• Immune System Diseases

    Are you looking for a stone to help you with a health problem? You are in the right place. For an alphabetical search of all pathologies: All pathologies To search Immune System Diseases , use the summary below: Crohn's disease | Diabetes | Thyroid | Strengthen your immune system | Crohn's disease Crohn's disease (CD) is a chronic inflammation that can affect the walls...
  • Eye and Brain Diseases

    Are you looking for a stone to help you with a health problem? You are in the right place. For an alphabetical search of all pathologies: All pathologies To search Eye and Brain Diseases , use the table of contents below: Vision problems | Stimulate your nervous system | Calm Hyperactivity | Dispel Nervousness | Vision problems Ametropia, or vision disorders, are visual impairments...
  • Gynecological Diseases and Pregnancy

    Are you looking for a stone to help you with a health problem? You are in the right place. For an alphabetical search of all pathologies: All pathologies To search Gynecological Diseases And Pregnancy , use the summary below: Premenstrual syndrome (periods) | Fertility | Childbirth | Pregnancy | Menopause | Balancing hormonal cycles | Premenstrual syndrome (periods) Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a set...
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