Pierre Feldspar: Virtues of Feldspar
Feldspar is a semi-precious stone mainly used in lithotherapy to free the body of its toxins and stimulate libido.
- Origin of name: Comes from the fact that some specimens were initially found in fields
- Group belonging to: Silicates
- Color(s): Brown, beige
- Symbol: Harmony
- Hardness: 6 - 6.5
- Main deposits: United States, Brazil, India, Kenya, Madagascar, Namibia, Russia, Sri Lanka, Burma, Canada, Australia, Mexico, Norway
- Chemical composition: Feldspar
- Day of the week: Every day
Varieties of Feldspar
Feldspars are divided into two very distinct groups : potassium feldspars and calc-sodium feldspars .
The first include minerals such as sanidine, orthoclase, adularia, Amazonite , moonstone , microcline.
While the other group also called plagioclase includes varieties like albite, oligoclase, Labradorite , sunstone, andesine, peristerite, bytownite, and anorthite.
Minerals often amorphous in sometimes large portions of vein, feldspars contribute for some of them to the development of cabochons intended for costume jewelry , works of art and ornaments for funerary monuments .
Certain pieces of yellow-brown, colorless qualities such as Labradorite are sometimes faceted by lapidaries.
Benefits and virtues of Feldspar
Simply place the stone at the level of the abdomen for a regenerative relaxation session or as a pendant (insert the stone in a cage) to benefit from the energy of the stone on a daily basis.
Emotional plane
It allows you to reconnect with yourself by filtering disruptive external emotional influences , introduces you to pure emotion, allows you to let yourself be touched while moving towards the essential, authenticity and purity, allows you to let go of your weapons in everything emotional conflict without feeling helpless.
Feldspars are minerals of magnificent vibrational beauty . Their powers come from their feminine nature, gentle and naturally intelligent . They are powerful companions during emotionally strong periods because they allow us to place ourselves beyond the movement, where everything is stable and clear. They are suitable for any shy and sensitive person because they will know how to turn this sensitivity into force .
Feldspar helps transform obsolete thought patterns, bringing our energies towards renewal.
Mental plane
The stone promotes a more intuitive, more feminine, gentle and serene vision of events , allowing you to build your personality on a more solid and authentic foundation.
Physical plan
Feldspar harmonizes and drains the lymphatic system . It can be effective in cases of gout attacks.
This stone absorbs and traps negative energies from the environment.
Placed on the Root Chakra , it contributes to the regulation of the digestive system.
The stone also acts on the Sacral Chakra .
Astrological signs
The Feldspar stone is said to be linked to the signs of Scorpio and Capricorn .
Recharging and purification
It is recharged in running, unsalted water . You can also place it in lunar light or on a quartz cluster .
You can also then recharge it in the sun for 6 to 12 hours, not in direct light as it risks tarnishing.
Purification is necessary, before each new session for small contact stones, and at each full moon for stones intended to be placed in the environment .
Meaning and History of Feldspar
Feldspars (from the German Fel = rock, or Feld = field, and Spath = fragile stone) are minerals composed of silica , alumina and another base, such as potash, soda or lime: for For example, orthoclase feldspar is an alumina and potash silicate.
The Feldspar family symbolizes the return to basics, an inner movement of a feminine and enveloping nature.
Feldspars form the most volumetrically important group of minerals in the Earth's crust. They most often form well-developed, automorphic crystals, often presenting twins. In the field, their determination often uses their property of scratching standard glass (white window glass blade) and being scratched by a hard steel blade (hacksaw type) (Mohs hardness of the order of 6 to 6.5).
In combination with other minerals, potassium feldspars (or alkaline or orthoses) participate in the modal mineralogical composition of rather acidic rocks, such as syenites and granites (grained) or trachytes and rhyolites (microlithic).