Rhodochrosite Stone: Virtues of Rhodochrosite
Rhodochrosite is an excellent anti-stress stone which also acts on many serious illnesses by soothing the patient's anxieties .
- Origin of the name : Comes from the Greek “rhodon” which means “rose”
- Home group : Calcite
- Color(s) : Pale pink, deep pink, light pink
- Symbol : Spiritual realization
- Hardness : 4
- Deposits : Argentina, United States, Peru.
- Chemical composition : Manganese carbonate
- Day of the week : Friday
Varieties of Rhodochrosite
The color of Rhodochrosite ranges from pink to brown , red and yellow . The stone belongs to the trigonal crystal system, its line is white, its luster is glassy.
The most commonly encountered quality is in the form of a translucent aggregate cut into:
- cabochon,
- in beaded ball,
- in sphere,
- in egg,
- into small decorative objects.
Benefits and virtues of Rhodochrosite
On the psychological level
Rhodocrosite stone is known to be the stone of love and compassion . On an emotional level, it allows buried wounds to be brought to light in order to gently heal them. Wearing Rhodochrosite in daily life helps to develop a positive attitude. Using Rhodochrosite stones is also particularly recommended when practicing meditation . Its use then allows the proper renewal of energies . It allows emotional release.
On the physical level
In addition to mental health, Rhodocrosite also has benefits for the physical health of its wearers.
It helps eliminate toxins present in the liver and kidneys. It calms stomach ulcers, regulates diabetes, relieves arthritis, revitalizes the nervous system and reduces insomnia. Rhodochrosite calms epileptic seizures as well as Parkinson's disease . It also acts on certain forms of dementia including schizophrenia. It also acts on multiple sclerosis.
If you suffer from skin conditions , Rhodochrosite may have beneficial effects on your skin. It helps in particular to treat rosacea and skin allergies. For some of these physical disorders, wearing Rhodochrosite as a necklace or bracelet will not be sufficient. It will be necessary to consume it directly as an elixir to promote the circulation of energies.
Rhodochrosite also allows you to balance your Heart and Solar Plexus chakras in everyday life, which are directly linked to emotions .
On the Heart Chakra , it acts directly on the emotional, thus contributing to the regulation of emotions and feelings.
On the Solar Plexus Chakra , it fights against stress and contributes to the development of self-confidence .
Astrological signs
Rhodochrosite is especially favorable for the signs :
- Ram,
- Bull,
- Cancer,
- Capricorn,
- Scorpio.
Recharging and purification
A tumbled stone pebble must be purified as soon as you take possession of it .
Indeed, before reaching you, it has been handled by several people and it is necessary to remove the influences which it has taken over .
The Rhodonite tumbled stone pebble can be purified with distilled water .
It recharges in the sun or on a mass of quartz like a geode or a piece of Amethyst.
Meaning and History of Rhodochrosite
Rhodochrosite stone is a pink colored stone that was discovered in copper and silver producing mines . With the fall of the Inca Empire, the mines were abandoned and Rhodocrosite fell into oblivion.
According to legend, the Ajllas temple was located on the sacred shores of Lake Titicaca. In this temple lived the priestesses of Inti , the sun god. One day, a warrior dared to cross the sacred lake as well as the high cliffs which protected the temple. Arriving at the top, he found himself in front of the beautiful priestess and they instantly fell in love with each other.
Their union being forbidden, they then had to flee towards the south. Mad with anger, the Inca Emperor ordered his men to find the two lovers, in vain. The couple was then able to live their love for many years and have many children.
When Nusta died , his body was buried on top of the nearby mountain. Following the death of the love of his life, Canqui's body was transformed into rock .
Years later, a shepherd was surprised to discover that the stones had transformed into red rose petals . The shepherd picked up one of these petals and brought it to the Emperor of the Incas. Moved by this symbol, he forgave the lovers .
Since then, the stone, which was named Rosa del Inca , has become the symbol of forgiveness , loyalty , sacrifice and true love . It is also considered, in Inca culture, to represent the fossilized blood of their ancient rulers.
However, it was not until the end of the 1930s that Rhodochrosite became world famous. The popularity of Rhodochrosite is due to German national Franz Mansfeld . He discovered fragments of Rhodocrosite at the Plate Museum in Buenos Aires . He manages to obtain a sample of the stone which he decides to have polished.
On his return to Europe, he reported his discovery to the British Museum in London . Realizing that it was a rare mineral , he decided to return to his homelands, in Argentina.
At the end of August 1938 , Franz Mansfeld exhibited his creations of sculpted objects in Rhodocrosite at the Leipzig International Fair. This marks the starting point of the international popularity of Rhodochrosite. Since then, it has even become the national stone of Argentina as well as the official stone of the state of Colorado in the United States.
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