Stones against anger
In these troubled times it is understandable that you "overheat" a little more than usual. For those who are naturally moody, it's even worse.
Mood swings affect everyone at some point in their lives. While for some they are limited to adolescence and menopause when your body is riddled with hormones , for others mood swings are a part of everyday life.
These souls have fire at their center. The same combustion that warms their character also fuels their passion and creativity.
Their exciting and unpredictable nature both attracts people and drives them away. If this sounds like you, you've probably considered ways to solve this problem in your life before.
It can be difficult to deal with mood swings when you love your highs, but hate your lows.
You don't have to give up one to avoid the other. Instead, use crystals that calm anger . These healing stones amplify the stabilizing effects induced by anger management techniques, they help to dampen flare-ups of negativity and set your spiritual thermostat to "cool." .
If you're angry by nature, these mindful breathing practices combined with a few of our favorite anger crystals are important tools for everyone when it comes to restoring calm and maintaining positivity in stressful times .
Calm anger
Here is a list of the most effective stones and crystals on an emotional level, particularly on negative emotions.
- Amethyst
Amethyst is renowned for its great ability to channel and balance disturbances of nervous origin . It is an effective protective stone. It is particularly recommended for children who are angry or prone to outbursts of rage.
Its action can be combined by wearing a Rose Quartz. Their union will only amplify their actions by removing negative energies linked to anger.
Carnelian _
If you're on a mission to be more assertive, confident, and decisive, congratulations! These qualities can really help you advance in your career while allowing you to thrive in your personal life too. However, if you are the type of person who knows exactly what you want and won't take "no" for an answer, you can sometimes come across as destructive or controlling.
A Carnelian will help you express your opinions while encouraging you to include others and work as a team, according to lithotherapy against anger . By working together, you will likely achieve much better results.
Lapis Lazuli is particularly recommended for angry people. It is a calming stone that brings calm and reduces excess nervousness . It also promotes spiritual growth and resolves emotional blockages . It brings inner peace to the physical body of the person who holds it.
Blue Apatite
If you feel a swell of animosity over a conflict , it's important to take a moment before doing or saying anything. Blue Apatite is an ideal stone for you, whether in your handbag or in your pocket, according to lithotherapy against anger .
Breathe deeply through your nose and out through your mouth. Visualize your anger leaving you with each exhale. This doesn't mean you don't have a right to your feelings. Apatite stabilizes moods and makes it easier to express your point of view.
Chrysoprase _
It is an excellent calming stone : Chrysoprase relieves stress, calms the nerves and promotes a relaxed general state . It allows you to take a step back and clarify your thoughts, which is a great help for people who tend to get carried away by their emotions, especially anger . This Heart Chakra stone helps bring this expected tenderness in these moments.
Peridot _
When we are angry , we can often find ourselves pointing fingers and blaming others for problems we are unhappy with. However, if you get in trouble at work for something that wasn't your fault or if a friend's mistake caused you stress , try to find a solution to the problem rather than looking for someone to help you. blame.
You don't have to accept responsibility for someone else's mistake, but perhaps you could work with them to find a solution . People will thank you for being the bigger person.
If you often find yourself blaming others , it might help to carry a Peridot crystal in your pocket, according to crystal healing for anger . This amazing crystal will change your mindset and make it easier for you to forgive others.
Other stones recommended to calm states of anger, irritation or attacks of rage (in addition to medical treatment if necessary): Citrine , Carnelian, Diamond, Magnetite, Gold, Blue Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Sodalite, Sugilite, Golden Topaz, Black Tourmaline, Aquamarine , Rock Crystal.