Stones against cholesterol
Their role is to prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques on the wall of the arteries. HDL brings excess cholesterol accumulated in the organs to the liver so that it can be eliminated. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) refers to “bad” cholesterol. To balance the different levels of cholesterol in the blood, carry chrysoberyl with you. Yellow fluorine and magnesite are also recommended to combat cholesterol... -
Stones against Crohn's disease
Definition : Crohn's disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the entire digestive tract, probably autoimmune in nature. Red Jasper Red jasper is a stone of great energy which has a strengthening effect. It is very effective against diseases of the liver, spleen and pancreas. It strengthens the stomach and calms nausea. To fight Crohn's disease, do application sessions on all the chakras .... -
Relieve rheumatism & rheumatoid arthritis with these lithotherapy stones
Rheumatism _ is the collective name for more than 100 conditions that occur around and in the joints without being hereditary. The best known rheumatic conditions are arthritis and osteoarthritis . One in two people suffer from rheumatism and this has a negative impact on daily life. Rheumatism _ are inflammations which present locally or affect several joints of the body. The most common form of rheumatism is arthritis. It...