These stones which promote good hydration of your skin
Why should you moisturize your skin?
The skin is made up of 70% water. This water plays an essential role at the skin level : it protects the epidermis , which functions as a barrier , and gives it all its elasticity and suppleness .
However, the skin of the face is exposed daily to external aggressions : temperature changes, pollution or even the sun's rays. These attacks damage the hydrolipidic film (a protective film, located in the upper layers of the epidermis). When it is damaged, it lets the water contained in the skin escape more easily. Result: it dries out and loses that baby skin look that we love so much.
Staying well hydrated will also allow you to:
- Avoid dull complexion
- Slow down skin aging
- Avoid drying out
Moisturizing your face is therefore an essential step to plump the skin from the inside but also to strengthen its barrier and protective function . The moisturizing creams offered on the cosmetic market are numerous and full of promise. However, their composition is not always transparent and safe.
We therefore invite you to discover how to properly hydrate and plump your skin using a simple and natural method: lithotherapy. Here is an overview of the best stones to benefit from these effects.
Stones to moisturize the skin
Awakening, sense of justice , inner peace , overcoming grief and loss . Generally reduces pain and relaxes , particularly in cases of headaches due to tension, but also injuries, bruises, and swelling which resolve very quickly under its action. For problems of all organs originating from the ectoderm, helps in cases of nervous disorders, affection of the lungs and respiratory tract, skin impurities . Against anxiety, with the ability to clarify the mind, amethyst soothes. Against addiction , activates dreams , promotes more peaceful sleep . An amethyst stone on the pillow wards off nightmares.
Effective for the balance of the heart, facilitates digestion, epidote water will soften the skin . Use in case of bone problems and decalcification. Consoles heartache , frees us from jealousy and avoids crying over ourselves.
Is useful in cases of challenges and trials . Teaches relaxation, inspires cooperation. Increases fertility and helps the assimilation of vitamin A. Excellent against arthritis and rheumatism, strengthens the kidneys, beneficial for mucous membranes and skin .
Strengthens skin , hair, nails , strengthens connective tissues and bones, the latter by activating calcium metabolism, supports immune reactions in the blood and body fluids , activates the lymph nodes, spleen and lung . Demonstrates particular effectiveness against a permanent tendency to cool. Also activates cell metabolism and division, helps wounds heal, avoids scar formation and prevents aging , improves the elasticity of blood vessels and exerts an anti-inflammatory action. Makes you warm, stimulates inner well-being which makes you less dependent on external pleasures and more effective against fear, hyper-emotionality and exhaustion.
Improves relationships between parents and children. Very effective for a woman's hormonal system, regulates it. It is a powerful anti-allergy, calms neuralgia, migraines and aggression. Stimulates our intuition and creativity, powerful healing power, pancreas, digestive disorders, purifies the skin , strengthens the eyes. Strengthens a positive and enthusiastic attitude in life , Stimulates impersonal and universal love, promotes activity, liveliness, eroticism and spontaneous manifestation of feelings, gives good mood energy, makes light and cheerful. Activates circulation, the kidneys, improves tension , makes blood vessels elastic and thus acts against migraine.
Other stones for the skin :
- Howlite
- Opal
Below you will find complementary stones taken from the works of lithotherapy experts, having the same virtues to respond to your problem. You can therefore choose them according to your preferences (colors / chakras / energy....).
Stones recommended by Judy Hall : Amethyst
The stones recommended by JM Garnier : Albite, Howlite, Hydrophane, White Opal, Nephrite.
Stones recommended by Bioschério : Opal
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