Stones for dream memory

We spend a good part of our lives sleeping, and therefore dreaming. We all know how important a good night's sleep can be to our mood and overall health.

But it can be very frustrating not to be able to sleep properly due to insomnia, bad dreams, aches and pains or external factors like heat and noise.

When you need a restorative and peaceful night , nothing better than natural methods like herbal teas, meditation or the use of crystals .

The more the sixth rear Chakra ( Throat Chakra ) dominates the rest of the chakras, the more difficult it will be to get quality sleep.

During the transition from consciousness to sleep, there is a shift of our energies from the front to the back of our chakras. Thus all the health stones which allow the tilting of your vital field from front to back promote sleep.

Stones to facilitate dreams

  • Amethyst _

It is deeply connected to the subconscious and active thought . Amethyst is known to bring restful energy which will be helpful for sleeping more deeply, calming negative thinking and encouraging happier dreams .

It’s a safe bet for busy minds looking for calm and rejuvenating energy.

  • Celestine _

This soft stone is recommended for its relaxing and soothing benefits , it brings serenity . So Celestine will help you dream more .

  • Lapis Lazuli

This gem allows a deeper union with our higher being. It develops our faculties of sensitivity and elevates our consciousness .

Lapis Lazuli is then useful to help achieve the dream state and to direct dreams towards a chosen subject.

Stones to remember your dreams

To dream and, above all, remember your dreams, you must first have good sleep and enjoy going to sleep. If dreaming is an innate ability for each of us, remembering our dreams is a learning process.

  • Red Jasper

Allows us to remember our dreams as if we were watching them play on a videotape. Red Jasper is a good stone to use to explore your dreams even further.

  • Manganosite _

It enhances the dream state and promotes recollection during and after the dream.

  • Garnet _

The Garnet stone helps the dreamer to remember his dreams , particularly those which go beyond a state of mental chaos.

  • Malachite _

It allows us to remember. It can therefore be placed under the pillow. Upon awakening, Malachite clarifies ideas , gives the ability to understand, gives lucidity .

  • Amethyst _

This precious stone will also help you better memorize your dreams. It will stimulate concentration and clarity of mind .

Stones for dream interpretation

Dreams are therefore of great importance for our balance, because they often bring us solutions or warnings, in a symbolic form... which is not always very clear to decipher.

  • Jade _

Recognized as the dream stone , it contributes to the resolution of dream interpretation and the release of emotions . Placing it under your pillow or wearing a Jade stone bracelet promotes dream periods .

  • Quartz _

It will promote the decoding of your dreams. Rose Quartz and Rock Crystal are calming stones par excellence. They then help to clear the mind and promote good memory and interpretation of the dream.

Quartz then helps to understand what the dream symbolizes.

  • The Opal
  • This white stone is the stone of happy dreams . Opal provides understanding of dreams .

    • The Moon Stone

    Moonstone is a fine stone, symbol of dreams and the unconscious . It is considered magical and mysterious in lithotherapy. This gem stimulates the imagination , promotes intuition and premonitory dreams.

    • Labradorite _

    A stone of great intuition, Labradorite promotes premonitory dreams , develops clairvoyance qualities, helps with the perception of auras .

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