Hair loss or hair loss? Here are the stones you need!
Having beautiful hair is a dream for many people .
Hair is an element of human hair, more or less extensive on the top, sides and back of the head. We lose on average 5-100 hairs per day.
Hair loss is not just the result of stress or an unbalanced diet . The causes of hair loss can be both external and internal .
They can be divided into two categories : androgenetic alopecia also called baldness (a form of hair loss having a genetic and hormonal cause) and telogen effluvium also called diffuse baldness (frequency hair loss, caused by an organic disorder ). Genetic causes of hair loss are generally permanent, while non-genetic causes are temporary.
In this article, we will see which lithotherapy stones and crystals are recommended to combat hair loss or hair loss.
To discover the stones and crystals available to order online, simply click on the images.
Hair loss or hair loss
It prevents hair loss and is beneficial for the scalp. It is also a great help for people suffering from dandruff problem.
It stimulates hair growth , metabolism and hormones. For people suffering from stress-related hair loss or hair loss, Amethyst will be of great help to you . Indeed, its effects are beneficial on the nervous system, and in particular stress.
- Dolomite
It has benefits for strengthening the skin, hair , teeth and nails. To obtain the best fortification results, simply place the stone on your heart chakra.
- Larimar
Larimar reduces hair loss. To fully benefit from the virtues of your larimar stones, simply run them under running or distilled water once a week. They recharge in the sun for an hour.
- Zincite
To benefit from the restorative benefits of the stone , simply activate it by placing it on the heart chakra and it will naturally work on your hair and skin problems.
- Sapphire
It promotes the growth of hair or nails. The stone would also be very suitable for combating skin problems and hair loss .
Other stones for hair care:
- Stone to fight against dry hair : Moonstone and Rose Quartz
- Stone to fight against oily hair : Blue Sapphire
- Stone to fight against scalp irritation : Selenite and Rose Quartz
Below you will find complementary stones taken from the works of lithotherapy experts, having the same virtues to respond to your problem. You can therefore choose them according to your preferences (colors / chakras / energy....).
Stones recommended by Judy Hall: Galena
Stones recommended by JM Garnier : Amethyst, Dolomite, Galena, Lapis-Lazuli, Larimar, Onyx, Sapphire, Sphene, Titanite, Zincite, Red Zincite, Aventurine, Hausmannite and Larimar
The stones recommended by Bioschério : Lapis-Lazuli and Magnesite
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