Recurring migraines? These stones that help alleviate pain
Migraine is a disease characterized by the regular and repetitive occurrence of violent headaches sometimes associated with vomiting.
Migraine is not a common headache.
It is a real disease which is characterized by the repeated occurrence of seizures generally on one side of the head.
The frequency of attacks, which last between 4 and 72 hours, varies from one person to another : some suffer from them several times a week, others a few times a year.
In 70% of people with migraine, attacks repeat themselves one to four times a month.
They are aggravated by physical exertion, noise and light, and are accompanied by nausea and vomiting .
Migraine is more common in women than in men.
In fact, in women, migraine can be punctuated by hormonal life: it can only occur during menstruation and it generally disappears during pregnancy and after menopause .
Whether it's a twinge between the eyes or a full-blown migraine that leaves you in a dark room, headaches are never a pleasant experience. Some people are more susceptible than others to these headaches, which can make life difficult. Since headaches are common, we also tend to minimize their unpleasantness and try to get on with our day or suffer in silence. But headaches and migraines can be your body's way of telling you that something needs to change or that something is wrong. Whether it's stress and tension, blocked chakras, lack of water or bad vibrations, there are many reasons why a headache can occur. For those who don't want to resort to painkillers or over-the-counter medications every time, crystals for headaches can be helpful.
With their shimmering high frequencies, crystals are renowned for their ability to move negative energy, purify auras, cleanse chakras and help the body heal. They can also affect your emotional health by shifting stress and energy and ensuring you get adequate rest. Let's dive deep and discover the best crystals to soothe aches and pains and get you back on your feet.
Stones to relieve migraines
- Dumortierite
It's a great choice for relieving migraines because it releases endorphins, which are the body's natural painkillers. It also helps combat feelings of stress and anxiety, and protects you from negative energies.
It is the preferred crystal of those who regularly practice crystal therapy for its positive energy flow and aid in the healing process.
It is one of the most powerful healing crystals and one of the best healing stones. For best results, it is recommended to hold it in the right hand while meditating in a quiet place.
This will help activate this pressure point to release emotional stress and instantly feel your annoying little pains disappear.
Improves relationships between parents and children . Very effective for a woman's hormonal system, regulates it. It is a powerful anti-allergy , calms neuralgia , migraines , aggression . Stimulates our intuition and creativity , powerful healing power, pancreas, digestive disorders, purifies the skin, strengthens the eyes. Strengthens a positive and enthusiastic attitude in life. Stimulates impersonal and universal love, promotes activity, liveliness, eroticism and spontaneous manifestation of feelings, gives good mood energy , makes light and cheerful. Activates circulation, the kidneys, improves tension, makes blood vessels elastic and thus acts against migraine .
Activates the immune system. Alleviates insomnia and dizziness , lowers blood pressure . Accelerates hair and nail regrowth. Opens the third eye and balances the throat chakra . Stimulates personal power. Stone that solidified unions. Stone of friendship. Teaches the power of speech. Relieves pain, especially migraines . Overcomes depression, hearing loss, benefits respiratory and nervous systems, throat, larynx and thyroid, purifies organs, bone marrow, thymus, immune system, blood. Brings wisdom , honesty , helps communicate feelings and resentments , extends the menstrual cycle, lowers blood pressure , treats headaches.
What it looks like: Sweet and rosy, with a promise of everlasting love.
What it does: At first glance, you may wonder how the love stone can heal the head, but then you are reminded that everything is connected. The Rose Quartz Heart Chakra stone takes any nervous energy and instantly transforms it into pure love and positivity. This act alone can relieve a whole lot of tension and heal the nervous system which, in turn, can reduce stress headaches. Learn more about the meaning of rose quartz.
When to use it? Use it to soothe overactive nervous systems or when you have a delicate head from PMS or other cycle-related issues. Rose quartz is infused with loving feminine energy, making it a good healing stone for menstrual issues.
What it looks like : Yellow and bright like a ray of sunshine, citrine is positive energy in every way.
What it does: Being a purely positive stone, Citrine is here to give your energy levels a happy boost. Sometimes fatigue, low mood and apathy can set in and steal our energy, leading to headaches and fatigue. As a crystal form of vitamin D, citrine can encourage tissue regeneration, which can soothe the head and have you walking on the sun in no time. Learn more about the meaning of citrine.
When to use it: Wear citrine or have a stone on hand whenever you feel the clouds starting to roll in. If you can't get yourself out of a bad situation, placing citrine on your head can clear a confused mind and immerse you in sunny clarity.
What it looks like: Purple hues that range from lavender to darker, dreamier shades.
What it does: Always calming and serene, amethyst is a crown chakra healer. This stone can cut through headaches like butter thanks to its ability to help you relax and get rid of stress. It is very powerful in moving energetic blockages and bad vibrations that could be contributing to headaches and pain. The purple color also comes from the stone's iron content, which is linked to brain health. Learn more about the meaning of amethyst.
When to use it? If you feel a tension headache coming on, take your amethyst crystal and let it work. You can also slip it under your pillow to promote sweet sleep.
Increases spiritual and psychic awareness while strengthening anchoring, and stimulates intuition. Thanks to this stone sensitive people can adapt to the earthly environment. Useful for anyone who feels like an outsider. It can be used to attract similar souls and channel more love into the earth. Relieves migraines and headaches.
Naturally efflorescent, transparent yellow/red, facilitates long-distance spiritual communication, including between worlds, and charges healing energy on all levels . Excellent useful for blood circulation and all blood problems. Unblocks energies or energy blockages. Raises kundalini energy up the spine, from the root chakra to the crown chakra, purifying all chakras crossed and opening those beyond the soul star chakra. Held above the head, arouses a cosmic orgasm leading to the heart of creation in order to become an author, an experience which it then anchors in functional reality. Perfect for tantric sexuality , attracts abundance and generates passion on all levels. On the base chakra will restore the initial harmony to our blood cells and regulate blood circulation. Placed on the forehead, it will calm migraines , on the solar plexus it will give us strength and vigor and give us the impression of being less vulnerable.
Powerful heart healer , which opens the master heart chakra. Encourages all chakras to function better and facilitates spiritual attunement, resulting in higher planes of consciousness . The effect on the human energetic level is spectacular. Encourages a positive attitude towards life and instills the ability to tune into one's own resources. Acting in all areas of life to transform bad into good , it allows you to overcome any feeling of lack and realize your potential. This stone indicates direction, powerful purifier and detoxifier , acts as a bridge to emotional healing. Dispels betrayal , grief , sadness is extremely effective in healing the pain and pain of abandonment. Regulates cellular disorders, activates T lymphocytes and the thymus, alleviates illness , reduces hypertension, relieves pain and migraines , prevents heart attacks and heart problems, alleviates fatigue and nausea and regenerates the liver. Particularly effective in getting rid of addictions and stress.
Other stones to alleviate migraines:
Below you will find complementary stones taken from the works of lithotherapy experts, having the same virtues to respond to your problem. You can therefore choose them according to your preferences (colors / chakras / energy....).
Stones recommended by Judy Hall : Aventurine , Dioptase.
Stones recommended by JM Garnier : Dioptase, Dumortierite.
The stones recommended by Bioschério : Amber, Danburite, Imperial Jade.
How to use these stones for crystal healing
Now that you know which stones can bring a healing hand and a touch of coolness to a heavy head, it helps to know how to call upon this power. There are amazing ways crystals can connect to your energy. Here are some tips to help soothe your headache...
- Lie on your back, place the crystal on your forehead and visualize the pain going away and being replaced by clear white light.
- Place your crystal in a glass of water (if possible) and sip the water in small sips. This method is also known as crystal elixir.
- Wear crystal jewelry pressed against the skin and allow these healing vibrations to enter the body and shift stagnant energy.
- Place a stone or bracelet under your pillow to promote restful sleep and feel refreshed all day long.
- Make a crystal grid to bring your body into total healing.
The next time you have a headache and want to leave the painkillers on the shelf, use a healing crystal first. By easing stress, reducing tension, and increasing the power of positivity, you'll find that spiritual relief can quickly bring physical happiness. Be sure to keep your powerful crystals cleansed and charged so they're ready to be your backup remedy the next time your head starts hurting.