Peter Galena: Virtues of Galena
Galena is a stone of harmony on a physical and spiritual level . This stone of balance will allow you to listen to others. It allows you to have clear ideas. It is a good anchoring stone.
An anchoring stone, galena encourages compassion, love , tolerance and peace as we learn to accept aspects of ourselves that have long frightened us. The energy of this stone being quite “strong” , it is advisable to use it for fairly short periods of time. It is an excellent stone against negative energies.
- Origin of the name: From Latin galena and Greek galene, “lead ore”
- Home group: Lead
- Color(s): Black, gray
- Symbol: Harmony
- Hardness: 2.5
- Main deposits: Canada, Germany, Australia, Belgium, Ivory Coast, Scotland, Spain, United States
- Chemical composition: Lead sulfide
- Day of the week: Every day
Varieties of Galena
Galena is a mineral species composed of lead sulfide with traces of silver, bismuth, selenium, copper, zinc, cadmium, iron, gold, molybdenum, antimony, arsenic , cadmium and tellurium, which gives a significant variety of minerals.
Benefits and virtues of Galena
When it comes to physical healing , Galena has the ability to reduce inflammation and rashes. It can also stimulate blood circulation and improve vein health.
The healing energies of Galena can also help detoxify the body during addiction recovery. It can also improve the assimilation of zinc and selenium which will be beneficial for the hair.
The Galena stone will inspire you to harness your personal power so that you can accomplish your tasks and achieve your goals.
This will keep you motivated to succeed , even when things are difficult and the road to success is long and winding. It will help you overcome your deep fears and encourage you to take more calculated risks . It will also encourage you to use your talents to achieve your dreams.
Galena stone will be a very beneficial stone when you want to have more love and harmony in your relationship , and when you are serious about change or transformation of yourself or your relationship. It is a very effective stone that will help you on your love journey, as it will show you how to embrace the good and bad side of yourself.
It is a powerful foundation stone that will keep you strong and courageous in the face of challenges . It will give you the ability to cope with difficult and uncomfortable tasks. It is also a stone that will show you how you can reclaim your personal power that you have lost due to emotional abuse or trauma.
The energies of Galena will bring healing to your heart, forgiveness to those who have hurt or harmed you, and peace to your heart , mind, and soul. When you are infused with the energies of Galena, you will become more receptive to change, compromise and communication.
Galena finds its natural place at the Throat Chakra , but many of its properties (structuring, stability and course of action) are more fully expressed at the Root Chakra . In any case, this stone with dense energy will only be used during short exercises.
Astrological signs
The Galena stone would be linked to the signs of Gemini, Cancer, Capricorn and Aquarius.
Recharging and purification
A tumbled stone pebble must be purified as soon as you take possession of it .
Indeed, before reaching you, it has been manipulated by several people and it is necessary to remove the influences which it has taken over.
The Galena tumbled stone pebble can be purified with water .
The Galena tumbled stone pebble recharges in the sun or on a mass of quartz like a geode or a piece of Amethyst .
Meaning and history of Galena
Galena has been known to humans since probably the Chalcolitic (period of protohistory also called the Copper Age) which took place between approximately 5000 and 3000 years BC.
It is the main ore of lead and silver on Earth and was used as lead ore already during Antiquity. Early lead hearths (or smelters) dating from this period have been discovered in many places around the world.
Since the smelting of pure Galena was a simple operation, such places were located wherever the ore was found. The Babylonians made vases, the Egyptians reduced it to powder for cosmetic purposes for kohl (eye makeup) or in glazes on their pottery and the Romans made it into water pipes.
Later, it was also used by the Incas or by certain Native American peoples of North America.
It was in 1874 that Karl Ferdinand Braun (1850-1918), a German physicist, noticed that galena, under certain conditions, does not always conduct electricity in the same way and therefore has semiconductor properties. He pushed his research further and in 1906 he discovered the tip diode (metal tip joined to a galena crystal). This discovery made it possible to design the radio receiver called the galena receiver (station).
In 1909, he was jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics with Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937), an Italian physicist, inventor and businessman, in recognition of their contributions to the development of wireless telegraphy.
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