The 7 essential stones to harmonize the aura and how to integrate them into your daily life for renewed energy
The aura, this energetic envelope that surrounds us, is the reflection of our inner essence. Like a luminous halo, it vibrates and changes according to our emotions, our health and our experiences. But did you know that certain stones have the power to purify, strengthen and even reveal the aura? Yes, dear readers, nature has given us treasures to help us see, feel and... -
Stones to be zen
La quête de la sérénité et d'un esprit zen est un voyage vers l'équilibre et la paix intérieure. Dans un monde souvent tumultueux, trouver des moments de calme et de tranquillité est essentiel pour notre bien-être mental et émotionnel. La lithothérapie, avec ses pratiques ancestrales de guérison par les pierres, offre des outils précieux pour nous aider à atteindre cet état de sérénité profonde. -
The 8 Essential Stones for Acceptance and How to Use Them to Harmonize Your Mind in the Face of Change
In the intimate journey of life, each individual faces moments of questioning, doubt and change. These steps, although natural, can sometimes be overwhelming and destabilizing. It is in these moments that lithotherapy, this ancestral science of healing with stones, intervenes like a gentle mother, offering comfort and guidance.