From sadness to happiness: The 8 stones that will guide you towards fulfillment
In a world where the tumult of everyday life can often overwhelm us, it is essential to find inexhaustible sources of happiness and joy. Lithotherapy, this ancestral science which draws on the energy of stones to bring us balance and harmony, presents itself as an ally of choice in this quest for happiness. -
Lucky stones
La quête de chance et de prospérité est un voyage commun à de nombreuses cultures et traditions à travers le monde. Dans cet esprit, la lithothérapie propose des cristaux porte-bonheur, réputés pour attirer l'abondance et favoriser les opportunités bénéfiques. Ces pierres, grâce à leurs vibrations énergétiques spécifiques, peuvent nous aider à aligner notre fréquence sur celle de la chance et de la prospérité. -
Spirituality & Faith
Before programming a crystal with your personal intentions, it is important to cleanse your crystals of any unwanted energy. You want your stone to be free of any attachments or weird vibrations that might conflict with your intentions, which is why a reliable crystal cleansing practice is a must. For an alphabetical search of all intentions: All intentions To search among those that are...