Beneficial lithotherapy stones against nervous tics
Tics are abrupt, sudden, "flashing" movements , useless, untimely, illogical, conscious, involuntary, imperative, stereotypical which are repeated, identical to themselves, without rhythm. Most often, they occur in the facial muscles: occlusion of the eyelids, blinking, contraction of the cheeks or lips (sucking, chewing, biting the lips, licking the lips, etc.), neck (nodding, turning ...) or shoulders (shrugs, scratching movement etc.).
Their evolution is capricious: they can appear and disappear spontaneously, reappear intermittently , change place or settle more or less permanently.
OCD is an anxiety disorder. It manifests itself in particular fears which invade the mind constantly and become obsessive fears. These fears often have an aggressive content, for oneself or for others. The person struggles anxiously to neutralize them.
Ideational obsessions
The person's consciousness is invaded by an idea or thought permanently , uncontrollably, which besieges and exhausts him in an anxious struggle to neutralize it.
Phobic obsessions
These obsessions are similar to phobias , but they are different because they appear outside of a phobic situation. It is not the situation that causes anxiety but the thought of it. These are in particular: phobias of illnesses, cancer, bacteria, etc.
In this article, we will see which lithotherapy stones are recommended to alleviate your tics or OCDs.
To discover the stones available to order online, simply click on the images.
Stones for tics and OCD
- Money
Silver is the most recommended stone to alleviate your tics . It soothes and regulates the nervous system. Acts on angry behavior, reduces and space out convulsive attacks , helps to relieve Parkinsonian tremors, nervous tics, obsessive -compulsive disorders (OCD). Gives self-confidence and assurance.
It will support people who are afraid of traveling, of crowds, afraid of speaking in public or who have nervous tics . Wear it with you as a bracelet or necklace all day for greater effectiveness.
- Aragonite
Very good anchoring stone for people going through periods of stress or anger. Brings a lot of softness, flexibility and tolerance. Soothes inner agitation by reducing nervous spasms and tics (heart chakra).
To treat OCD , it is recommended to use stones that rebalance the base chakra such as: Carnelian, Red Gorgon, Garnet, Hematite, Red Jasper, Iron Eye, Bull's Eye, Quartz with Rutile inclusions, Ruby.
Other stones against tics and OCD:
Below you will find complementary stones taken from the works of lithotherapy experts, having the same virtues to respond to your problem. You can therefore choose them according to your preferences (colors / chakras / energy....).
Stones recommended by Judy Hall : Aragonite
Stones recommended by JM Garnier : Silver
The stones recommended by Bioschério : Silver, Charoite, Muscovite and red Uvite
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