Stones for thyroid problems

The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of the neck . The hormones it produces help regulate many body activities: heart rate, digestion, mood, sleep, libido, etc.

Sometimes, our thyroid gland gets carried away or on the contrary becomes too lazy . A few characteristic signs, in both men and women, can help you identify a possible problem.

Main symptoms of hyperthyroidism :

You may have hyperthyroidism if you have several of these signs:

These symptoms may be a sign that your body is overworking. Your thyroid gland may be secreting too many hormones.

Main symptoms of hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism can cause a wide variety of symptoms:

  • Fatigue
  • Depression and mood swings
  • Dry, cold, thick and scaly skin
  • Brittle hair and nails
  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Slow heart rate
  • Decreased libido

Hypothyroidism results in a set of symptoms that signal a slowdown in metabolism.

In this article, we will see which lithotherapy stones are recommended for thyroid problems.

To discover the stones available to order online, simply click on the images.

Stones beneficial to the thyroid


Benefits the immune and pulmonary systems, brain, corrects fluid imbalances , treats kidneys , bladder , thymus , thyroid , chronic sore throat , useful for insomnia , night sweats , sinusitis and infections bacteria , throat , larynx , lungs , esophagus and eyes , soothes burns and reduces scars .

Harmonizes the thyroid and thus regulates growth and hormonal balance, improves eyesight in cases of myopia or presbyopia , alleviates excessive reactions of the immune system , autoimmune diseases and allergies , especially colds .

Aquamarine Bracelet
Serenity, Communication, Clarity
Aquamarine Bracelet
Aquamarine Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Aquamarine encourages spiritual growth and greater awareness. She invites us to value deep, clear thinking in our spiritual lives and to take lessons from the spiritual world and put them into practice here on earth....
Labradorite and Aquamarine Bracelet
Protection, Serenity, Clarity
Labradorite and Aquamarine Bracelet
Labradorite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties of Labradorite Labradorite evokes the energy of the stars and the impressive northern and southern lights. It is a stone of great magic, which awakens our natural gifts and connects us to a mysterious world...
Aquamarine and Ocean Jasper Bracelet
Serenity, Anchoring, Harmony
Aquamarine and Ocean Jasper Bracelet
Aquamarine Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Aquamarine encourages spiritual growth and greater awareness. She invites us to value deep, clear thinking in our spiritual lives and to take lessons from the spiritual world and put them into practice here on earth....
Aquamarine and Amazonite Bracelet
Serenity, Communication, Protection
Aquamarine and Amazonite Bracelet
Aquamarine Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Aquamarine encourages spiritual growth and greater awareness. She invites us to value deep, clear thinking in our spiritual lives and to take lessons from the spiritual world and put them into practice here on earth....
Aquamarine mala necklace - 108 8mm beads
Serenity, Communication, Consciousness
Aquamarine mala necklace - 108 8mm beads
Ritual Here's a simple but powerful ritual you can practice with your mala necklace, along with a positive affirmation. This ritual aims to ground you, boost self-confidence and encourage inner strength. Preparing the space: Find a quiet place where you feel...
White Moonstone and Aquamarine Bracelet
Harmony, Communication, Connection
White Moonstone and Aquamarine Bracelet
White Moonstone Properties Spiritual Healing Properties of Moonstone Moonstone evokes the goddess and energy of the crescent and full moon. She invites us to dance in sensual celebration and be comfortable exploring the many mysteries of the world. It can...


Applied to the feet, unblocks the meridians and energy pathways , in resonance with the throat reduces inflammation and balances the thyroid. This soothing stone repairs tissues and blood vessels, balances body fluids acts as a diuretic , useful for weight control, particularly related to the lungs and arms . Relieves the pain of sunburn, on a subtle level, balances the physical body with the etheric realms.

Angelite Bracelet
Serenity, Intuition, Consciousness
Angelite Bracelet
Angelite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Angelite has an exceptionally high vibration and is one of the best stones for compassion. She sings of peace and helps us see each person as a dear friend who deserves the best. Angelite encourages...
Lapis lazuli and Angelite bracelet
Wisdom, Peace, Intuition
Lapis lazuli and Angelite bracelet
Lapis Lazuli Properties PHYSICAL PLAN Recommended in case of insect bite or rash. It plays a role in strengthening the lungs, strengthens the throat, activates the functioning of the thymus and provides help in diseases of the pharynx. The stone...
Angelite and Sodalite Bracelet
Peace, Intuition, Authenticity
Angelite and Sodalite Bracelet
Angelite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Angelite has an exceptionally high vibration and is one of the best stones for compassion. She sings of peace and helps us see each person as a dear friend who deserves the best. Angelite encourages...
Amethyst and Angelite Bracelet
Peace, Intuition, Elevation
Amethyst and Angelite Bracelet
Amethyst Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Amethyst is a highly mystical stone that encourages spirituality and spiritual insights. It strengthens our sense of justice and encourages us to act with deep integrity. Amethyst is a very good meditation stone and can...
Angelite mala necklace - 108 8mm beads
Peace, Elevation, Tranquility
Angelite mala necklace - 108 8mm beads
Ritual Here's a simple but powerful ritual you can practice with your mala necklace, along with a positive affirmation. This ritual aims to ground you, boost self-confidence and encourage inner strength. Preparing the space: Find a quiet place where you feel...


Holistic healer, promotes awareness of the psychosomatic causes of unhappiness , and the holistic nature of healing . Supports cellular memory , heart , lungs , adrenal glands , and thyroid . Returns to its sender frequencies that do not match those of the user. Has the virtue of associating with the six symbols of luck.

Super Seven Bracelet
Unity, Awakening, Harmony
Super Seven Bracelet
Super Seven Properties Spiritual Healing Properties The Super Seven invites us to do our part to raise the collective consciousness of humanity. It is a remarkable crystalline ally for anyone who wants to save the world, heal the world, or...
Super Seven and Lapis lazuli bracelet
Wisdom, Harmony, Expression
Super Seven and Lapis lazuli bracelet
Super Seven Properties Spiritual Healing Properties The Super Seven invites us to do our part to raise the collective consciousness of humanity. It is a remarkable crystalline ally for anyone who wants to save the world, heal the world, or...
Amethyst and Super Seven Bracelet
Meditation, Healing, Harmonization
Amethyst and Super Seven Bracelet
Amethyst Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Amethyst is a highly mystical stone that encourages spirituality and spiritual insights. It strengthens our sense of justice and encourages us to act with deep integrity. Amethyst is a very good meditation stone and can...
Black Onyx and Super Seven Bracelet
Anchoring, Awakening, Harmonization
Black Onyx and Super Seven Bracelet
Properties Black Onyx Spiritual Healing Properties Onyx teaches us the importance of self-control, or the ability to harness our own strength and focus, in pursuit of our most important goals. It is a wonderfully grounding, centering and balancing stone for...
Super seven and Selenite bracelet
Awakening, Purification, Harmonization
Super seven and Selenite bracelet
Super Seven Properties Spiritual Healing Properties The Super Seven invites us to do our part to raise the collective consciousness of humanity. It is a remarkable crystalline ally for anyone who wants to save the world, heal the world, or...
Dumortierite and Super Seven Bracelet
Wisdom, Healing, Harmonization
Dumortierite and Super Seven Bracelet
Dumortierite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Dumortierite is a powerful aid for psychic perceptions, including clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. It can be used to open and enhance intuitive abilities, as well as help us accept our gifts and feel stronger because...
Golden Rutile Quartz and Super Seven Bracelet
Harmony, Clarity, Connection
Golden Rutile Quartz and Super Seven Bracelet
Properties Rutile Quartz Spiritual Healing Properties Rutile Quartz infuses our mind with an incredibly pure vibration of light and joy. It encourages us to step into our own spiritual greatness and not stay “small” when the Divine wants us to...


Will calm painful periods, soothe back pain worn on the solar plexus it will soothe hot flashes, stone which protects the pharynx and regulates the activity of the thyroid , relieves guilt and harmonizes emotions and helps to strengthen the friendship . On the 3rd eye useful for clairvoyance .


Strengthens the coronary veins, stimulates hearing, visual activity and eliminates headaches, will stimulate the thyroid and will thus be favorable to hormonal imbalance. Relieves gout attacks and arthritis.

Kunzite Bracelet
Unconditional love, Appeasement, Empathy
Kunzite Bracelet
Kunzite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Kunzite joyfully sings that we are loved and that we are meant to be happy and whole. It helps us recognize that the Divine is everywhere, in us and in every soul we encounter. She...
Blue Apatite and Kunzite Bracelet
Creativity, Love, Communication
Blue Apatite and Kunzite Bracelet
Blue Apatite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties of Blue Apatite Blue apatite is a joyful stone that promotes a generous love of people and a desire to be of service to others. It is a stone of happy inspiration and manifestation,...
Kunzite and Shungite bracelet
Healing, Well-being, Resilience
Kunzite and Shungite bracelet
Kunzite Properties Spiritual Healing Properties Kunzite joyfully sings that we are loved and that we are meant to be happy and whole. It helps us recognize that the Divine is everywhere, in us and in every soul we encounter. She...
Green Jade and Kunzite Bracelet
Abundance, Harmony, Healing
Green Jade and Kunzite Bracelet
Properties Green Jade Spiritual Healing Properties Green jade has a wonderful energy, both peaceful and joyful. It encourages us to appreciate just being alive, loving, struggling, learning, and being who we truly are: spiritual beings on a mortal journey. Green...

Other stones to combat thyroid problems :

Below you will find complementary stones taken from the works of lithotherapy experts, having the same virtues to respond to your problem. You can therefore choose them according to your preferences (colors / chakras / energy....).

The stones recommended by JM Garnier : Pyroxmangite, Rosasite, Sodalite.

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