• Beneficial lithotherapy stones against obsessions

    Tics are abrupt, sudden, "flashing" movements , useless, untimely, illogical, conscious, involuntary, imperative, stereotypical which are repeated, identical to themselves, without rhythm. Most often, they occur in the facial muscles: occlusion of the eyelids, blinking, contraction of the cheeks or lips (sucking, chewing, biting the lips, licking the lips, etc.), neck (nodding, turning ...) or shoulders (shrugs, scratching movement etc.). Their evolution is capricious:...
  • The best stones against cramps

    Cramps refer to musculoskeletal disorders which generally begin suddenly and suddenly, without any prior signs to anticipate them. It results in the involuntary and uncontrollable painful contraction of a muscle or a bundle of muscles leading to temporary functional incapacity of the affected muscle group. It is short-lived (from a few seconds to several minutes). The muscles most often affected by cramps are those...
  • The best stones to promote the growth of children

    Children grow very quickly at any age, but their growth is influenced by different factors as their bodies develop: The infant: Characterized by a rapid growth rate (+ 25 cm during the first year and + 10 cm the second year of life). Its growth is influenced by its genetic background and nutrition. The child: The child's growth is regular and controlled by growth...
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