most powerful stones for love and healing. It is a heart-centered stone that teaches us that our greatest potential is achieved by loving as deeply and purely as possible. It...
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Lepidolite and Rhodonite Bracelet
Balance, Healing, Serenity
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Lepidolite and Rhodonite Bracelet
Lepidolite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Lepidolite is an incredible tool for personal transformation and constant serenity. It opens both the heart and the third eye, helping us go further and faster on our spiritual path. It reveals what stops us...
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Rhodonite and Dumortierite Bracelet
Healing, Discipline, Strength
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Rhodonite and Dumortierite Bracelet
Rhodonite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Rhodonite is one of the most powerful stones for love and healing. It is a heart-centered stone that teaches us that our greatest potential is achieved by loving as deeply and purely as possible. It...
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Rhodonite and Sodalite Bracelet
Healing, Intuition, Serenity
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Rhodonite and Sodalite Bracelet
Rhodonite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Rhodonite is one of the most powerful stones for love and healing. It is a heart-centered stone that teaches us that our greatest potential is achieved by loving as deeply and purely as possible. It...
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