Balancing the meridians with these 5 stones
Meridians in traditional Chinese medicine are interconnected channels of the human body through which qi, the body's vital energy, circulates. There are several types , linked to the theories of anma, Yin and yang and the five elements. Acupuncture and shiatsu are among the most common applications of this theory, which is also found in certain martial arts such as Tai Chi Chuan.
In traditional acupuncture , we distinguish several types of meridians , although these explanations are very variable, sometimes even contradictory depending on the historical frame of reference, it is possible to identify the broad outlines: meridians linked to an organ or bowels ( numbering 12) and the meridians having their own existence, preceding the development of the organs and bowels.
Chinese medicine relies on the imbalances observed on the meridians and responds to them via a wide range of methods: acupuncture , acupressure , moxibustion , An Mo / Tui Na, pharmacopoeia , dietetics , energetic exercises (qi gong, taiji quan, kung fu …) which each have a precise action on the meridians.
Stones to balance the meridians
Applied to the feet, unblocks the meridians and energy pathways , in resonance with the throat alleviates inflammation and balances the thyroid , this soothing stone repairs tissues and blood vessels, balances body fluids acts as a diuretic, useful for control weight , particularly related to the lungs and arms . Relieves pain from sunburn, on a subtle level, balances the physical body with the etheric realms.
Represents peace and fraternity , as its name suggests facilitates conscious contact with the angelic realm, strengthens telepathic communication and promotes extra-corporeal travel while maintaining contact with daily reality. Powerful stone for therapists, because it increases harmonization and sharpens perception, protects the environment or the body.
Heals bones , promotes the formation of new cells and the absorption of calcium, is useful for cartilage, bones, teeth and motor skills, relieves arthritis, joint problems and rickets , suppresses the feeling of hunger and accelerates metabolism, encouraging healthy eating, regulates glands, meridians and organs, controls hypertension , balances physical, mental , emotional and spiritual bodies ; As well as the chakras calming hyperactivity and stimulating hypoactivity. Used in combination with other crystals it is easier to obtain results. Allows you to see beyond success and take actions for the next day. Releases stress and anger which lead to heartburn or inner tension. Stone of manifestation which promotes the humanitarian attitude, is in harmony with the future, develops psychic gifts and spiritual attunement, promotes communication and personal expression on all levels.
It can be used to recharge a garden or land. On a physical level, stimulates the circulation of energy through the body's meridians , promotes emotional stability.
One of the most effective anchoring stones , gently brings you back to the Earth and into the body. Strongly protective stone , very useful for overcoming blockages . aligns the chakras and subtle bodies. On a psychological level, highlights blockages on all levels. We will take the positive stone in the positive hand and the negative in the negative hand, the positive hand is generally the right hand for men and the left for women. The electromagnetic field creates, connects the etheric body to the physical body and cleans the aura while sealing leaks if there are any. The two, opposite on the heart chakra , regenerate damaged tissues , and eliminate discomfort. They are useful for those who work with animals or plants.
Excellent for attunement and calming meditation , it is a powerful transmitter and amplifier of high frequency energies , stimulates psychic gifts and intuition , promotes spiritual energy in thoughts, puts in contact with spiritual guides and instills compassion, confers spiritual integrity and maturity , helps to dream dreams often and promotes healing ones. Aligns the chakras and subtle bodies, purifying the channels and meridians and restoring the chi (qi) of the physical body and its organs. Stabilizes the biomagnetic field after purifications and transformation, Does not absorb negativity, does not need to be cleansed.
Blood stone, promotes blood formation. Good for blood circulation. Stimulates iron absorption and red blood cell formation. Particularly effective for anchoring and protecting. Harmonizes mind, body and spirit. Yang stone which balances the meridians , straightening yin imbalances. Dispels negativity and prevents negative energy from entering the aura. Believed to be beneficial for legal issues.
Other stones to balance the meridians :
- Apatite
- Hematite
Below you will find complementary stones taken from the works of lithotherapy experts, having the same virtues to respond to your problem. You can therefore choose them according to your preferences (colors / chakras / energy....).
The stones recommended by Judy Hall : Fire Agate, Angelite, Apatite, Atacamite, Boji, Dioptase, Pyrite .
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