Stones for thyroid problems
The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the neck . The hormones it produces help regulate many body activities: heart rate, digestion, mood, sleep, libido, etc.
Sometimes, our thyroid gland gets carried away or on the contrary becomes too lazy . A few characteristic signs, in both men and women, can help you identify a possible problem.
Main symptoms of hyperthyroidism :
You may have hyperthyroidism if you have several of these signs:
- Stress
- Hustle
- Hyperactivity
- Irritability
- Palpitations
These symptoms may be a sign that your body is overworking. Your thyroid gland may be secreting too many hormones.
Main symptoms of hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism can cause a wide variety of symptoms:
- Fatigue
- Depression and mood swings
- Dry, cold, thick and scaly skin
- Brittle hair and nails
- Unexplained weight gain
- Slow heart rate
- Decreased libido
Hypothyroidism results in a set of symptoms that signal a slowdown in metabolism.
In this article, we will see which lithotherapy stones are recommended for thyroid problems.
To discover the stones available to order online, simply click on the images.
Stones beneficial to the thyroid
Benefits the immune and pulmonary systems, brain, corrects fluid imbalances , treats kidneys , bladder , thymus , thyroid , chronic sore throat , useful for insomnia , night sweats , sinusitis and infections bacteria , throat , larynx , lungs , esophagus and eyes , soothes burns and reduces scars .
Harmonizes the thyroid and thus regulates growth and hormonal balance, improves eyesight in cases of myopia or presbyopia , alleviates excessive reactions of the immune system , autoimmune diseases and allergies , especially colds .
Applied to the feet, unblocks the meridians and energy pathways , in resonance with the throat reduces inflammation and balances the thyroid. This soothing stone repairs tissues and blood vessels, balances body fluids acts as a diuretic , useful for weight control, particularly related to the lungs and arms . Relieves the pain of sunburn, on a subtle level, balances the physical body with the etheric realms.
Holistic healer, promotes awareness of the psychosomatic causes of unhappiness , and the holistic nature of healing . Supports cellular memory , heart , lungs , adrenal glands , and thyroid . Returns to its sender frequencies that do not match those of the user. Has the virtue of associating with the six symbols of luck.
Will calm painful periods, soothe back pain worn on the solar plexus it will soothe hot flashes, stone which protects the pharynx and regulates the activity of the thyroid , relieves guilt and harmonizes emotions and helps to strengthen the friendship . On the 3rd eye useful for clairvoyance .
Strengthens the coronary veins, stimulates hearing, visual activity and eliminates headaches, will stimulate the thyroid and will thus be favorable to hormonal imbalance. Relieves gout attacks and arthritis.