Patience stones
Patience is a virtue well known since the dawn of time. Often put to the test because it depends in particular on our state and the context in which we find ourselves.
She is precious for those who are on a spiritual path, because it allows us to continue our spiritual efforts , even if our progress is expected or very small.
Patience is quality which allows us to overcome the obstacles we face on the spiritual path. From this point of view, patience is closely linked to hope, to faith that we will be able to overcome current obstacles and that the future will bring us success.
Although you may find it hard to believe and don't think you have it, patience is a virtue that can be developed and can give us the strength to achieve what we want.
It allows us to persevere in our daily activities , without getting discouraged, to achieve the desired result.
Some have a lot, others not enough. Do a quick analysis of those around you and you will realize that patience is a quality that is fairly poorly distributed among human beings.
If you think you're one of those who lack it, good news : patience can be learned!
Discover our guide to lithotherapy stones for patience .
Stones for patience
Here is a list of patience stones that will allow you to develop or improve it:
- Aventurine _
It brings cheerfulness , patience, inner tranquility and tolerance in the face of situations that usually cause you stress . Aventurine helps you keep your cool. Anti-emotional stress effect. It acts both physically and spiritually.
- Hematite _
It is a stone that would promote patience . It brings benefits to its wearer throughout life. It is used to conjure patience and perseverance for the wearer , contributing to the elimination of uncontrolled anger and fury.
Hematite prepares the mind for the reception of wisdom and brings serenity and patience. Dispels negativity, shyness, excesses of all kinds, teaches patience .
- Danburite _
Gives patience and peace of mind . Extremely spiritual stone. Wearing it provides a connection to eternal serenity and wisdom teaches patience , mental discipline.
- Amethyst _
It helps to learn patience , allows you to delay anger. Amethyst facilitates self-control. She chases away dark thoughts.
- Jasper _
It brings stability , a sense of concreteness. Jasper strengthens patience and the will to do good. It allows you to find patience and strength as well as willpower within yourself.