Relieve infant colic with these 5 stones

Relieve infant colic

In general, colic is described as recurring , regular crying spells in a baby . They take place at least 3 hours a day , 3 days a week , for more than a week . The attacks generally occur at the same times of the day, most often in the late afternoon or evening. Colic is quite common in young babies: up to 20% of infants are affected.

Infant colic corresponds to :

  • Stomach aches, which, undeniably, make baby suffer;
  • Intense crying spells of varying duration that usually occur more than once a week, often in the late afternoon.

When a baby is colicky, crying may be accompanied by certain characteristic behaviors :

  • clenches his fists and turns red;
  • stiffens his legs and stomach muscles. He can also fold his legs against his stomach;
  • has a hard stomach and often has gas during an attack;
  • can also arch the back.

Colic is not a disease, but rather a description of a behavior. The one and only real symptoms always associated with colic are intense and sustained crying.

In this article, we will see which lithotherapy stones are recommended to relieve colic.

To discover the stones available to order online, simply click on the images. They do not replace medical treatments but complement them.

Relieve your baby's colic with the help of these stones

  • Amber

Amber is a stone known for its virtues of relieving pain present in the human body. It is also very beneficial in relieving your child's colic . To take full advantage of the energy of the stone and best relieve your baby's colic, simply place the amber in contact with your baby at the time of one of these crises.

Carnelian is also recommended to combat baby colic , these virtues are therefore a real asset for relieving and reducing crying attacks linked to colic.

After a while the stone has given all the energy it could, we can purify it energetically by placing it on a bed of coarse salt for several hours, we can also purify it by letting it immerse in water. distilled water or at least lime-free water for several hours. For greater efficiency, you can then charge in the sun or natural light.

This soothing natural stone is particularly suitable for young children. It is used against colic in babies. Place it near your child to ensure greater effectiveness.

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Malachite Properties PHYSICAL PLAN Absorbs negative energies causing pain (hematoma, fracture, sprain, rheumatism, stomach, appendicitis, etc.). Resolves inflammations, such as: toothache, cramps, sore throats, colic, asthma, fractures, kidney pain, sprains, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, arthritis or osteoarthritis . To place on the...
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Amazonite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Amazonite is a stone of courage and breaks the lies of the “victim mentality”. It gives us the power to be the master of our own destiny and reminds us that we have the power...
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Malachite Properties PHYSICAL PLAN Absorbs negative energies causing pain (hematoma, fracture, sprain, rheumatism, stomach, appendicitis, etc.). Resolves inflammations, such as: toothache, cramps, sore throats, colic, asthma, fractures, kidney pain, sprains, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, arthritis or osteoarthritis . To place on the...
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Malachite Properties PHYSICAL PLAN Absorbs negative energies causing pain (hematoma, fracture, sprain, rheumatism, stomach, appendicitis, etc.). Relieves inflammations, such as: toothaches, cramps, sore throats, colic, asthma, fractures, kidney pain, sprains, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, arthritis or osteoarthritis . To place on the...

Rose quartz is one of the rare stones suitable for children because it acts very gently . Think about it if you have a baby who suffers from colic , although the stone alone does not do everything, accompany it with a warm towel placed on your child's stomach for even more effect.

Other stones against colic:

Below you will find complementary stones taken from the works of lithotherapy experts, having the same virtues to respond to your problem. You can therefore choose them according to your preferences (colors / chakras / energy....).

Stones recommended by JM Garnier : Sapphire and Nephrite Jade

The stones recommended by Bioschério : Ametrine and Nephrite Jade

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