Stones for pain
Modern science is gradually beginning to accept that it does not yet have all the answers. Certain phenomena (part of quantum physics, lithotherapy, alternative medicine, etc.) are still beyond our understanding.
It then happens that common sense and the observation of older civilizations, such as traditional Chinese medicine, shed light on knowledge and allow us to move forward .
For thousands of years, humans have used the properties of different stones , particularly precious or semi-precious stones , to heal themselves .
All civilizations show traces of the use of minerals to cure their ailments. Therefore, we can say that the healing properties of stones are well known to doctors of all times.
To understand how this form of treatment can work , we must admit that there are invisible energies which manifest in our physical reality through our emotions and the specific mineral compositions of different stones .
Lithotherapy acts on the body through the mind, this requires a certain confidence and a certain open-mindedness .
The stones can have different energetic effects depending on the personality of the person, their background, their sensitivity.
The different pains that we can encounter
Various pains set in, disturbing us and making us suffer. So, precious stones can help and become protective or healing stones in order to relieve these daily worries.
Among these, we can mention back, headache, dental or even muscle pain.
Back pain
Back pain is the result of poor sleep or sitting posture and lifestyle flaws. Crystal healing crystals for back pain are excellent for mental and physical distress that begins at your chakra points. When rubbed on the back or sacral chakra, the healing crystals have powerful colored energies.
- Amber , its curative power is such that it can be applied to all the chakras . It is particularly effective for all types of back problems , and helps with self-healing.
- Serpentine has many virtues and contains magnesium , which allows it to be useful in the back area and will therefore soothe your back pain.
- Amazonite is effective on the neck . Thanks to this precious stone you will be able to calm, rest and release tension in the neck and back .
From small, annoying pains to full-blown migraines, headaches can affect your life in a variety of negative ways. These rarely discussed, overlooked, often ignored issues that deserve greater attention and awareness .
Often, our headaches can be related to stress or tension . When you feel the beginnings of a headache, step away from the computer and take a few minutes to lie down, placing pain-relieving crystals on and around your head.
And it is thanks to lithotherapy that you will be able to free yourself and relieve this pain.
- Amethyst can be very effective in relieving headaches . It helps relieve this, as well as fatigue and exhaustion , which can often be the very cause of your headache.
- Labradorite also reduces headaches; you can gently rub Labradorite on your forehead and painful areas, while cooling the stone in a bowl of water if you notice that it is heating up.