Energy Stones
To understand how lithotherapy works, you must first recognize the existence of non-visible energies that make up us and that make up everything that is manifested, an aura of energy that is as real as what your eyes allow you to know. to see from the physical plane.
These subtle energies that make us up are the manifestations of our state of being on an emotional, mental and spiritual level. If we change our emotion we change the vibrational frequency of our emotion.
Stones and crystals have a strong energy with very marked characteristics depending on their composition and crystallization, a subtle and stable energy which is used in lithotherapy to influence our subtle body and obtain improvements in our state of being.
The scope of its improvements should be taken as aids acting at different levels depending on the stone used.
These energies bring well-being to the etheric (or vital) body, which is in contact or nearby. Wearing one of these stones as jewelry is enough to benefit from their benefits. They act on three axes: the physical, the mental and the spiritual. You can then equip yourself with an energy stone bracelet in order to feel all the powers of the stones they contain.
These stones would have properties that work on our body , because they are partly composed of minerals which are also present in our body.
Positive energy stones
Here is a list of stones for protection against negative energies because they create the most positive energies possible:
- Green Tourmaline
With its rich green hue, Tourmaline is a popular gemstone for the Heart Chakra. In addition to its beauty, Tourmaline is considered a powerful energy provider . Its healing properties help remove toxins from the body, restore balance and bring back positive energy, making us more energetic.
- Rock Crystal
Stone of purity and light, it connects to the different subtle planes, it also amplifies the powers and energies of an individual , their own light.
Rock Crystal also increases the body's energy reserves and develops psychic faculties: clairvoyance, intuition, clairaudience, telepathy, concentration, visualization, etc.
- Amethyst _
Composed of purple or purple quartz crystals, Amethyst has a high power of protection against negative energies . Its energy purifies the body , mind and living spaces. She is an ally in the processes of inner transformation and change in level of consciousness. It brings calm and inner peace, it helps restore balance in the event of stress.
- Citrine _
Citrine, a yellow crystal, stimulates energies . Stone of transformation of negative energies . In the environment, it disperses these negative energies in order to let more positive light enter the place. Citrine is a very effective energizing stone on the solar plexus.
- Labradorite _
It is a stone of protection particularly for therapists and caregivers. Labradorite absorbs and diverts unwanted negative emotions and energies , protects and maintains the clarity of the aura. Its energy helps to regenerate and develop patience and perseverance.
- Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli is an intense blue dotted with golden shards of iron pyrite, like a starry sky. It is a stone of protection against negative energies , which helps to attract sympathy. It also keeps away the waves emitted by cell phones.
- Tiger's Eye
Tiger's Eye is a protective stone that returns negative intentions to their recipients. Its energy gives courage , strength, optimism. It acts like a mirror repelling negative energies. It is also a protection against harmful external influences.
- Carnelian _
If you want to increase your energy levels through crystals, carnelian is a fabulous crystal for this function. This slightly translucent stone was considered the symbol of life in Greek and Egyptian cultures. Today, this beautiful gemstone is still used to boost stamina and energy . For some, wearing a pair of Carnelian earrings is more effective at increasing energy levels than a cup of coffee.
- Amber _
It is generally believed that naturally red, orange and yellow crystals are the most effective in terms of energy and power . When we think of lemon-colored health stones, Amber immediately comes to mind. With its golden highlights, this amazing crystal is said to be one of the most dynamic and uplifting and when placed in our presence, it can make us feel more energetic and positive .
- Smoky Quartz
In a living space , Smoky Quartz transmits a powerful energy of stability, security, rooting and protection. Smoky quartz establishes a good relationship between the material and the spiritual. It amplifies the sense of realities, being an amplifier of telluric energy.
It is possible to combine them with Rose Quartz or Black Tourmaline .