The best stones for loneliness: overcoming it or experiencing it fully
At certain times in our lives, we need some alone time. During these times, we can collect our thoughts and clear our minds. Often people find themselves doing this before falling asleep in bed, leading to anxiety, less sleep, and stress. You need these moments of solitude to recharge and recover. This is also a great time to problem solve or simply meditate and find deeper inner peace. If you are looking for solitude but can't seem to find it or are afraid of it, we think stones can help you. Even if you are afraid of being alone, stones can calm your nerves and mind and make solitude pleasant.
Turquoise colored stones are centering and balancing crystals, making them ideal for times of solitude. Turquoise is a blend of the cold blue winter ray of confidence and the warm green ray of growth. It is the color of the earth when new growth and life emerges at the first signs of spring. Turquoise is the color ray of discovery and balance. Its vibrations help you find yourself and regain balance in your life and your feelings. Excesses can be beneficial. Burning passion, cool reason – both have their place. But when we need to refocus and find our true identity, turquoise is the color ray of power best suited for such efforts.
Stones with the beautiful turquoise shine are stones of centering and balance.
When your life is out of balance, whether from too much passion or not enough, or too much activity or not enough, or whatever the imbalance, turquoise rays can help you refocus. Turquoise colored stones help you relax, rewind and build tolerance. When looking to restore balance and gain control over your emotions, use a turquoise colored crystal. When looking for aids in times of loneliness and seeking tranquility, we suggest light turquoise colored stones. In lighter hues, turquoise energy transforms into the power of inner harmony and peace through spiritual realization. To know your place in the worlds of man and nature, use the rays of light turquoise to find the right balance.

What it looks like: Like deep, ancient waters, Amazonite beckons in captivating shades of turquoise green, promising to soothe the mind and calm the soul.
What she does : Called the stone of courage and the stone of truth, amazonite gives the power to search within oneself and discover one's own truths and integrity, and to overcome the fear of judgment or confrontation with others to live in harmony. agreement with these beliefs and values. It provides the freedom to express one's thoughts and feelings, and to set strong, clear boundaries, both internally as self-discipline, and externally on what one is willing to experience or in the definition of personal space. Amazonite is a wonderful healer for the emotional body. It soothes trauma and calms the mind, relieves worry and fear, and directs anger and irritability toward more positive action. It also increases self-esteem, especially in women, and reduces tendencies toward self-neglect.
Learn more about the meaning of amazonite.

What it looks like: Aquamarine is a gem that stands out for its great beauty thanks to its refreshing shade like that of sea water, its attractive light blue hue is due to the presence of iron oxides in its chemical composition.
What she does : Aquamarine is a blue stone that is strongly linked to the sea and the water element. Water governs emotions, including loneliness.
This stone is said to provide courage and protection, and to help soothe the heart in times of grief and isolation. It helps calm the mind and reduce stress, so it is particularly useful for sensitive people whose anxieties worsen when they are alone.
Wear aquamarine jewelry or carry it in a clutch.
Learn more about the meaning of amazonite.

There citrine
What she looks like : It looks like a ray of sunlight caught in a piece of quartz. Sometimes you need the light to uplift you.
What it does: Citrine is called the “merchant’s stone.” So this variety of yellow quartz may seem like an odd choice to help ease loneliness. But citrine is also absolutely wonderful for increasing feelings of confidence, optimism and general positivity.
This is one of those stones that can not only help you feel better, but also help you overcome low self-esteem that can lead to feelings of isolation and social anxiety. Carry it in a pocket, or wear it as a pendant or brooch. For best results, keep it near the solar plexus area.
Learn more about the meaning of citrine.

What it looks like: When the Russians discovered rhodonite in the Ural Mountains, they called it "eagle stone" because they noticed that eagles placed these stones in their nests. Before long, they began putting eagle stone in babies' cradles to give them strength and protection. Soon after, travelers wore the protective stone to know when danger was approaching. Russia declared it a national stone in 1913.
What he does : Rhodonite is often used as a sort of "emotional relief stone". It is very supportive of emotional healing, so while it does not combat feelings of loneliness per se, it can help heal the underlying issues that create it.
Although it is a very loving stone, emotional healing often requires digging deep and uncovering deep wounds. For this reason, you may wish to work with rhodonite privately during meditation.
Learn more about the meaning of rhodonite.

Rose quartz
What it looks like: It may be soft and rosy, but there is great strength to be found in this shimmering heart chakra stone.
What he does : This variety of rose quartz is called the “stone of love,” and it is typically used for all things related to love, romance, and the heart. It can help you connect with others or heal emotional wounds within you.
If you're struggling to love yourself, working with rose quartz can help. Hold it close to your heart or meditate with it in your left hand.
Learn more about the meaning of rose quartz.
When to use it: If you are in a negative thought cycle and tend to be overly critical of yourself, rose quartz can be a great tool for practicing positive affirmations.
Rose quartz
What it looks like: It may be soft and rosy, but there is great strength to be found in this shimmering heart chakra stone.
What she does : This variety of rose quartz is called the “stone of love,” and it is typically used for all things related to love, romance, and the heart. It can help you connect with others or heal emotional wounds within you.
If you're struggling to love yourself, working with rose quartz can help. Hold it close to your heart or meditate with it in your left hand.
Learn more about the meaning of snowflake obsidian.

What it looks like: Pyrite is called "Fool's Gold" because it looks like gold to the untrained eye. Although pyrite has a coppery yellow color and metallic luster similar to gold, it is fragile and breaks rather than bending like gold. Gold leaves a yellow trace, while pyrite leaves a brownish-black trace.
What it does: Pyrite is like citrine. Although they are two minerals with very different appearances, pyrite is another stone commonly used for prosperity and confidence.
This metallic gold sulfide is generally associated with the solar plexus chakra, the seat of confidence and willpower. It is also a solar stone, so it is linked to characteristics such as positivity and optimism.
Wear or keep it near the solar plexus chakra, but avoid placing it directly on the skin - the natural oils and acids on it can discolor it over time.
Learn more about the meaning of pyrite.
If you struggle with feelings of loneliness, you are not alone. Some of these feelings come from old emotional patterns, others from low self-esteem, and still others are a natural byproduct of a fast-paced, isolated lifestyle.
These stones and crystals can help uncover the source of loneliness, soothe these feelings, and make it easier to create meaningful connections with others in the future.